porlier pass/ thrasher.

Decided to do my first solo trip across the strait, off to a late start and arrived at Thrasher around noon. Started about a mile east of the marker and made my way south west, always on the outside of the pack. Picked up a 13.5# @ 175 feet. I was messing around with my gopro at the time, trying to get it set up when the fish hit. Quickly pressed record and caught my first solo salmon on video.
[-WEXaMBKDqA] http://youtu.be/-WEXaMBKDqA
Haha great vid Jeff!

That rod bent in some funny directions when you were grabbing the flasher. I thought you were going to Trendsetter that rod! Lol nicely done, well played sir, well played.
Very impressive! Was that other line down as well? I notice you kept your boat in gear rather than going in neutral. I'm interested in the reasoning here. I would have thought it would be easier to knock the boat out of gear so you don't have to worry about steering as well as playing the fish.
That was an awesome vid! You might be better off with a gaff though when fishing solo. Also stick your rod in a rod holder if you can, less chance of accidentally breaking it in the heat of the moment! Congrats!
Kept it in gear since the other line was still down. Also heard that it's best to keep it in gear anyways to reduce the chance of putting slack in the line when you stop reeling, like when I was reaching for the net.
Fishing24/7, you can see me looking for the gaff at the beginning of the video, and I found it at my feet on the starboard side. When I met up with FB and Trendsetter later I mentioned that I didn't want my first gaffing to be a solo one. I prefer my fish w/o multiple holes in them.
Nice work on the solo , on video to boot,I was told that leaving the boat in gear is best to help wear em out quicker, makes sense, plus keeps your other rod fishing too. cool:
when fishing alone for big rainbows in kootenay lake, I always keep it in gear so that everything stays straight. I can't let the boat turn or the planer boards will tangle. It also helps keep the fish behind the boat, and not under it or out in front. If the fish goes out beside the boat or in front, I give er a shot of throttle to move the boat ahead of the fish again.
camped out at tent island from sunday night till tuesday, went out to thrasher rock in my 14ft on monday , i left tent island at around 4:30 in the morning haha limited out on ling cods all around 15lbers, and got one under sized chinook, also while trolling for salmon i couldnt keep the dam lings off either haha. also had my commercial crab pots in bare point for a 24hour soak and got around 31 keepers in 2 traps through them all back except for a limit of 8 since i braught my buddy out.
Islander 55, what'd you catch the lings on, and where? How deep were you fishing, jigging or trolling? What'd you catch the salmon on, how deep for this one as well? C'mon man, you always ask for all the specifics from people catching fish but you've provided little in your description!!
Aren't lings pretty territorial fish? I am not sure a guy who caught a bunch of nice lings would want to or should be giving out GPS coordinates and depths on a public forum unless they want to see 25 boats out there jigging up some 25 year old fish.

He was in a small boat, camped at tent, and went to Thrasher. That seems like a pretty good description of the ground he covered to me. The rest is fishing.
If you follow the forum I55 asks a lot of detailed questions only fair he answer back he can always PM the guy.
Find it kind of ironic that Vanislehunter would be the one chiding Islander55 about not providing specifics. Check Van's posts - all kinds of posts about catching fish but none of the information he's asking Islander55 to post.
Islander 55, what'd you catch the lings on, and where? How deep were you fishing, jigging or trolling? What'd you catch the salmon on, how deep for this one as well? C'mon man, you always ask for all the specifics from people catching fish but you've provided little in your description!!

k first i left tent island at 430 in the morning monday morning in my boat witch goes voom voom, then i went through a pass called gabriola pass, and found reefs in the range of 30-50ft and i used herring for bait. is that good enouph lol:P also i was in about 600ft of water for the salmon using a flasher with a special color , with a hgreen spackle back hoochie, and for the lings i was jigging:P
k first i left tent island at 430 in the morning monday morning in my boat witch goes voom voom, then i went through a pass called gabriola pass, and found reefs in the range of 30-50ft and i used herring for bait. is that good enouph lol:P also i was in about 600ft of water for the salmon using a flasher with a special color , with a hgreen spackle back hoochie, and for the lings i was jigging:P

Hey Islander where did you pick up the herring? I'm having a hard time finding any around Vancouver.
hey Islander55 I sold you your 14ssv, glad to see you are getting so much use out of it. I replaced it with a 16ft C dory angler. Hope to see you out there.