Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Ya, for sure missing all the supporting & important info BN & Dave. Way too much of a stretch to claim anything @ this point - except that this is a skinny, young chum juvie.
looks to me like we should be expecting some big chum returns in the area in 3-4 years right on boys! come on this is what its been all about right?
Would sea lice in their juveniles stages be food for fry?
Would sea lice in their juveniles stages be food for fry?
Good question, BN. Possibly - possibly not. For juvie pinks and chums - they tend to target the larger zooplanktors - calanoid and harpactacoid respectively for that 1st couple months.

I don't think the riddle as to how sea lice copepidite stages get attached to juvie salmon has received enough focus in the science articles that I have seen. Many think it could be through feeding and crawling out through the gills and gill rakers, as the largest or at least some part of the infection dynamics besides lateral movement onto the skin.

If so - they wouldn't end-up as food - but instead parasitising the juvies.

I also think that it is unlikely that given all the feeding studies on juvies over the years that sea lice wouldn't have been found & identified in their tummies along w the other zooplanktors that were - if that was a successful feeding strategy - especially where it has been noticed that sticklebacks eat lice off each other - and eat female lice w eggstrings:

So - unlikely overall would be my suggestion.
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looks to me like we should be expecting some big chum returns in the area in 3-4 years right on boys! come on this is what its been all about right?
If that is true - yes for sure, WMY. I don't feel that that is the conclusion from that 1 pic, tho. Need far more data to assume that...
Havnte we made the opposite conclusion tho from other elmo pics?
Not sure whom the "we" are in your assertion, WMY. If you are speaking to the pics of juvies loaded w sea lice - it is pretty obvious that those samples are outliers wrt levels of sea lice found in areas w/o FFs. There's substantial science on this particular topic and much of that has already been posted, discussed and debated on this thread and others on this forum for some years.

For this pic - calling it "fat and sassy" (you are correct Dave) is unsupported and erroneous. It is not. It may be fresh out of absorbing it's yolk sac (buttoning-up) and hasn't yet beefed-up - or something else - but who knows from 1 pic? Asserting that this pic "proves" anything substantial & reliable about chum returns w/o posting supporting data (e.g. smolt trap emigration numbers, trawl CPUE, etc.) really proves nothing so far - one way or the other.

