3 million price tag they couldn't squeeze a fish cleaning station and small washroom into their budget?
I'd do an annual pass if it's reasonable ($40-$50 maximum for a non sooke resident).
Good Planning...not! At least where is the fuel dock?
could someone please up date me on the current statis of the new boat launch beside Joks dock?? Do we now pay? How much? Is there a collection box on the premises or a person there to collect ???? Thanx for any info.. Cheers C.A. and has it been very busy latley ?
There have been persistent rumours about the Prestige fuel dock and marina. Here are the engineering drawings. http://sooke.ca/EN/main/documents/documents/BoatLaunchEngineeringDrawings.pdf
I can confirm that the District plans project a private marina on the District water lot, and that the electrical infrastructure & tanks are in place. The Prestige has indicated that the marina will be developed by a separate ownnership group.
Provincial approval is evidently not in place, and the environmental study paid for by the District recommends that no fuel faciliy be permitted in the harbour.
There is a collection Box on the premises (on the small white building at the circle) and a person from Jock's Dock collects the money. The sign asks for $10.- and as far as I know that included using the washroom and cleaning facilities from Jock's Dock.