Right now, one of the great wonders of nature,
millions of recently-hatched baby pink, chum and sockeye salmon are beginning their outmigration into the Pacific Ocean, all the while feeding, growing and trying to survive. This great journey takes them from their home streams and rivers across BC, though our inside passages and coastal waters, and out into the open ocean.
As they fight to reach the relative safety of the ocean where they will live most of their lives, the young salmon must first make it through a gauntlet of
narrow channels filled with factory fish farms spewing out clouds of parasites and viruses.
One key choke point the juvenile salmon must navigate are the Discovery Islands near Campbell River, BC. Infested with factory fish farms, this threat was recognized 10 years ago by the Cohen Commission, which concluded the Fisheries Minister should ban factory fish farms from the Discovery Islands in September, 2020, unless she is satisfied they pose minimal risk to the health of migrating salmon.
Well 2020 is here and the factory fish farms have panicked and scrambled to send ever bigger parasite sucking and chemical dumping ships from Norway to try and get their infestations under control. Do you think it’s working? Yeah, same here.
Our juvenile wild salmon don’t have the option of physical distancing, and are forced to swim through virus and parasite-filled waters to get to safety.
Getting factory fish farms out of the Discovery Islands, and beginning to create a safe zone, would be a major win for our wild salmon