Boats on Used Victoria and Other Areas

8 year old trailer, no electric over hydraulic brakes worth 4-5k? Motors are 15k new each onsale this time of year, rigging, props and controls are hell of a lot more but these 8 year old and could have heat/electrical/electronic damage. Not running and not being able to tank test the engines, I'd value them at ???? There is value there but no disrespect to the member if he is on here, not something I would touch with a 10 foot pole. If someone was in the interior already and could whip over there with a gas tank, hose and maybe a wiring harness if that is needed to start them they could find the value. Just my two cents...
8 year old trailer, no electric over hydraulic brakes worth 4-5k? Motors are 15k new each onsale this time of year, rigging, props and controls are hell of a lot more but these 8 year old and could have heat/electrical/electronic damage. Not running and not being able to tank test the engines, I'd value them at ???? There is value there but no disrespect to the member if he is on here, not something I would touch with a 10 foot pole. If someone was in the interior already and could whip over there with a gas tank, hose and maybe a wiring harness if that is needed to start them they could find the value. Just my two cents...
No offense, and not mine. Cheers.
8 year old trailer, no electric over hydraulic brakes worth 4-5k? Motors are 15k new each onsale this time of year, rigging, props and controls are hell of a lot more but these 8 year old and could have heat/electrical/electronic damage. Not running and not being able to tank test the engines, I'd value them at ???? There is value there but no disrespect to the member if he is on here, not something I would touch with a 10 foot pole. If someone was in the interior already and could whip over there with a gas tank, hose and maybe a wiring harness if that is needed to start them they could find the value. Just my two cents...
Depending on the burn, trailer is a reason lay cheap alteration. Engines are unknown but would be worth looking at if someone was interested. Where do you find 150’s for 15k new? They certainly wouldn’t have props and controls either
Buddy needs to part out and sell for scrap and cut his losses. I doubt anyone is gonna touch that for more than half of what he’s asking. I honestly see $10k in parts there, and I assume that hull is heat damaged and is scrap. Everything in the cabin is probably trash from smoke damage too
Depending on the burn, trailer is a reason lay cheap alteration. Engines are unknown but would be worth looking at if someone was interested. Where do you find 150’s for 15k new? They certainly wouldn’t have props and controls either
Agreed. VI Dealer was selling Merc 150 for 15k when I got a quote many months ago, maybe a year, time flies when you have kids, and then 15k for rigging install and parts, I hinted at that ;) crazy the cost of all the little bits. I haven't priced one out for months but looking at the price of Suzuki down south, if I was buying twins I would be fishing for 15k a piece, but maybe that's just wishful thinking. Without negotiating you are under 18.8k for a single, with 7 years of warranty. Maybe only get them down to 17.5k for twins. VI image, Miami used price


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Buddy needs to part out and sell for scrap and cut his losses. I doubt anyone is gonna touch that for more than half of what he’s asking. I honestly see $10k in parts there, and I assume that hull is heat damaged and is scrap. Everything in the cabin is probably trash from smoke damage too
Looks like someone liked it, pending already.
simple rockwell test will show the hardness in the aluminum
Yes and welding puts more heat in than that fire probably did. I think it would be obvious based on distortion of the hull how much heat it was exposed to. Paint and vinyl wrap burn off pretty easily. Definitely worth some none destructive testing of the aluminum though.
Looking at the new pics going to say she is done! Interior, all windows, fuel tanks, hoses , all electrical and lots of structure fixes. 6k for the trailer and if engines are salvageable may 10k.
16k and get back some scrap dollars if you clean it up. Such a shame