Sooke Public Boat Launch

They passed the bylaw last night with no changes. I told them it had to be split out, but you pay for parking whether or not there is any. Passes available at city hall. It's not clear what they mean with "non-commercial only."

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Excellent. Can I buy my annual pass today?

As far as I know there should be something available. Call the DoS

District of Sooke
2205 Otter Point Road Sooke BC V9Z 1J2
Phone 250-642-1634 Fax 250-642-0541
Municipal Office Hours:
8:30am – 4:30pm
Monday – Friday
Passes are available. I got the first one (0001) this morning while I was paying my taxes. The lady behind the desk was very helpfuly.

Evidently "non-commercial only" means you can't run a business from the boat launch, it doesn't mean you can't launch a commercial boat.
Like how he has a sign on the door so everyone knows what a dumb butt he is. It's not like he couldn't fit in that spot. Some people I just don't get.

To be fair to the individual I removed the original post. Judging by the way the vehicle was blocked today, it was a standard and had rolled back. Some of the parking is on a fairly steep slope, so make sure your parking brake holds, and set it!

Kudos to the fact there was a payment receipt on the windshield today!
To be fair to the individual I removed the original post. Judging by the way the vehicle was blocked today, it was a standard and had rolled back. Some of the parking is on a fairly steep slope, so make sure your parking brake holds, and set it!

Kudos to the fact there was a payment receipt on the windshield today!
If that was truly the case I too apologize.
Terrance where are we the cleaning table we are blocked from Jock's and still having to clean fish below? If you can't get approved can you talk to R.Roe and ask if him he still has that cleaning table available at least temporary? I generally am taking them home doing it there as is a pain in the butt.

And is there security video on the ramp I though prestige had one. I was one of the boat trailers that was vandalized few days ago on Friday trailer parked 10-3. Stole rollers off front mid morning...Was no accident they were bent and pried off. Never had someone do that.. I looked closely to determine of they had simply broke off..Not the case.

I wasn't the only one.
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So yesterday came down and the ramp stalls nearly 70% of them had people parked from hotel into them. Many had to park on street/trailers. This is entire shift at the ramp is disappointing... Should have been left free if this will be the case.... All we have is a washroom still no cleaning table, and zero parking enforcement. I am sending a letter to the city I encourage many of you who are fed up to do the same.
The more things change the more they stay the same The only thing they did was to enforce paying not parking to put money in their jeans At least the Smiths didn't hassle anybody and they did donate most of the money
As usual Hotel cars parked in 45ft spots this weekend so asked the attendant "again" how the enforcement was coming along and she told me that they just received a letter stating that the hotel has rights to let people park there.
Past responses (I ask every time) have been that they are working on it.

Your tax dollars at work?
Sounds like not very clear or well done deal when this was built.
Prestige Hotel win!

Also had to point out to someone a couple of weeks ago that "no, you can not stand in a parking spot and hold it for your buddy while he is 4 boats behind me in line waiting to launch. Doesn't work that way. Early bird gets the spot"

Nice to have an out house now and the attendants are chatty and nice.

This ramp is a joke. Jocks dock will be getting my moorage next year so I don't have to spend a dime more at this place. Can't believe a launch is $10. With parking, and cleaning fish in the dirt beside the ramp I'll be going elsewhere.
Dont have time to read this whole thread but I launch there regularly and every single f in time I have to park on the road!! The whole thing was poorly designed . Spots are too short for us with bigger boats and most the time they are taken up buy hotel guests. Every time I see a post on this I comment. Its the hugest scam going launch got built with tax dollars. Big deal you put a out house in thats peanuts. Also I see there is a pump out and honestly who uses that? Paying ten dollars or buying a yearly pass is nothing. But when you get charged for a no parking single dock launch its a joke.
I like this launch I think its great. Look at the brightside

#1 I got to use if for free for awhile when it was brand new and parking was fine.
#2 It draws traffic away from the launch I currently use.
#3 It can be a gong show with no parking meaning guys take a bit longer getting out giving us guys already out there another 15 minutes before you arrive.
"SIRA is getting in position to submit a response to the upcoming RFP for facility operator for the new boat launch." I'm still trying to reconcile the 1st post by "SIRA" with the obvious and expected outcome:
"District of Sooke council gave the go ahead for a numbered company, headed by Terrance Martin, to run and maintain the public boat launch."

A couple other comments: DOS started this because they didn't want to put a local business, out of business. The reality, the DOS launch is still full with trailers 1/2 a mile up the highway and Jock's has 2 trailers in the yard. There was also a great concern around the safety issues with people parking on the highway (in reality the concern was that they weren't paying.) Now that the launch is run privately, highway parking is encouraged?

Other than buying the $60 pass, I encourage everyone that can to launch at Jocks or Sunny Shores and pay them $10 for the use of their private facilities. AND, please remember this whole debacle at voting time.