Sooke Public Boat Launch

this was the town of Sooke that made this problem.

I don't disagree with most of what has been said, but it's what we have and it's the only public launch in the game, so I see making the best of it. Nobody with a bigger boat would need to clean a fish on the dock, but there are plenty of 16' opens out there, and cleaning a decent catch in an open boat with the winds we get and the amount of booze that gets sucked up is nothing but a big mess of fish guts everywhere. There are also lots of ladies that like to fish, and anyone that has one knows how important a head is (not to mention fish guts control) if there is to be any chance of going fishing.
Meeting is OFF

Evidently the DoS paying $260k p/yr is not sufficient to secure space for an Economic Development Meeting under the "partnering agreement." I was just informed that a "paying" group has booked the space, and the EDC has been shuffled off into a dinky little room. My alternate booking arrangement for larger space for the association under the "parntering agreement" was also cancelled. When I inquired if people could "spill over" to the bar in the event more than about 10 people show up, I was informed that "it's not suitable."

We can have a meeting if I pay them $200 to put out some chairs in the big ball room. I told them we'll just go to Buffy's or something. I figure $200 would buy a fair bit of beer.

I'll attend the EDC and do the presentation, and we can get together another time in a more friendly venue that doesn't rely on the DoS to arrange it.
Evidently the DoS paying $260k p/yr is not sufficient to secure space for an Economic Development Meeting under the "partnering agreement." I was just informed that a "paying" group has booked the space, and the EDC has been shuffled off into a dinky little room. My alternate booking arrangement for larger space for the association under the "parntering agreement" was also cancelled. When I inquired if people could "spill over" to the bar in the event more than about 10 people show up, I was informed that "it's not suitable."

We can have a meeting if I pay them $200 to put out some chairs in the big ball room. I told them we'll just go to Buffy's or something. I figure $200 would buy a fair bit of beer.

I'll attend the EDC and do the presentation, and we can get together another time in a more friendly venue that doesn't rely on the DoS to arrange it.
I am beginning to feel your pain SIRA. I have never had to deal with any municipal office myself other then to get a few permits for this and that. I can't believe the the general public would have to pay to put a motion forward. Just goes to show you that as long as you have money you can get what you want.
WOW and there you have it ..... the golden handshake and they will sweep it under the table and let them collect the money ...guess what yalllllll got screwed......
There seems to have been a lack of leadership on the part of District of Sooke. Where is the long term vision and 30 year plan for the development of the Sooke harbour?

There are so many examples of other communities both small and large that have done great things. Why not learn from them and incorporate the best and leverage the economic advantage good planning brings. Not everything could be done at once; but with that kind of vision, over time, great things could be accomplished. Without it you get this kind of poorly planned mess.

If you want to develop shore front (they are not making any more of it) build hotels, marinas, restaurants, condominiums etc. you should be required to donate some of your land as part of your development for park land and public access.

Why not a walk way/board walk along the water front and careful zoning building requirements that will make you the kind of destination that will draw people by vehicle and expensive yachts and boats to Sooke and the harbor. A walk way that connects marinas, restaurants, boutique businesses and high density residences would allows people to stroll along the harbor, shop, eat, book charters and whale watching tours, stop at a government dock and buy seafood right off a commercial boat etc, while walking all the way out to the end of the spit. You need to create a romantic seaside coastal town atmosphere that is inviting and attractive. So far, I don’t see it.

It has been done in other communities; why not take from the best of what they have done.

For inspiration look at:

Nanaimo’s and to some degree Victoria’s waterfront walkway connecting business and public spaces and parks.

Nanaimo’s dingy dock. (I would love to be able to pull my boat up to a dock and have a nice lunch and stretch my feet on a short walk.

Tofino’s and Cowichan Bay’s harbor boutiques and art galleries.

Vancouver’s Granville Island.

Roche Harbour as a boating destination.

A harbor ferry in the summer connecting destinations that have something to offer.

There are many other great examples.

