porlier pass/ thrasher.

Nice fish Stoisy! I love that spot too... Had a couple good days on the weekend off galiano too closer to active pass.. Nothing big but lots of action and fish between 9-13# was that today you caught those? Was quiet through low slack today around here.
Yeah running 113ft and hitting the pinnacle at about 115ft... we were getting our action right on the edges where it would drop deeper from 115ft to about 150ft. So not totally sure if we were pulling them off the pinnacle on the bottom or if they were hanging a little further out higher up in the column..? but that depth seemed to be working. Got them today from 1130-1, they were both about 15# and the one we released was a little smaller. Gramps was tired out by the battles so we called it a day!
and the water was GLASS!
Picked up a nice 18marble on the Thrasher pinnacle just north on Saturday with a couple of guys from Lethbridge yesterday. Chovie at 120 feet. Also got a couple others undersized same depth and enticement. Biggest fish the 19 year old has ever caught. Just about to head out again but the NW might be a bit strong this morning.Pics to follow.......
I will be heading to Thrasher Monday morning. Where is the pinnacle? And what is the best way to fish the tides? It looks like there will be a low tide at 8:40 AM and a high at 2:40 PM. Which tide is better to fish? I will be bringing my teenage daughter so I want to do everything possible to get some fish in the boat.

If the salmon fishing isn't happening I want to switch to try for ling cod. What depth and setup do you use to target them?
Tim, Lings are VERY territorial. You want to find structure 50-120'. Use your sonar and look for tall underwater cliffs and rock drop offs. They are agressive as hell so most any presentation will work. Most people jig them but many are caught trolling for salmon around said structures. If jigging, lures like spinnows, buzz bombs, or swimbaits can be effective, or simply a sinker with a leader, a bigger hook, and a piece of bait does the job. Octo, squid, hering, chovy...all work.
Just find some structure and hang on!

Can't help on the pinnacle. My guess is its galiano way....sounds like a hot spot though. I was pouring over my GPS...there are a few down that way given stoisy description but I don't think that cat will be let our of the bag so easily haha.

If the morning is good we will be crossing over as well, if so I will try you on 88a. Cheers, good luck, hope it all comes together and your daughter is promptly 'hooked!'

The morning tides seem to have more action given the last week's of reports...
Nothing wrong with a tight slot!

....couldn't resist that one haha
Beauty lings there stones93 :cool:. Great pic's too!

Man I gotta get out on the water. That damn HC May sale creates projects and gets in the way of fishing lol.
If you go back in this tread there is some info.. they like structure.. lots of times people pick them up trolling close to bottom..if you are jigging, find 60 feet of water, once you have drifted into deeper water , repeat, lings love the Macdeep jig, buzzbombs,cod jigs with the rubber tails also work good.
Thanks for the reply. Will have to try next time I am over there

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Fished porlier for a few hrs this evening at high tide. 6 boats all together. Didn't see much action out there until 4 boats left all at once and we got a nice 14 lb spring on the line instantly. The other boat that stayed looked like they cleaned up a few fish while we tried to hook into another one but no luck.
Dad and I got a 15 pounder at Porlier on fathers day, there were a few fish being caught around us so there must be something there still.
ok thank you, did you go to the right or left? and how far down galiano did u guys go thank you

I55......why don't you get out there, play around and file a report yourself?

Also.....right or left depends on which way you were going.:rolleyes:
it has been good for a month in and around thrasher/polier. Not hard to see that in reports already posted.

Don't waste your time asking about fishing. It's good, get out there young one, and for forums-sake, post a report when you get back. lol
Agreed, get out and have fun.

Catch and release responsibly folks....crazy numbers of Wild Cohos over here right now for ECVI...and large numbers of undersize Chinook..Orcas just came by and it has turned off the bite....