Sooke Public Boat Launch

I'm as frustrated as anyone, but I was told in writing to quit bugging them. I guess bugging them isn't in the contract.

Fish cleaning table is just about ready for at least getting the table part on the dock. DFO has taken an interest and may jam it up.

I found a possible loophole in the Prestige easement that might get the cars out of the trailer slots. I'm working on it.
Keep going Terrance. As a new Sooke resident, I actually like the launch. I used to live in Esquimalt and used Esquimalt Anglers, with its 2 docks and lots of parking. And when parking was full, I was close enough I could park at home and walk to my boat. But not every facility can be as deluxe as that. I often parked up near or on the highway at Cheanuh before I moved to Sooke. Made the big walk. Sometimes, but not often, I have to make the walk up and to the highway at Prestige. Not the end of the world. Good exercise for me. $60 for my annual pass is a good deal. I'm a "glass half full" guy and I wish more people would look to the positive. It would be great if hotel guests wouldn't use the trailer spots. Good luck and thanks for the good work so far.
Witnesses needed: court proceedings to reestablish road access to Sooke Mountain Park

With the saltwater crowd asking where the money from the Sooke boat launch fee is going, here's an example:

Since 2010 I have steadily constructed the supporting community planning foundation and lobbied for political support to regain road access to Sooke Mountain Provincial Park, which provides access to Sheilds, and potentially Crabapple & Grassy Lakes. Sheilds & Crabapple have been stocked with cutthroat three or four times since the CRD obstructed the road with a gate in 2001. Support for reestablishing road access is now written into the Sooke Official Community Plan and related parks plan, and two separate council directions have been passed telling Mayor & staff to make it so.

After 13 years of waiting, next week the matter goes to trial. The issue is whether the extension of Harbourview Road is a public road. A key element of our legal position is that it was historically used by the public, and we need witnesses that used the road to go tell the judge how things were.

An early success came a couple of weeks back when the province filed an admission of fact stating Glintz Lake Road is a public road from the highway all the way to Glintz Lake.

The trial starts next week. If you want to fish the lakes once again, or hunt in the provincial park, or just go there for the hell of it, the time is now to step up!

Contact me at 250-642-2917 or


Michael R. Scherr, Partner

Pearlman Lindholm
Barristers and Solicitors
Shoal Point at Fisherman's Wharf
201 - 19 Dallas Road
Victoria, B.C., V8V 5A6
Phone: (250) 388-4433
Facsimile: (250) 388-5856
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I like the way Harbourview road is now. Can Hike or bike into the lakes and not have to worry about some loud messy meat head fishing out of the tailgate of there Blazer.
How many actually use the boat launch? May 2 dozen a day on a summer weekend? Pretty lucky to have that facility.
I like the way Harbourview road is now. Can Hike or bike into the lakes and not have to worry about some loud messy meat head fishing out of the tailgate of there Blazer.
How many actually use the boat launch? May 2 dozen a day on a summer weekend? Pretty lucky to have that facility.

Yes Bikes sigh.... Used to like mountain biking there... SIMBS oh I haven't forgot. You just want a gate open for ATV access.3339493.jpg
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How about the funds from boat launch fees actually going to get the cleaning table in place and other improvements?

This would be a much better use than the Terrance Martin ATV road show again.
How about the funds from boat launch fees actually going to get the cleaning table in place and other improvements?

This would be a much better use than the Terrance Martin ATV road show again.

Yup! That would make sense.
I am sorry to say that I have completely given up on this ramp. It has been a complete joke from start to finish. I will not support anything to do with it or anything that it is involved with. If I am launching that side of Sooke, it will be at Sunny Shores. To bad something so simple is such a cluster f$#k.
SIRA didn't hide the fact some revenues from the launch would be used as the organization saw fit including but not limited to trying to gain access to these back roads. Read back in the thread I'm sure its there.

Instead of complaining next time step up, put a proposal to council and try to take it on yourself. I'd rather Terrance did it and use the money on whatever then spending the time myself as I bet most would so don't complain.

It's a thankless job he's got even if the launch was smooth people would find stuff to complain about.
There were other proposals , including one from the Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society I believe which would have directed revenue back into the fisheries. I can't speak for why one proposal was selected over another. The mess continues - are cars that park in boat stalls paying (if so, guess that is fine), if not are they ticketed? Where is the cleaning station that was proposed ?
I tried the boat launch for the first time. I had no issues.
Re: Witnesses needed: court proceedings to reestablish road access to Sooke Mountain Park

I,ve seen too many crazy drunken idiots in vehicles tearing up the back country. I,m sick of it. I,m glad the road is locked now.
There were other proposals , including one from the Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society I believe which would have directed revenue back into the fisheries. I can't speak for why one proposal was selected over another. The mess continues - are cars that park in boat stalls paying (if so, guess that is fine), if not are they ticketed? Where is the cleaning station that was proposed ?

There was also a proposal from Rob Roe station commander of search rescue who even had a cleaning table in place, but was turned down. Money would have went to search and rescue and ramp upgrades. I could care less if people agree with me, but I use that ramp a lot. I was there when this first went up and use it year round. So yes I am allowed to ***** on it and will be voicing my opinion about it too council..

I just feel that our funds shouldn't go to fighting harbourview for ATVing which I strongly do not support. This battle is years old and as a mountain biker who went through the SIMBS battle with harbourview with you Terrance I am getting fed up with this, and it's irritating that you are bringing these politics into the ramp now. If you want to fight it fine that is totally your thing but leave the funds from this ramp out of it and put it into the upgrades. That is all any of us will ask, or else give the contract to someone else. Search and rescue or salmon enhancement could have used that money, and that ties into with us in sports fishing community.
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The CRD is obstructing a provincial park, adjacent crown land, and Ragged Mountain is private property. We oppose the free for all (except legitimate organizations) that is the current CRD management plan. Anyone that wants to go in there right now can, except an organized event. We have requested a key for the gate and a permit to use the road.

I have eight kids. All of them have learned self reliance and respect from me, not a gate, and certainly not officious government employees, politicians, or people with opinions like this: "Bikers and hikers were there first."

100% of the revenue from the boat launch is reinvested in development of the local outdoor recreation economy, which includes development and operation of the boat launch itself. Many people that fish salt water also fish fresh water, hunt, and generally have an interest in an accessible back country.
the ramp is beyond a cluster f**k ..everytime im there people refuse to pay its awesome.
why pay if you cant at least park on the property? Sooke tax payers payed for the ramp. you cant own the ocean.. they own nothing besides the outhouse. which they dont even own.
Terrance pull your head out of your butt stop wasting your time with this, your responces are ridiculous. what are they paying you 15$ an hour?? get a real job !!
Or go to the bank get a loan build your own ramp and they you can put all your profits to opening a logging road that was closed for a reason.
Listen to the people not whats in your head.
I'm wondering how long after all the hotels tax concessions end that it will remain in business. September to May is a long period of time with not even enough revenue to pay the bills for such a large building/staff/property taxes etc. The ramp may soon have a 121 room clubhouse!
I'm wondering how long after all the hotels tax concessions end that it will remain in business. September to May is a long period of time with not even enough revenue to pay the bills for such a large building/staff/property taxes etc. The ramp may soon have a 121 room clubhouse!

I'm thinking that hotel does pretty certainly is busy in the summer with guests, weddings and all that.

I have stayed there before in January and it was fairly busy.

A good resteraunt there would help them out.