What is missing seems to be vision.
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Simply they don't care Rick !!!!!I did a speech to them a long time a go (before the prestige) stating why you want to invest in ensuring a tour based future and fishing being the one that drives it, Hell even met afterwards re salmon and as a district you have to put a strong effort at the political front thats why they are elected to represent the distict and people of sooke I asked them to push to NOT shut us down in don't want fishing go the way the sooke mill went and the sooke forestry went!!!!!!

Well that was 4 years ago and it has happened MORE closures MORE restrictions all because DOS has draggged its feet..... and there doing it on this issue as well, let be real for one minute tourism and fishing is what drives sooke the most!!!!!!!!! it brings money into this little town ten fold and having a boat launch for people to use and camping facilities is a start but only very small start.

To do backdoor deals isnt a good start, Thought they were better than this bring back Janet!!!!!
There seems to have been a lack of leadership on the part of District of Sooke. Where is the long term vision and 30 year plan for the development of the Sooke harbour?...What is missing seems to be vision.

Pursuing a vision requires creativity and courage. It requires investing money and mistakes will certainly be made along the way, you'll never get it 100% right the first time. Sooke's past councils have chased some pretty ambitious dreams for the waterfront, with the Boardwalk and ramp, and the comprehensive developments towards Billings Spit. If it was the right dream or not, that's an open question, but at least they had a dream.

The current Sooke council won on a platform of fiscal austerity, basically hacking on past councils' mistakes. I am not seeing a dream or vision for better times ahead.

This is a bit of a thread hijack, as this is a fishing forum ... so let's bring it back to fishing and boating. This was promised years ago as a no-fee launch, for the benefits of tourism and local recreation mentioned (and it isn't just about tourism's also about providing public services that make quality of life better for residents, just like parks, walking trails, bike parks, and so on). That dream has waned and here we are. It will be interesting to see who we have to pay and how much for the "service" of collecting these user fees.
HEY I know what we can do LETS have the meeting on the Ramp itself ......oh wait then we would have to pay the 10 bucks per person to use it...... damn sorry as im sure someone would come and collect..........
PUBLIC Launch..means FREE! Our tax dollar has paid for it....I will not put anythig in "THE BOX" unless I can get a reciept!
I personally wouldn't pay the box because the current arrangement is illegal. However, we got what we needed from the EDC last night and a recommendation will be going to council Monday to direct staff to get the RFP out within two weeks. We will convene a public meeting once that happens.
Boat Launch RFP is out

They finally got around to publishing the RFP, and they are looking for a proponent with experience running a boat launch. Do we have any volunteers to act as our designated qualified rep for our steering committee? The RFP closes May 3.
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If they start collecting fees to use the launch ill be going back to pedder bay or cheeana if I must fish sooke.
The sooke launch is not worth fees the parking is terrible no fish cleaning or bathrooms.
Maybe they should have planned this before they designed and built this.
The sooke launch is not worth fees the parking is terrible no fish cleaning or bathrooms.

We intend to do something about it, but it is going to be pay to play. We need to organize some volunteer committments for general operations, so we will be proposing a barter of volunteer time for launch fees. Either pay or work it off.

Any takers?
SIRA seems to be more concerned about it than anybody else . Is there a reason why??

Are you asking why I, as a tax paying user, have an interest in how a $3 million community asset is operated? The real question is why there seems to be so little willingness from anyone else to step up.
The asset value is only in there being a free boat launch. The property itself is actually a $1,000,000 libility to the DOS that it is trying to farm out for approximately $10,000 gross per year (based on 19 stalls and 50% usage), $23,000 if it was full for 4 straight months - which it won't be. Less 5 mill liability ins $3,000?, $500 GST, you're starting at $6,500 for operating. Does anyone think Jocks is going to cooperate if they aren't the operator? I wouldn't.

I agree, it will be interesting to see the proposals and find out whose applied, for what reasons, and what operation they think they are going to set up. FYI, any private individual, or organization, that wants to collect from me for anything other than direct operating costs and amenities for the launch had better bring a bucket. This could be the DOS's biggest fiasco yet.