Sooke Public Boat Launch

Another thing that has been discussed is the potential of providing undeveloped camp spots on the parking property for association members so that anyone that wants to camp has close access to the launch. We need a campground for our off-road crowd anyhow, although we hope to establish that up by Sheilds Lake.
It's just a discussion. It wouldn't be part of the boat launch contract anyhow. The only thing the DoS is interested in is making the problem of the boat launch go away as cheaply as possible. That we can do.
It's just a discussion. It wouldn't be part of the boat launch contract anyhow. The only thing the DoS is interested in is making the problem of the boat launch go away as cheaply as possible. That we can do.

I am not sure you can actually accomplish such a feat as 'making the problem ... go away ...' and it sure won't be cheap. Cheap was what they tried to come up with what is currently available. Not sure it should be done either ... as I cannot imagine what they were thinking when they pumped all that money into the current nightmare. They should be forced to deal with it.

What the DoS should do is buy out the Prestige Inn ... then level it. Then go next door and buy out Jock's Dock ... level it too. Then take a trip to Esquimalt Anglers Association and take plenty of pictures of their facilities. Finally return to Sooke and reproduce EAA on the combined properties before turning it over to Sooke Anglers Association to run. Problem solved .... ;)
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Or at least put a bag over the hotel. Lol. Almost 100% of the visitors I take out fishing say the same thing when we return to the harbour at the end of the trip. That hotel doesn't fit into the landscape and ruins what is a beautiful harbour. What they were thinking (both the owners and the district) with that design and size makes me think they weren't thinking.
On another note, does anyone know if and when the marina past Otter Point (used to be logging business, now looks like it is selling boats) will be open and ready for business?
I've been mulling this over for the past week. The boat ramp issues has been an ongoing political gong-show:

-- bumper stickers in the 90s "who do I have to bribe to get a boat launch in Sooke",

-- a "free" municipal boat launch finally being built (but intertwined with the hotel and all sorts of sketchy promises),

-- a new council that says it was actually never intended to be free,

-- and now to all sorts of whispers of back room deals.

I don't know what the answer is, but I know that I'd be happy to get this into the hands of a group that can make non-politically influenced decisions with the greater good in mind. Ideally a non-profit society with an elected Board and with a clearly delineated charter stating exactly where "surplus" funds go. Necessary services should go to tender. The books should be open to public scrutiny. Open public meetings held to seek input and feedback.

Regardless of what the decisions end up, there will be happy and unhappy people -- hey, it's Sooke, expect lots of griping no matter what. But if it's transparent, that should at least take care of the worst of the gripes. I hope to be there on the 18th.
The Esquimalt Anglers model is so good. 50 bucks/year, unlmited launches on a deluxe launch with floats, fish cleaning station, bait sales and entrance to the annual derby.

Pretty hard to beat that deal. Even if I paid taxes in Sooke to build the thing I would pony up 50 bucks/year for all of that.
On another note, does anyone know if and when the marina past Otter Point (used to be logging business, now looks like it is selling boats) will be open and ready for business?

I did some budget work with Butlers and there has to be another breakwater added to keep the sediment from coming back into the launch area. It is fine at high tide but touch and go mid to low tide. I would guess it would happen in the next 5 years. Brian has some really great idea's for that property. Not sure if you stuck your nose down there recetly but they added a really nice launch etc. but have to throw some more $ at it before it is a facility for the general public. It will be a great spot when it is built! Cant get a launch closer to the Otter flood!!
I did some budget work with Butlers and there has to be another breakwater added to keep the sediment from coming back into the launch area. It is fine at high tide but touch and go mid to low tide. I would guess it would happen in the next 5 years. Brian has some really great idea's for that property. Not sure if you stuck your nose down there recetly but they added a really nice launch etc. but have to throw some more $ at it before it is a facility for the general public. It will be a great spot when it is built! Cant get a launch closer to the Otter flood!!

Well with all the discussion and frustration with the current situation in Sooke it looks to me like there would be a lot of demand/support for completing the launch and marina at the Butler's property sooner rather than later.

