Sooke Public Boat Launch

Would you guys feel better if the ramp wasn't there at all? Be thankful for what you have. I drive by there on a Saturday morning and maybe see a dozen rigs parked on the road. I'm betting many of those outfits complete with boat are worth over 60G. Ironic how those with the the most money are the cheapest and biggest whiners.
Would you guys feel better if the ramp wasn't there at all? Be thankful for what you have. I drive by there on a Saturday morning and maybe see a dozen rigs parked on the road. I'm betting many of those outfits complete with boat are worth over 60G. Ironic how those with the the most money are the cheapest and biggest whiners.
Are you kidding me. Most of those 60G rigs can't park in the spaces because they can't fit in the figgen parking space without hanging out on the road. It won't be long before someone walking or biking on the road gets clipped and there will be no parking there either. I'd gladly pay and did pay the times I used it. My rig doesn't fit any of the parking spaces, so I would have to tie my boat to a single finger dock drive all the way up the hill, park on the road somewhere that I'm not hanging out in the lane and walk all the way back and just to get all the dirty looks for clogging the ramp and finger up while I did all this. It's even worse coming back in after a day of fishing and people wanting to get in and out and again just one stupid finger and one lane ramp. I'm sorry but the tax payers of Sooke got screwed for the money that was spent on this. Should of just given Jocks dock or Sunny Shores the money to do improvements to their ramps, would of been a lot cheaper.
I'm sorry but the tax payers of Sooke got screwed for the money that was spent on this. Should of just given Jocks dock or Sunny Shores the money to do improvements to their ramps, would of been a lot cheaper.

So how many tax payers of Sooke are actually using this boat ramp? Most do not even own boats, so I'm guessing your correct. Be grateful for what those people have provided for the few privileged to own boats.
eroyd your making no sence, we all pay taxes for things we dont use and use. just becuase half the population dosent use the launch means nothing. When was the last time you were at the library?
the parking sucks thats all there is to it. should not have to pay to park on a public roadway.. Keep spending your money at the launch!
The best part is we're paying a private enterprise $9 out of every $10 to do nothing more than collect the money. Hard to hold TM at fault for that, it's actually pretty funny. Funnelling the money off to fund a lawsuit that many (most?) on here appear to be against is just icing on the cake. The DOS council have screwed this up from start to finish. Any bets that the last step in this process will be yet another lawsuit?
On a positive note...

Thanks to the crew at North Craft for doing a lot with a little. A couple of details to attend to and we wont be cleaning fish on the rocks. For the adult kids among us, try not to involve innocent bystanders in the inevitable water fights when you are demonstrating your speed technique to clean up a fish.


I don't know, should we have a prize for the biggest first fish on it? or something. Can't be the smallest, I already claim that prize.
That looks great. 3 fish stations each with a spray hose is wicked. it looks like it might he double sided too - is it?

That table will get a lot of use if you can get it installed in time for the main push of cohos.
Just waiting for 4 faucets. We have a commitment to shop local and good old Home Hardware was the only place that had them anyhow. Their stock comes in Thursday, so we're hoping for the weekend. And yes, it is double sided.

If it doesn't work out as a fish cleaning table ill stick a yammy on it and use it for a boat.
eroyd your making no sence, we all pay taxes for things we dont use and use. just becuase half the population dosent use the launch means nothing. When was the last time you were at the library?
the parking sucks thats all there is to it. should not have to pay to park on a public roadway.. Keep spending your money at the launch!

Half the population doesn't use it? More like 95% of the population doesn't use it. The ramp doesn't even offer any scenic value. Be thankful for what you have.

Last time I was in a library? Last Saturday. It was busy.
Fish cleaning station

With some much appreciated help I finally hauled the thing down to the dock. So many people immediately wanted to clean fish on it I didn't get the drain connected or the plumbing run in under the float. It looks like the fish are in. Next phase: canopy construction, and yes, I am working on parking. Specifically, I have an inquiry in to MoT to see if we can widen the shoulders of the highway, and the DoS has contacted the Prestige owners to tell them to keep the cars off the trailer spots.

Good for you..a fish cleaning station too bad it will be a nightmare to use as there is no where to tie up or park your boat and clean mid summer people are coming in and out its chaos.
If 5 people are coming in 2 people launching how does anyone clean there fish?! How stupid waste of money good job.
MAN o man you get a cleaning station ya ***** ya get a toilet ya ***** you get a launch ya *****......
YES it may not be the perfect thing but its a start things do take time in the political aspect of things too LONG YES!!!!!!!!!! but its because people want it their way and their way only, thats why the process goes so damn slow....

I glad for one the station is there, as for cleaning fish it will be a timing thing somedays you will may be the only boat there sometimes it will be busy just going to have to take your turn. to clean the beautiful fish you spent ALL DAY getting im sure 10 to 15 mins more wont hurt any of you .....

good work....Wolf
Wolf is exactly right. I like the launch. I like the toilet and fish cleaning table too. Is it perfect? No, but it's better than no launch or a launch with no toilet or fish cleaning table. The glass half full approach is a better way to approach life.
You guys can say what you like try using the launch..its absolute chaos but only launch I can get my boat out on.
Guess you better build your own launch sfisher because the 3 in Sooke is all there will be for a long time.
You guys can say what you like try using the launch..its absolute chaos but only launch I can get my boat out on.

Living in Sooke, I use it a lot. Chaos is an overstatement. Sure it can be busy, but I find most people get along and work things out. People are almost always pretty happy. We should be, since it's world class fishing in our back yard. When I think of that, I find it easy to be patient.
If it is so busy why not just take moorage for the summer and not have to deal with it? Open moorage spaces at Mariners and I'm sure Sunny Shores has some space even in summer.
There is room for at least 4 21' along the outside rail, and no reason people can't raft if its plugged. Failing that, stand off-shore for a couple of minutes and chill. It's fishing.

Hopefully we get the canopy up before monsoon season.
[QUOTEIf it is so busy why not just take moorage for the summer and not have to deal with it? Open moorage spaces at Mariners and I'm sure Sunny Shores has some space even in summer.][/QUOTE]

I was going to say the same thing ......... but then what would they ***** about then???????