Sooke Public Boat Launch

From the Mitt Romney School of Dog Care.... ;-)
Originally Posted by SIRA

Why not use the car wash? We have two of them. You can tie the dog to the bumper and wash it too.

actually some dogs pee on tires; we could use a washroom....;)
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Just back it into the salt chuck, that will wash it off. The dog too.
They actually spent almost 3 million on that poorly designed boat launch with pitiful parking that is already falling apart and has virtually nothing in terms of the standard available supports. Makes me wonder if the washroom fixtures and fish cleaning station are made out of solid gold but then you don’t have those. The way it is now, free access is over charging.

Esq. is an example of a well-designed and efficiently run and maintained boat launch. Lots of close available drive around and through vehicle/trailer parking without the slowdown effect of congestion and having to back up with a trailer, other than while actually on the ramp. Also it is an extra wide launch with very long floating wharfs on each side to accommodate a lot of simultaneous launch and retrievals and few if any boats having to wait for a spot at the dock when coming back in. There is also a good stainless fishing cleaning station, close access clean public washrooms, security cameras and notice board etc.

As for the council it would seem there is not a lot of business acumen. If nonresidents perceive they are being price gauged relative to residents by a multi-tiered billing system they just may vote with their feet and not spread their money around in local Sooke bars and restaurants, hotels, campgrounds, gas stations and stores.

Even if they grudgingly pay it, they may make a point of waiting to they get to the Western Communities on the way back to Victoria to spread a little love around where they at least don’t feel not appreciated.

It may well become an emotional issue and people become downright resistant when they perceive they are being exploited.

You want them to feel like valued welcome guests as that keeps them happy and happy people spend money locally.

The Victoria core municipalities have some class and would not be likely to do such a thing but if they did start to charge Sooke residents surcharges for access to their much greater supply of public infrastructure, Sooke residents would be at a significant financial disadvantage.

This would seem to be a case of trying to grab some pennies and ending up dropping a lot of dollars.

They also need to revisit the decision not to put in a floating fuel dock. Many of those in the west end of the harbor are not going to drive their boats all the way down to Sunny Shores to gas up and dragging jerry cans down to marina boats and slopping gas in is not exactly environmentally friendly compared to a well-designed spill resistant fuel dock in addition to being much less convenient and welcoming for boaters. A fuel dock could also generate income for Sooke.
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Meeting #3 tomorrow. Hopefully contract going to council May 12.
Meeting #3 tomorrow. Hopefully contract going to council May 12.

thanks for the update, watched the video stream from April 7th so was hoping it would be resolved soon. Anymore word if there entertaining the idea of an annual pass?
Hi, any update on this? Didnt see it in the regular council meeting on the 12th... Hopfully its not another dead issue.

Should be on tomorrow's council agenda for public release.
Was on council agenda for the meeting June 9. Any decision made? Where/how do I pay for and get my Sooke resident annual pass?

In the interest of disclosure, I am a principal in 0881301 BC Ltd., and the company is the primary sponsor of SIRA. The terms of the contract and fee bylaw were dictated to us, and after more meetings than I can remember in the 1 1/2 years since the RFP went out, my position was finally "tell me what you want and I'll make it work." That apparently did it.

Although not a condition of the contract, we are funding the fish cleaning station, and I will release the concept drawings in the next couple of weeks. It's a double sided 6 position teflon cutting surface aluminum table with water hose at each of the 6 cleaning stations and a canopy over the whole thing. It's intended to be a derby class structure that can act as a media backdrop to promote derbies and recreational fishing.

If I can pull in partner sponsors, it will include a derby scale with a web enabled electronic leaderboard that can push out to smart phones etc., so you don't have to come in to find out if you're even in the game, and a media feed so your favorite derby can go live on the internet and TV.

We'll be fishing the derbies, so I hope to meet the fishing community in person at the derbies and on the launch, and carry your comments back to the DoS.

We have invested in a world class facility, and now it's going on the map!

