Sooke Public Boat Launch

It must be a mistake
Locals are going to get a permit for $60 and then pay up to $10 for parking per trip So the reality is locals are paying more
What fu**en moron thought that up
Bylaw 591 sets the fees for use of the public boat launch at $10 a day per boat (includes parking). A 12-month boat launch permit will cost a local resident $60 and a non-resident $120. Parking will be $2 per hour and $10 for 24-hours.
Someone tell me I am reading this wrong
I'm sure that local elections are coming soon
or just use the launch and dont park on there property..its impossible to park anywhere on the hotel property if you have a larger boat.
If you guys start doing that then when we hold events down there no one will be able to park up top on the road. As much as I don't like the situation please pay its a bylaw now. Don't screw it for everyone else. We organize an event down there and parking is hard enough in summer.

If tide is good just use jocks same price and better facilities...Just sucks at low tide. Any how last comment on this its sounds like a done deal. Sooke eventually needs a better ramp situation in time....
It must be a mistake
Locals are going to get a permit for $60 and then pay up to $10 for parking per trip So the reality is locals are paying more
What fu**en moron thought that up
Bylaw 591 sets the fees for use of the public boat launch at $10 a day per boat (includes parking). A 12-month boat launch permit will cost a local resident $60 and a non-resident $120. Parking will be $2 per hour and $10 for 24-hours.
Someone tell me I am reading this wrong
I'm sure that local elections are coming soon

No mistake, you've misread the bylaw. It clearly states, in capital letters, that the boat launch permits INCLUDE PARKING.
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my trailer and truck is too large for the skimpy little parking spaces anyways. So i can never park on property anyway, I wont be paying for parking
I 3rd pro's recommendation...time for Sooke to pony up and say no to backroom deals!
The numbers are starting to come in, and it's about what we expected. About 3 of 4 launches are going in with no payment. Since all of the revenue is being returned to operations, what the freeloaders are doing is crippling our ability to make any improvements.

There's a portapotty going in on Monday, and the concept drawings are nearly complete for the fish cleaning station. For the 1 in 4 that ponied up the $10, give yourselves an attaboy.
You can't expect people to pay...the launch was built on the basis to be a free public launch..not something to generate income like esq anglers. Were the hell where you when they planned this why did you speak up and find a more suitable area for the launch?? honestly don't think any improvements will do anything.
Parking sucks. I've never been able to park there spots are way too short..The launch has one dock almost ridiculous in the summer people going in an out.
I guess adding washroom and fish cleaning would help. But then again it's been without them for how long now? People seem to be managing.
Sira I hope this isn't your day job your wasting far to much time on this. Go volunteer for a charity or something and do good for the community.

My 2 cents

The numbers are starting to come in, and it's about what we expected. About 3 of 4 launches are going in with no payment. Since all of the revenue is being returned to operations, what the freeloaders are doing is crippling our ability to make any improvements.

There's a portapotty going in on Monday, and the concept drawings are nearly complete for the fish cleaning station. For the 1 in 4 that ponied up the $10, give yourselves an attaboy.
Share the vision!

This is what the freeloaders will cost us.

roughedit3Addfish cleaning table (Large).jpg
You can't expect people to pay...the launch was built on the basis to be a free public launch..

Check your facts. Free was nothing more than a rumour started by Janet Evans. It was never intended to be free, and that is a fact that is spelled out in the pre-planning consulting reports. What we are trying to accomplish is to maximize the benefit to the recreational fishing industry and the community as a whole. Anyone that wants "free" is "free" not to use the facility.

What blows me away is that some of the biggest rigs that went in for nothing are the ones that didn't pay, and they are attached to vehicles with names of businesses on them.
I've paid when the envelopes were there to prove I paid. There was one occasion I didn't have a ten dollar bill so put in a twenty the next time. However the last time there were no envelopes so how do would you know who paid and who didn't. A suggestion. Get a ticket dispenser so those of us with businesses can avoid laying tax on expenses. I would like a receipt so I can claim it as an expense.
The numbers are starting to come in, and it's about what we expected. About 3 of 4 launches are going in with no payment. Since all of the revenue is being returned to operations, what the freeloaders are doing is crippling our ability to make any improvements.

As an agent for the municipality, your first public action is to call out 75% of the users as "freeloaders?" Did it occur to you that those "freeloaders" may be waiting to buy their annual pass? Also, please expand on "operations" as it relates to this launch. Is your private company taking fees for this and/or are there employees, subcontractors, directors being paid in wages, fees, or other remuneration? I'm personally not interested in paying a private individual or private company for the use of this municipal amenity.
Until I buy an annual pass, if I do, I'll happily park free; otherwise, I'll pay Jock's Dock the $10 fee for the use of their private property.

