Sooke Public Boat Launch

Nobody, including me, wants to see the Smiths out of pocket. Herb Haldane has stated outright that he will not support a proposal that results in them being put out, and although he doesn't spend a lot of time on the water he is influential on council, and I have a lot of respect for his commitment to Sooke.

The boat launch is supposed to be an asset in the community, and that means it should generate enough value to pay its own freight. It should not be a cost on anyone, including the Smiths. On the other hand, there is nothing that tears down an asset faster than fighting over it.
I have invited Mike Hicks to the meeting, with no reply, If anyone is talking to him, it would be a good place to put on the heat.
I should also point out that those salmon orginate upstream in the backcountry, and many if not most of us that fish the backcountry also do so in the salt.

I'm OK if the funding "ends up" in the backcountry, as in SSES. However, I will launch in Port Renfrew before paying a second time as a taxpayer in Sooke - only to see my funds directed either to yet another Sooke taxpayer or another organization with an agenda unrelated to the launch.
These questions may be premature, but as you have proposed this society, so I am curious as to your vision of it.

Nobody, including me, wants to see the Smiths out of pocket.

What do you mean by "out of pocket" in this context? Do you mean for repayment of expenses they have or are incurring? Or do you mean for lost business? [please note: I have no bone to pick with them and I value their contribution to the Sooke boating and angling community. I just want some clarity on what you mean here]

The boat launch is supposed to be an asset in the community, and that means it should generate enough value to pay its own freight. It should not be a cost on anyone, including the Smiths.

By "pay its own freight", are you talking about paying operation cost, about paying for future improvements, or about recouping original cost? What is your vision of the money needed to be generated and where it goes?

I have invited Mike Hicks to the meeting

I'm sure he will be interested as a Sooke resident, Sooke tourism operator, and avid angler. And I'm sure he'd be a great supporter to have, should this come to something productive. But in his CRD role, I don't think he'd have any jurisdiction or interest....I think this is a Sooke issue, not CRD. [and if I'm wrong, apologies]
SO if the prestige makes a marina are they going to have to pay jocks more money?? how about money going to sooke harbour marina and sunny shores then???? really only seems fair..... doesnt it helll you know what send money to the harbour house and to all the B & B while your at it as we all want cake and eat it too.
Seems they got a whack of money for the land they sold it and collected end of story. they have been paid....... fix it up and compete....
So whats next ??? are they going to want some more money for the future fuel sales??? enough is enough cmon be real.....
SO if the prestige makes a marina are they going to have to pay jocks more money?? how about money going to sooke harbour marina and sunny shores then???? really only seems fair..... doesnt it helll you know what send money to the harbour house and to all the B & B while your at it as we all want cake and eat it too.
Seems they got a whack of money for the land they sold it and collected end of story. they have been paid....... fix it up and compete....
So whats next ??? are they going to want some more money for the future fuel sales??? enough is enough cmon be real.....

I agree.... If they didnt want competition why did they agree to sell the land to the district to build a boat launch?

I think the launch should be free....growing up in campbell river we had 3 public boat launches, they were nowhere near as nice as sookes, but it gave people access to the water.

Who is going to police the launch? With 1 bylaw officer in sooke, working monday - friday, doesnt seem like much of a deterent to not pay.
Nobody, including me, wants to see the Smiths out of pocket. Herb Haldane has stated outright that he will not support a proposal that results in them being put out, and although he doesn't spend a lot of time on the water he is influential on council, and I have a lot of respect for his commitment to Sooke.

The boat launch is supposed to be an asset in the community, and that means it should generate enough value to pay its own freight. It should not be a cost on anyone, including the Smiths. On the other hand, there is nothing that tears down an asset faster than fighting over it.

Being an asset in the community does not mean that it has to 'carry its own direct freight'. It is an asset by virtue of its ability to provide amenities to the residents and, in this case, its contribution to the local economy. The value is indirect.

The only reason the DOS has contemplated a charge, and the only reason the highway parking has come up, is to placate the perceived loss to the owners of jocks. The launch was intended to be a free (taxpayer funded) amenity just like our local parks. Both McGregor Park and Whiffin Spit cost as much to provide to residents of sooke in terms of upkeep. Maybe that parking should also be $10? It's the same intrinsic value...

Your approach would seem to suggest that users should pay the 'commercial rate' for the use of this taxpayer funded amenity and that the realized surplus should go towards the greater interest of Sooke Outback recreation.

I would suggest that, if not free, at best the launch fees should cover the direct operating costs.

In terms of 'fighting over this asset', all we really have is a few private individuals attempting to gain undue control of our community resource. Let it be what it was intended - a free public boat launch.
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Well said Wolf.. Lots of people defending this family putting them on a pedestal. Bottom line is they need to get there act together, and i doubt that will ever happen.. I keep reading they want there cake and eat it too, lets hope that doesn't happen.
The Esquimalt Anglers model is so good. 50 bucks/year, unlmited launches on a deluxe launch with floats, fish cleaning station, bait sales and entrance to the annual derby.

Pretty hard to beat that deal. Even if I paid taxes in Sooke to build the thing I would pony up 50 bucks/year for all of that.