More to come.

Oh, ya, for those that fish fresh water, hunt, and ATV, I'm the "Harbourview Road access to Sooke Mountain Park" guy that we recently shoved up the CRD *ss. Don't lose track of what we're doing when you think of bitching about launching a $150,000 rig for $10. The boat launch contract is a loss leader to better things!
This is way bigger issue we need answered what happens to SAR with this plan of yours? My suggestion fix the ramp, more parking, make it so search and rescue boat can get out to save us in an emergency,and get a deal with Smiths next door so you can both enhance both ramps/ share facilities. That's what we need more... Smith already have a washroom and a table...Why not just work it out with them? These are great ideas but the derbies we hold are pretty equipped already with what you are presenting...

From Sooke mirror:

"Rob Roe came before council representing the Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue, who have their rescue boat at the public boat launch. He said they had been told dredging of the harbour would be done to accommodate their boat, but nothing had been done.

Apparently RCMSR does not have a lease with the district for use of the dock or any access to on-site parking.

It was mentioned that “staff of the day had no authority to put you there.”

It was also mentioned RCMSR was responsible for the entire geographical area stretching all along the west coast of the Island, including other jurisdictions.

Council made a motion to direct staff to review the entire boat launch facility in regard to dredging, parking, lease, etc."
Both the Smith's and Mr. Roe were invited to participate in our proposal submission, and both refused. Mr. Roe continues to refuse to engage, and prefers to deal directly with Mayor Milne. Some of the things stated by Mr. Roe to council in regards to positioning the SAR at the government dock are incorrect.

The offer to bring both their interest's to the operation of the launch still stands.
Both the Smith's and Mr. Roe were invited to participate in our proposal submission, and both refused. Mr. Roe continues to refuse to engage, and prefers to deal directly with Mayor Milne. Some of the things stated by Mr. Roe to council in regards to positioning the SAR at the government dock are incorrect.

The offer to bring both their interest's to the operation of the launch still stands.

Mr Martin as you are very aware my organisation submitted a competing proposal to run the Sooke boat launch that would have seen the profits go to the local non-profit organisation that provides 24/7/365 marine rescue services in the area. As such I’m sure you can understand why I declined your offer to participate in a proposal that would have seen you profit rather than a lifesaving charity.
I would also like to point out that at the time all of my direct dealings with Mayor Milne and his staff your company had not been awarded the contract to run the boat launch and as such any of the discussions that took place were none of your business.
I also look forward to your detailed explanation of why my statement regarding the government dock are “incorrect” ?
From the News Mirror article "The district will collect all of the revenues with 90% going to the operator. Revenue from the boat launch in 2013 was $5,499". Can you tell me if this is a typo? Because if I read this right, that sounds like $549.90 per year in cost recovery is all that separated us from having the no-fee boat launch promised years ago.
This thread should be closed. The launch sucks. there is no parking. No washroom no cleaning. Maybe you should build a new launch with the proper facilities and charge people.
Be happy with the people that come into sooke to use it and spend money in the town.
Well said Steve.. But as a tax payer at the time this launch was built with the promise this would be a FREE launch.. I will never pay a dime to launch..
What a nightmare!! To bad when this ramp was first talked about the town didn't just find the appropriate parcel of land after consulting with people who use these types of facilities. Then give a Sooke version of the Esquimalt Anglers a budget to put in facilities and then let them run it and maintain it with annual dues and volunteer work parties. It has worked like a charm in Esquimalt.
Congrats to SIRA. You worked a long time to secure this deal. good luck I hope it works out as you plan.
What a nightmare!! To bad when this ramp was first talked about the town didn't just find the appropriate parcel of land after consulting with people who use these types of facilities. Then give a Sooke version of the Esquimalt Anglers a budget to put in facilities and then let them run it and maintain it with annual dues and volunteer work parties. It has worked like a charm in Esquimalt.

Couldn't agree with you more. We really need that butler bros site.