Sooke Public Boat Launch

The parking/launch fee doesn't make the case for anything except leveling out unfair competition to private launch operators. The case will be made in added value that the proponent brings to the operation of the launch. To date that has been nothing.
Last call for boat launch advisory committee

The site visit is 10 am Tuesday, and we will convene a meeting Tuesday evening to pull it all together. Time & place TBA
i havent read through all the pages, but unless i am missing something - these days, it it either you provide all the necessities (parking, cleaning, good area, etc) or you aint going to make it...
As RFP respondents we can not contact members of council. However, if you think our proposal has merit, there is nothing to keep private individuals from doing so. Personally, I think there is more to our vision than funding the search & rescue society or Jock's Dock.
There have been persistent rumours about the Prestige fuel dock and marina. Here are the engineering drawings.

I can confirm that the District plans project a private marina on the District water lot, and that the electrical infrastructure & tanks are in place. The Prestige has indicated that the marina will be developed by a separate ownnership group.

Provincial approval is evidently not in place, and the environmental study paid for by the District recommends that no fuel faciliy be permitted in the harbour.
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Actually funding the SAR Society with the launch fees would be the better and most direct way to keep the fees public and enhance safety on the water. That I can support.
Funding SAR does nothing toward funding the boat launch, and it has been stated that they have to move the float due to insufficient water depth.
The boat launch is already funded and the fee is only there to placate a private business - a Sheriff of Nottingham approach. Allocating the fee to a non-profit is the only solution IMO.
The boat launch is not funded. That is the point of the RFP. There is a big difference between the capital funding and the operational funding.
McGregor Park is also not operationally funded and neither are many other municipal amenties. The boat launch fee is a farce and no private entity should be anywhere near it's operation.
The Fleming Beach facility was both capitalized and is operationalized by private funding. The fact that a non-profit did it is the entire point of a private enterprise sponsor leveraging donations through a N/P to gain more than the sum of the parts.
Sometimes the whole is just bigger. The premise of this thread seems to have been lost to privatization.
sooke launch

3 million price tag they couldn't squeeze a fish cleaning station and small washroom into their budget?

I'd do an annual pass if it's reasonable ($40-$50 maximum for a non sooke resident).

could someone please up date me on the current statis of the new boat launch beside Joks dock?? Do we now pay? How much? Is there a collection box on the premises or a person there to collect ???? Thanx for any info.. Cheers C.A. and has it been very busy latley ?
could someone please up date me on the current statis of the new boat launch beside Joks dock?? Do we now pay? How much? Is there a collection box on the premises or a person there to collect ???? Thanx for any info.. Cheers C.A. and has it been very busy latley ?

There is a collection Box on the premises (on the small white building at the circle) and a person from Jock's Dock collects the money. The sign asks for $10.- and as far as I know that included using the washroom and cleaning facilities from Jock's Dock.

There have been persistent rumours about the Prestige fuel dock and marina. Here are the engineering drawings.

I can confirm that the District plans project a private marina on the District water lot, and that the electrical infrastructure & tanks are in place. The Prestige has indicated that the marina will be developed by a separate ownnership group.

Provincial approval is evidently not in place, and the environmental study paid for by the District recommends that no fuel faciliy be permitted in the harbour.

Clearly whoever did the environmental study recommending no fuel dock does not understand the alternative which currently exists, There is the environmental impact of burning up fuel to go way down the other end to the Sunny Shores fuel dock or what many are doing which is hump down gerry cans to your boat and hold them over the side of your boat and slop in the gas. Some I know have bigger tanks which they pump the fuel from into their boat. When one considers how many docks and boats there are and how big the demand is for fuel. That is a lot of gerry cans and there is arguably a lot more potential for spills with the manual human error slop in the gas over the side of your boat gerry can system while trying to get fueled up fast to go fishing than there ever will be from a more professional gas station like fuel dock and the high technical standards that are required of them.
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There is a collection Box on the premises (on the small white building at the circle) and a person from Jock's Dock collects the money. The sign asks for $10.- and as far as I know that included using the washroom and cleaning facilities from Jock's Dock.


thank you michael for reply and info. cheers C.A.
The boat launch RFP is on the agenda for Monday night's council meeting. Staff just gutted our proposal and recommended the DoS operate it pretty much as is, with the assistance of bylaw enforcement. They said they would inform the proponents when it was going to council, and that didn't happen either. I'll be there to speak to it.
We seem to be making progress on getting an operational agreement in place, and none too soon. The rip-rap bed is washing out from under the launch slab and other routine maintenance issues are heading toward major structural failure. To date the launch fees have been donated to the food bank instead of being reinvested into the facility.

$60 annual pass for locals has been proposed and $10 for one-offs. Annual out of town is $120.