Canucks 2021 Season

Yea Tanev and Markstrom was bad management but let's not forget losing Troffoli and the Luongo mess. Change was needed but unfortunately the team and the fans are still stuck with an owner who thinks he knows hockey but does not, and can't stop himself from interfering in team decision-making. Until he has some kind of epiphany and hires good people who actually know team development and then keeps his nose out of it and just writes the checks when needed, can this team ever get to an elite level?
With JB his inadequacies followed him to his demise. Can't understand how ownership didn't hire a senior President of Operations to rein in the major decision making. IMHO JB was a nice guy in a dog eat dog nasty business.
Lots to choose from but as mentioned by others on the forum:

Signed Eriksson to too long of a contract and some drafting choices were in question
Bleed money and term to quench mediocrity, banking on cap increase.
Forego player development, squandered draft picks to fill holes rather than a total rebuild
Misread the room dynamics by not resigning at least Tanev and possibly Edler.
No return assets for UFA's Tanev, Markstrom and Toffoli. As such not much in Abby.
Misread Demko's skill set not being ready which in turn cost us Markstrom for nothing at trade deadline
Didn't do his homework on Fernlands health issues
Turfed team toughness for skill and speed.
Most importantly the Team was left with no Identity and the vision of what true success should look like.
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Hmm...did the canucks cockblock the flyers? Maybe the crazy ain't so crazy after all...meh, never mind.
LOL. Canucks first baby steps in the right direction with circumventing the Flyers dismissal announcement of A. Vigneault this morning. Finn and Gritty left to fight it out to see who bottoms out first.
I guess he was smart enough to snag Toffoli but that was a real softball.
He also drafted that Swedish guy who said he didn't want to get drafted until he figured out his sexual assault allegations. Still drafted him anyways...

Maybe Stan Smyl and Chris Gear will end up being a great GM combo? I know Chris Gear was going to quit at the beginning of the year when Jimbo was making all his moves so maybe they enticed him to stay because they knew Jimbo was gone soon.
With JB his inadequacies followed him to his demise. Can't understand how ownership didn't hire a senior President of Operations to rein in the major decision making. IMHO JB was a nice guy in a dog eat dog nasty business.
Lots to choose from but as mentioned by others on the forum:

Signed Eriksson to too long of a contract and some drafting choices were in question
Bleed money and term to quench mediocrity, banking on cap increase.
Forego player development, squandered draft picks to fill holes rather than a total rebuild
Misread the room dynamics by not resigning at least Tanev and possibly Edler.
No return assets for UFA's Tanev, Markstrom and Toffoli. As such not much in Abby.
Misread Demko's skill set not being ready which in turn cost us Markstrom for nothing at trade deadline
Didn't do his homework on Fernlands health issues
Turfed team toughness for skill and speed.
Most importantly the Team was left with no Identity and the vision of what true success should look like.
TOTALLY unfortunately the demise was way back when Torts was there and that was my last game I watched live as it disgusted me. Iwas sitting beside my buddy and noticed the PP system and set plays, I said it key for key and my buddy with a confused look said to me how the %^$& do you know that I said it was the play we used to use in junior when I played and IF I can see it all the way from up here do you think the other teams coaches can too?? hiring linden was a marketing ploy again that didnt work the identity to this team is really far gone .... its in serious problems....
TOTALLY unfortunately the demise was way back when Torts was there and that was my last game I watched live as it disgusted me. Iwas sitting beside my buddy and noticed the PP system and set plays, I said it key for key and my buddy with a confused look said to me how the %^$& do you know that I said it was the play we used to use in junior when I played and IF I can see it all the way from up here do you think the other teams coaches can too?? hiring linden was a marketing ploy again that didnt work the identity to this team is really far gone .... its in serious problems....
Bingo on the PP and the Linden hire.
Only wish they had fired JB in the offseason so we could actually see if GREEN was the real problem. Will never know now because in my opinion it was the media, the sweater toss and the fans that forced FA to make his move. Anyway at the end of the day the coaches, the players, the management team and owners were all at fault.
Pretty much everything happened tonight for the canucks that needed to happen. Except for Petey, man the kid looks hurt, he's holding his stick like it's made from cement.
Pretty much everything happened tonight for the canucks that needed to happen. Except for Petey, man the kid looks hurt, he's holding his stick like it's made from cement.
at least he looked happy in his post game press conference. He also looked like he remembered how to skate. That’s good.
Isn't this just Toterelli 2.0??,I'm sorry but his teams problems have been happening for decades until an actual hockey person owns the team these "fixes" are like a band aid on a sucking chest wound...
Good win last night against a strong defensive team.Demko again.
Jim Rutherford just announced as President and interim GM . Long over due and will add stability and experience until he finds a younger GM. Don't know much but why not he has 3 rings.