Exactly. 100 percent agree.
What do you mean by "out of pocket" in this context?]

I think that they benefit more than anyone else by virtue of the capital gain in their property and spill over business from the launch. I also think it is a conflict of interest to have them run the launch. However, I am not here to promote what I think, and the DoS is going to decide who to contract as an operator. I am saying we need a consensus proposal that heeds what anyone on council says.

By "pay its own freight", are you talking about paying operation cost, about paying for future improvements, or about recouping original cost? What is your vision of the money needed to be generated and where it goes?

A non-profit, by definition, can't keep money generated as revenue. All of the money needs to be returned to maximize the potential of the new boat launch to promote sport fishing, salmon enhancement and community events, and economic development generally. The capital cost is a community asset and doesn't need to be cashed out, but it should produce a measureable return on investment.
Your approach would seem to suggest that users should pay the 'commercial rate' for the use of this taxpayer funded amenity and that the realized surplus should go towards the greater interest of Sooke Outback recreation.

Not at all. My approach is to bring in sponsorship $ to net down what locals pay, and none of the revenue goes anywhere but into the launch operation. I have suggested something like using the launch receipt as "shop local" $ so that the fee can be recovered from consumables that users buy anyhow, and add an incentive to keep the money in the community.
Just so I understand All revenue will go directly into running the ramp which would include washrooms,cleaning station,maintainence and a contigency for future repairs Not to wages ,advertizing cost,and Promotional items Trips to where ever and this will all be done with volunteers
The last thing that we want to do is add another layer of goverment interference and hocus pocus accounting
Do you or anyone on your streering commitee own a boat and fish on a regular basis
If the DOS had planned this public boat ramp more thoroughly from the beginning and ensured that the 2nd most important part of the boat ramp equation was satisfied properly; (launching the boat # 1, sufficient parking for vehicle & trailers #2) Then the option to entertain an Esquimalt Anglers type arrangement would be viable. However with only a handful of parking stalls how can you sell memberships at any amount? Esquimalt Anglers has plenty of parking and on good tide weekends the lot spills out onto the street. In Sooke that isn't even an option now. The whole mess in Sooke goes back to the short sightedness of the DOS for allowing the only truly workable public ramp (and facilities) to close for a private development, and not have a proper plan in place to replace it with one as good or better in a reasonable amount of time.
Ok, so a business in Sooke is going to be asked to put up a sponsorship and then with the ramp user showing his receipt will get a discount on products or services which benefits Sooke as a whole. Great idea but once again I bring up my experience with trying to stop in Sooke just to have lunch. If someone has just used the ramp they will have a boat and trailer behind them. Where will those potential Sooke business customers be able to stop and park conveniently to take advantage of this possible arrangement? I couldn't find one spot to do this, how will 10 or more looking to stop and shop find parking?
Anyone that drives by prestige this weekend will see how much of a failure the boat launch is, not 1 boat and trailer parking space is available as there is a coference on this weekend and all spaces are being used by the hotel guests/ conference users....not to mention the round about at the launch is filled with cars side by side and all along the highway....kind of hard to make any money in boat launch fees when there is nowhere to park or even enough room to go in the launch.
Just so I understand All revenue will go directly into running the ramp which would include washrooms,cleaning station,maintainence and a contigency for future repairs Not to wages ,advertizing cost,and Promotional items Trips to where ever and this will all be done with volunteers
The last thing that we want to do is add another layer of goverment interference and hocus pocus accounting
Do you or anyone on your streering commitee own a boat and fish on a regular basis

The RFP isn't even out yet, so there is no point trying to be too detailed. We also haven't formed a steering committee yet. That will happen Thursday. The DoS will state what it wants and the proposal will have to meet the requirements of the RFP. Right now we are just getting in position. Yes, we own boats and fish on a regular basis.
To add....having never been approached and asked what my purchasing habits are before or after using the public ramp or departing from marina docks...has SIRA done any consulting in this regards? It is ok to bring forth ideas that sound good but they have to be verified as workable. I have my doubts. If you had consulted you would hear that in the morning the priority is to get to the ramp and get on the water. Reasons to stop and deviate from this to shop include: buying a fishing license for someone who doesn't have one, fuel, bait, coffee/snacks and maybe some tackle. Typically this is done very early in the morning before most businesses are open. The Victoria crowd trailering to Sooke has typically stopped at a service station in Colwood that is open early and sells the items listed earlier. They are also very easy to pull into with the trailer behind, park and then get back on the hwy. That business will never come to Sooke no matter what the arrangement.
To add....having never been approached and asked what my purchasing habits are before or after using the public ramp or departing from marina docks...has SIRA done any consulting in this regards?

This is consultation. The entire thread will be included in the proposal support documentation.
Parking issue

DSCF4278 (Small).jpgDSCF4279 (Small).jpg

This about sums it up...
That looks like special event (a wedding?) parking problem don't see any trailers at all in those pictures. Unless there are no parking signs installed and enforced for the round about and along the highway any extra parking spaces that are not close or cost money wont be used because the highway is a closer and easier option.