Sooke Public Boat Launch

Place signs in front of the long stalls that say “Parking for boat launch only. Vehicles without attached boat trailers will be towed at owners expense”.
That isn't a reflection of a parking issue, it's a management issue. The Prestige knows how many vehicles it can accommodate and should have made alternate parking arrangements - good corporate citizen, service / safety and all that. The DOS should issue a penalty warning.
The trailer spaces are posted. This is the DoS hosting a convention. It looked like Jocks was picking up some extra cash with vehicles parked over there too. This is one of those low tide days you couldn't launch at Jocks.
Honestly I never had a problem with the launch or parking but I'm lucky I guess.

Get there early or wait and fish the afternoon/night bite you'll get parking at prestige. If your launching at 9am on the Saturday of a long weekend in august don't forget about sunny shores nice deep launch with lots of parking.

Hope you guys get it sorted I like the new launch but can also use Jocks just fine with my 17ft boat the reason I chose prestige was you can't beat free.
GDW good post. The main idea was to have a launch. Yes bad planning but that goes on all the time. DOS will have to deal with it now or the same problem with parking on the road will happen this summer. Look at this convention is anybody really upset for a couple of days with cars on the road? No they shouldn't be in the turn around or the stalls but thats up to the hotel to police or an anglers assc. What kind of dollars is the hotel bringing into the community now that it is up and running. I don't see those dollars before coming into Sooke.
So the DOS can park cars all the way down the road, but fishers are a hazard. Speaks directly to the fact that the parking issue is only intended to force fishers to pay Jocks. Out of one taxpayer's pocket and into another.
One of the essential pieces of the the proposal will be a derby. I like the Ucluelet model. I would like to tie the launch/parking fee to a derby to ease the pain.
Keep it simple guys....thursday is going to be a very long night.... Derbys and coupons are the last thing we need to talk about right now....

What the Smith's i hope understand is that we do need them to be a part of the Sooke Anglers Association. My vision that i have talked about in my letters to council and on here on page to direct the non association members to the smiths property to pay the smith's for use of there land. I am just trying to keep the few spots on the Sooke/Prestige driveway available to the association members, and coast guard auxilary vehicles for emergency's.

Do you know what the sad things is about this whole seems like our last previous mayor and planners have left our community with a big mess....about 4 years ago i stood up to them at 23? years old and told our mayor that instead of Sooke spending money on the board walk....they should be putting in a side walk from Sooke to Whiffin SPit....Sooke road needs to be widened that whole stretch with obviously room for parking near the hotel for there big events....BUT supposively this is a highways issue.??? i dont know who's issue is what anymore ...but when a bicyclist gets hit because of someone pulling out while parked on the side of the highway around 4 to 9 pm as the sun is at there back....THEN it will be a time for all parties involved with the HOTEL, LAUNCH, HIGHWAYS, SOOKE, SMITH"S, to do something about the problems our previous city workers that are no longer here planned to see!

My vision spreads out the boats and trailers between the smith's and prestige, gives local tax payers a reasonable opportunity to use what was promised to them with out worrying about the Prestige letting people stay at there hotel for a week and to also take up one of the spots for that time.( they would have to go to smith's or rumsby's to store there trailer)

We dont need a derby to help ease the pain. Theres enough derby's out there already. Derby's in Sooke should be focused on the Food Bank and salmon enhancement. If the Sooke Anglers Association wants to make up a trophy and do something on the side...thats fine, but for right now lets keep it simple. 40 or 50 bucks for an annual membership is plenty.

I want to work with the Smiths and especially Eldon. It is sure nice having him there for a relaxing place to sit, talk fishin, and buy my bait and hooks and line etc! I think he would benefit my taking down that wall that seperates him from the launch. Hell if i was the Prestige i would want my guests to look at how us Sookies like to finish the sides of our buildings! Tourists love the look of CEDAR!