BTW, I drove by the launch on Saturday and saw approximately 25-30% of the stalls empty - wasn't there a big derby on? Has the Municipality screwed this up so bad that people don't want to come here?
Only comment I can make is start engaging with your neighbors and coming up with an agreement for parking... Until parking changes I can see your still going to have issue I am afraid. Most including me would vote for more parking and an additional few fingers/dredging on other side so at least a few boats could be coming in there when they are going out....It can be a hassle when coming in..

I would rather that get sorted out before the fancy stuff....I know you want a big fancy table...But you can make just a basic table...Why not talk to Crab Shack next door for some help..Maybe you could work it out with Sooke bank food donations he does for charity to put signage up to donate catch...Ask him surely someone in community already has a table lying around....

If you had the parking and two sides the ramp would be ideal.

Also just a note there were at least both days 4-5 cars in trailer stalls from hotel. That happens all the time, and even in winter...I have been there some day and its 60% full because the people in hotel have no place to park.
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The numbers are starting to come in, and it's about what we expected. About 3 of 4 launches are going in with no payment. Since all of the revenue is being returned to operations, what the freeloaders are doing is crippling our ability to make any improvements.

As an agent for the municipality, your first public action is to call out 75% of the users as "freeloaders?" Did it occur to you that those "freeloaders" may be waiting to buy their annual pass? Also, please expand on "operations" as it relates to this launch. Is your private company taking fees for this and/or are there employees, subcontractors, directors being paid in wages, fees, or other remuneration? I'm personally not interested in paying a private individual or private company for the use of this municipal amenity.
Until I buy an annual pass, if I do, I'll happily park free; otherwise, I'll pay Jock's Dock the $10 fee for the use of their private property.

BTW, I drove by the launch on Saturday and saw approximately 25-30% of the stalls empty - wasn't there a big derby on? Has the Municipality screwed this up so bad that people don't want to come here?

1) I'm not an agent for the District. I have no capacity to make them do anything, and I am certainly not responsible for what they do. The best I can do is try to exert some influence.
2) Until the new fee bylaw is passed there is no annual pass.
3) The contract as it was adopted (available online here) was gutted of all commercial value and is essentially a loss leader. My company is the principal sponsor of the boat launch. The anticipated revenue will not even cover costs, and my company will have to make up the shortfall. Every time someone launches for free my company pays $9 of the $10 fee. The taxpayers of Sooke get stuck with the other $1.
4) The derby was the Alpine derby in Pedder Bay. We hope to make the launch "derby central" and get more derbies working for Sooke.
5) The side of the highway is available for free for anyone to park up to 72 hours.
Only comment I can make is start engaging with your neighbors and coming up with an agreement for parking... Until parking changes I can see your still going to have issue I am afraid. Most including me would vote for more parking and an additional few fingers/dredging on other side so at least a few boats could be coming in there when they are going out....It can be a hassle when coming in..

I would rather that get sorted out before the fancy stuff....I know you want a big fancy table...But you can make just a basic table...Why not talk to Crab Shack next door for some help..Maybe you could work it out with Sooke bank food donations he does for charity to put signage up to donate catch...Ask him surely someone in community already has a table lying around....

If you had the parking and two sides the ramp would be ideal.

Also just a note there were at least both days 4-5 cars in trailer stalls from hotel. That happens all the time, and even in winter...I have been there some day and its 60% full because the people in hotel have no place to park.

The fish cleaning station is designed to pull in sponsorship funding and act as a media backdrop and community facility for events like derbies. We will be working on the Prestige parking problem.
The fish cleaning station is designed to pull in sponsorship funding and act as a media backdrop and community facility for events like derbies. We will be working on the Prestige parking problem.

A single finger launch and extremely poor parking (how did this get approved in the first place with that design) just isn't worth what's being asked.
How is it Esquimalt survives and thrives with ~$50/yr annual passes (even a commercial pass is only $100) and they have a great launch, though admittedly not the greatest cleaning station.

Not that it matters at this point but in order of importance to get me to use the launch it'd be

Fix the parking - 30%+ more spots at least and room for bigger boats (mines only 15ft)
Another dock/finger - a single is a nightmare in busy times. You're going to try and run derbies from here with one?
revamp the fee's, give transparency to the costs and come to a compromise.

way down the list is a cleaning station.

That's just my 2 cents.
poop deck added. Currently investigating feasibility of locating full washroom inside the shack, or alternatively extending it. It can make the difference between fishing and no fishing if there is a lady in the decision tree. (or even boat or no boat, if you know what I mean.)toilet.jpg
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