Like you say Shepnoir, it would be great to be able to launch so close to Otter and Muir! We can only hope....
How many of you have actually paid the $10 for launching and parking.
It has been implied that only a handfull have paid since the District has started charging people and Jocks started collecting I know that RR has paid at least 3 times Does that mean that NOBODY else has paid or is this as Wolf says "it is like the fox guarding the henhouse" counld we get a count Thanks
The Esquimalt Anglers model is so good. QUOTE]

One difficulty is comparing a volunteer built and paid for facility capitalized over a 60 year timeline to a publicly funded facility with a >$2.6 million capital cost at startup. The proposal needs a ROI formula that pays back the taxpayers. I have the original petition for the boat launch, (and I'm on it), and the roughly 1400petitioners can expect to be spammed in short order for cash support. :-)
How many of you have actually paid the $10 for launching and parking.
It has been implied that only a handfull have paid since the District has started charging people and Jocks started collecting I know that RR has paid at least 3 times Does that mean that NOBODY else has paid or is this as Wolf says "it is like the fox guarding the henhouse" counld we get a count Thanks

As we want to accomodate everyone, we are neutral on this subject; however, the potential of the boat launch is not being developed and the management of Jocks has so far refused or neglected to provide us with input to include their interests in our proposal.

Here is the arrangement with Jocks:
Did I read that right... Jock's gets 90%??? HST gets 12% of the $10 directly from DOS. DOS loses $$$ before any maintenance is even considered. I thought this was about cost recovery?
The Esquimalt Anglers model is so good. QUOTE]

One difficulty is comparing a volunteer built and paid for facility capitalized over a 60 year timeline to a publicly funded facility with a >$2.6 million capital cost at startup. The proposal needs a ROI formula that pays back the taxpayers. I have the original petition for the boat launch, (and I'm on it), and the roughly 1400petitioners can expect to be spammed in short order for cash support. :-)

Seems there's a few competing idea swirling around here.
Is the goal to pay back the Sooke Council for the capital investment?
Or is the goal to pay for ongoing expenses (cleaning, extra parking space, etc) plus a fund for future improvements (washrooms, cleaning table)?
Or is it both?

That will have to be spelled out in the terms of reference for this society. And it's a part of the books being open....if collecting $x per launch or $x per month, it better be clear where it goes. If it goes into general revenue to pay back past debts, fine, but it has to be upfront.

As for the people who signed that petition....was there any mention at the time of this being a toll / user pay facility? Because that was not my recollection of what was implied at the time ... there were promises made of a free facility. That tune subsequently changed with a new administration ... fair enough, but it might not be what those petitioners signed on for years before.
You asked for it, you got it. Today I filed the name reservation for "Sooke Anglers Association." I agree 100% that focus is a requirement for success, so we will create an administrative unit specifically for the boat launch, while leveraging our commitment to the backcountry hunting & fishing community.

Let's take a creative and collaborative approach to water side recreation :-) Sooke will be the better for it!
I don't see a Sooke Anglers Association, in this context, as having anything to do with "backcounty." Keep this issue, includig the funding, specifically to the launch. To be honest, I'm not interested in paying Sira 90% of my launch fee any more than a private business if it's to be used for anything outside of launch and salmon enhancement.
I realize that I am a relative newcomer in Sooke, and that the Smith's have no reason to trust me or even to think that they will be better off as part of our proposal. However, that position will put them in direct conflict with a community based proposal as compared to their purely profit based private enterprise. If anyone in the community has the trust and ear of the Smiths, perhaps you could facilitate a sit down so that I may explain how we can integrate their interests into our proposal and create something that is more than the sum of its parts.
I don't see a Sooke Anglers Association, in this context, as having anything to do with "backcounty." Keep this issue, includig the funding, specifically to the launch. To be honest, I'm not interested in paying Sira 90% of my launch fee any more than a private business if it's to be used for anything outside of launch and salmon enhancement.

90% isn't even in the range for projections. It's unreasonable.
I should also point out that those salmon orginate upstream in the backcountry, and many if not most of us that fish the backcountry also do so in the salt.