This town has so much potential.
I'm not local but do use the ramp a lot. I have never really had a problem parking, the odd time I have had to park on the highway( I guess I get there earlier than most)privileged. I don't like the idea of privileged parking, I say first come first served. I do agree keep it simple. Someone there to police the parking and collect the ramp fee's and to keep up on the maintenance. JMHO
Well I hope the big crowd is gone now as I'll be launching early in the morning.
As a sooke resident we dont want people parking on the road. there is only enough room for a vehicle...and zero room for pedestrians and bikes...especially when you open your door or pull out...the road is too busy for trucks and trailers.
Its an accident that has not happened yet...but one i can easily see happening. Theres enough room down there between jocks and prestige to get everyone in on a busy that you have to pay at the prestige why wouldnt people use the new ramp but park at jocks for the same price. Your right DOS / or highways should recognize this problem and put signs up yes...something we will talk about on thursday...but the hotel wont let this happen...they need the road for there big events....and all of the boat stalls! hah
I talked to the area manager at MoT yesterday. They are investigating the parking issue along the highway, and while they have not made a decision to restrict it, she told me not to count on the parking in our proposal.
SEEMS like a CLUSTER f$%k to me

not to count on the parking in our proposal.

REALLY but its ok for the overflow of of convention remember SNL and church chat!!!! "HOW CONVENIENT "
SEEMS like a CLUSTER f$%k to me


REALLY but its ok for the overflow of of convention remember SNL and church chat!!!! "HOW CONVENIENT "

She was implying it is going to be shut down, which will mean no parking signs.
THATS what I meant ..... as if they didnt know going into this there was going to be a parking issue as a tax payer im outraged at the backyard deals it appears to be going on shame on council ...... JOCKS got over a million dollars from what ive heard and they are worried there not getting an avg of a 100 bucks a day GREED is all i can say......
Just so I get this right is the new system going to be come to the ramp and launch the boat, pay launch fee hope I get a parking spot(but only if I'm a member if that goes through). If I don't get a parking spot I have to go next store and pay again to park at Jocks(because I now can't park on the road). Can I even get in and out of Jocks parking lot, I don't know never ever been there because any boat I've ever own could launch there. I'm now towing a 23ft boat with a full size quad cab. I just don't fit in anywhere. If this is the "NEW System" I'll be going back to Sunny Shores or Cheeana and the town of Sooke will not see one dime of mine. Thanks for coming. To me this now looks like the most expensive launch on the Island. Is this really the way it is going to be or am I reading this wrong. Please tell me I'm wrong.
Please tell me I'm wrong.

It's a public launch and there is no chance the DoS will make it a member's only thing. They probably can't, legally. They are putting out a request for proposals for a facility operator. It needs to be run properly. There is not even a fish cleaning station, and even though there is a sewer connection to the head pump there is no bathroom.
"proposals for a facility operator. It needs to be run properly." It is pavement, a few parking stalls, and a bit of water. Other than standing by with scuba equipment for the newbys, dragging 90% of the launch fees out of the tin box, and setting up a hot-dog stand, WTF is there to manage? I think one way or another there are people determined to see this "de facto' privatized. I'll be watching the fiasco from the marina as well (I mean Port Renfrew Marina.)
It's a public launch and there is no chance the DoS will make it a member's only thing. They probably can't, legally. They are putting out a request for proposals for a facility operator. It needs to be run properly. There is not even a fish cleaning station, and even though there is a sewer connection to the head pump there is no bathroom.
OK so I might be able to park in the last couple spots before the road(as that is the only spots that I fit in) or I'm at Jocks and still don't even know if I fit in there either and pay again to park. Again I pay twice. As for the fish cleaning station and washroom, don't really care. I clean my fish on the boat and I'm a big boy now and can wait to use the washroom. Besides I can just see it now, buddy comes in and either starts cleaning his fish or goes running to the can for a ****, all the while holding everyone behind him up. Or puts the boat on the trailer and pulls up to what,side of the driveway and still holds everyone up. All they really had to do was look at the Sidney ramp. Tow lanes, lots of parking and no cleaning table and I bet twice as many people use that ramp and there is no issues there. All the Sooke ramp needs is someone to collect the money and police the ramp, thats all. If it was planned properly from the start they wouldn't even need that.
Just to make it clear I'm not picking on you SIRA, this was the town of Sooke that made this problem.