Sooke reports - August 2006

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Think it has, drove to Gordon Beach last night, 1 boat at Otter, mind you wind had subzided, saw Sockeye slashing top of the water close to shore. Got to get out there,coho should be showing soon. Wolfs report interesting with the big catches out there. Had poor results 2 nights in a row off Secretary,couple sockeye hookups,lost. So much bait out there. Evening comes and I think they gorged out from feeding all day. My theory anyhow.
Yeah. Who is that Natural High boat? Is that dude on here?
He had some serious fishing mojo happening last week off Secretary too. A crowd of boats waiting for fish and those two guys waltz in and pick up 3 big springs, bang, bang, bang every 10 minutes. I'd like to know what he knows.
He usually fish's by himself. He is a local, and if you watch guys like him and the spots he fishes you might learn something. It's called keeping your eyes open. Good on him with the 40's he puts alot of time in..
Yes Tom davis got a 42 lber yesterday off of sec. we got a 31,and a 22 but it was short lived bite from 1 to 2:30 heard of a few caught down at the trap as well I tried up at otter for the change yesterday BUST[V] looks like the spring fishing is winding down im seeing the odd coho but nothing hot and heavy yet got about a 14 lber the other day but it was wild and thankfully he was barely hooked he will live!!!!! out again today and the weekend.

Good luck Wolf
I wouldn't write it off yet, boys. Fishing has been crazy good in Renfrew so maybe they're heading this way. Let's hope... I'll be out on Sunday.
quote:Originally posted by Tsquared

I wouldn't write it off yet, boys. Fishing has been crazy good in Renfrew so maybe they're heading this way. Let's hope... I'll be out on Sunday.

Today was "crazy" slow at Logan...a whole fleet of heavy hitters pounded away with minimal returns, we boated only one #20. Heard yesterday was slow as well, hopefully just a blip.
Got in just before it the guests had a res. at 2 pm for the ferry so couldnt stay sure wanted to but the guests didnt so be it out agaain alday tommorow let you all know!!!!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
i heard its gona rain tonight(friday). hopefully it rains a little bit, to bring in more fish so they sit out by otter and secertary with the others
Pretty good blast of rain last night should prove interesting! Smell of fresh and the monster tides should bring some Coho in and hopfully get a fresh dose of Springs moving.Could be a good day for us buckin the big currents on the water today.

Good Luck!
Well it was bleak out there for us today. We fished Possession/Secretary from 6 til 7:30 with nothing happening so we ran up to Otter and fished till noon with nothing to show but 2 small Jack Springs released.
At that time the wind was starting to pick up so we pulled the plug and called it a day.
I hope the rest of u had better luck than us.

We went out at 6 and about 8-9we had 3 and lost 3 18#and 2 about 10#. We found a good size bait ball and sat on it, around and around.We were off at noon and got the last one pulling the gear to go,1 about14#.All in all a better day then I excepted,I thought that we would be in the rain and wind.All said,I only saw 2 other fish caught and there were no fish at the dock.
Rough and slow got a couple today but man had to work for them 25 was the biggest im afraid to say they are GONE saw hurston this am and from all the reports I heard and saw very few fish around if you get them your lucky.

Good luck Wolf
Its like every other sept. they just go???? dont know where but I have been noticing fish jumping in sooke basin itself and in front of the river im out again monday hope I can get at least 1 thats what im now shooting for!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
We covered alot of water yesterday and only managed two around 10 -14 lbs. No Coho and very little action. Birds everywhere? Water temp sure dropped quick in the last few days.

Time left for a few September Hali trips off Vic, and the Annual Boyz camping trip in Renny for the Coho And Spring Bonanza! Thats it, another great summer season winds down.....
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