There's enough to critical about the open net-cage operations superimposed on smolt early marine residence and mortality - I don't think anyone needs to make things up or post unsupported information. It just degrades the accountability and dependability of those posting that kind of opinion - and by reflection in the PR press of the BCSFA of anyone being critical of those open net-pen operations. So I don't see it as helpful to do these kinds of things...
I have had our boat in the shipyard all week in Campbell River. They are still building the large green buildings for the farms. I would say our government is full of crap about having this mess cleaned up by 2025.
Ya, I never believed that commitment from the feds. I saw it as yet another election promise. I think we have all seen - over the years - politicians say things to get elected. Then it usually takes ~1yr to figure-out whos-who in the zoo - and this is where the lobbyists earn their pay - having secret, strategic, private meetings with government officials and ministers from the PM down to the regional director. That's where the real play book is developed through selective feeding of filtered information to naive ministers whom dictate priorities down the line. It certainly isn't democracy nor is it fair - nor is it sustainable. But there is an expectation from large donors that contribute to political parties that they paid for something - priority access and often their lawyers even script up draft legislation that benefits them and protects their interest and status quo. Then through the 2-3rd years comes the shaft. Everyone that doesn't have an army of lobbyists and lawyers gets the shaft. Then the last year before the election - the smiley faces come out again, and a few roads get paved. That's why things are so screwed-up, IMHO.
Ya, I never believed that commitment from the feds. I saw it as yet another election promise. I think we have all seen - over the years - politicians say things to get elected. Then it usually takes ~1yr to figure-out whos-who in the zoo - and this is where the lobbyists earn their pay - having secret, strategic, private meetings with government officials and ministers from the PM down to the regional director. That's where the real play book is developed through selective feeding of filtered information to naive ministers whom dictate priorities down the line. It certainly isn't democracy nor is it fair - nor is it sustainable. But there is an expectation from large donors that contribute to political parties that they paid for something - priority access and often their lawyers even script up draft legislation that benefits them and protects their interest and status quo. Then through the 2-3rd years comes the shaft. Everyone that doesn't have an army of lobbyists and lawyers gets the shaft. Then the last year before the election - the smiley faces come out again, and a few roads get paved. That's why things are so screwed-up, IMHO.
The Turd promised last election of first past post then lied and changed nothing. If he did absolutely nothing else this would have been a major step forward and would have wiped out this dark lobbying business.
Doesn't matter what party is in power or what leader of what party promises what, Terrin. They all have their hands out. At the end of the day - that's who they listen to...
First the Fish Farms want a Government Cash Bail Out and then a relaxation of regulations.
There is no end of the Fish Farm arrogance and our Government incompetence.
"Industry demands “nothing short of astonishing”
"In a March 26 letter to federal Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan, the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance asked her for “regulatory flexibility” during the COVID-19 crisis.
They asked that “DFO inspectors be directed to be prudent and flexible in their compliance and enforcements activities over the coming weeks and months”. The types of regulations they mention cover things like treating fish for disease or sea lice, dumping pesticides, mass die-offs, as well as specific environmental monitoring and sampling requirements."
A message from "Safe Salmon"
My name is Paul, and I’ve been one of the people working on Safe Salmon for the last couple of years.
I’m born and raised in BC, and wild salmon have been close to my heart since childhood, when school field trips to the Adams River sockeye run filled us with awe, and the Secwépemc/Shuswap people taught us about salmon as food security, culture and identity.
Thanks to you and thousands of other British Columbians like you, Safe Salmon has become one of the most powerful communities of wild salmon defenders in Canada.
At key decision points, Safe Salmon has flooded the phone lines and email inboxes of our elected politicians with thousands upon thousands of calls and emails, letting them know exactly how we feel about the viruses and parasites being spread by the predatory factory fish industry.
You helped remove factory fish farms from key wild salmon migration routes in the Broughton Archipelago. You helped lay the groundwork for the 2019 Liberal platform promise to get all factory fish farms out of our waters by 2025.
And when it looked like the Prime Minister’s Office was about to ‘forget’ to include the election promise in the new Fisheries Minister’s mandate letter, you bombarded the Prime Minister’s office with nearly 1000 phone calls in 24 hours, letting them know we were watching their every move.
So, like you, I was saddened (and in fact furious) when a few weeks ago it looked like Fisheries Minister Jordan planned to shamelessly break the election promise to get factory fish farms out by 2025.
I was even madder with the Fisheries Minister’s excuse that “we said we’d make a plan by 2025, not get rid of the farms by 2025.”
Wrong. That is NOT what the government promised. And this is exactly the kind of cynical move that has eroded Canadians’ trust in our politicians.
So, here’s the good news: After getting hammered by angry calls and emails from people like you, we’re starting to get wind that the government is feeling the heat, and might actually keep its promise to get factory fish farms out of our waters by 2025.
Great to hear, but we’ll believe it when we see it.
The Fisheries Minister is still silent, and these virus factories should be gone like yesterday, so we're not celebrating just yet.
But if this is true, then it’s still a huge step in the right direction, and it’s only because of your tireless advocacy that we have made it this far together. Thank you.
Still with me? The COVID crisis has been a scary and difficult time for all of us. A lot of Canadians are getting sick and many could lose loved ones by the time this thing is over. But our health and frontline workers are doing a heroic job keeping us safe, and I’ve never been more grateful to be Canadian.
This crisis is also causing real economic damage. I know our household budgets are tight right now. I know mine is. Almost 1 in 4 working Canadians applied for emergency benefits in the last month.
COVID is also impacting Safe Salmon. I’m sorry to say it, but this means Safe Salmon may have to shut down if we can’t find funding to keep the lights on. The factory fish industry would love nothing more than to see Safe Salmon sink.

But together we are mighty, and we’ve built Safe Salmon to be a very efficient campaign. Our cost to stay afloat is a total of only $500/month. This means if 100 of you reading this email each chip in $5/month, then we keep Safe Salmon up and running and growing and fighting for wild salmon.
Many of you have already donated to Safe Salmon, and we (and the wild salmon) are deeply grateful for what you have helped build. Your support has helped us reach nearly a million people and hammer the politicians and bureaucrats with thousands of letters, emails, and phone calls.
Together, we’ve become a real force for good. And with your support, we will continue to be.
Please chip in $5/month and keep Safe Salmon afloat.
It’s almost like a wild salmon insurance policy for our kids and grandkids.
Thank you,
Paul, for the Safe Salmon team
PS. We are planning to mail a super cool Safe Salmon sticker to everyone who chips in! Thank you! ❤️