Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Why don't they use Coho, Sockeye, Chum or some other native species, not that it would stop disease transmission but escapes would not displace the native fishery. What science prevents that?
Good questions, Fishing. 1st off reporting escapees is a bit like driving too fast down the highway and voluntarily reporting your speed infractions if you remember to stop in @ the local cop shop and give yourself a ticket.

2ndly - the real reason they use Atlantics is simple economics - not only have the husbandry figured out - but the stocking density for Atlantics is high (up to 25 kg/m3) - much higher than most Pacifics (5 - 10 kg/m3 for Chinook salmon). If you can fit twice+ the fish in a net - you get twice+ the profits for the same net-cage operation.

3rdly - if they do raise Pacifics in the Pacific - they could interbreed w local stocks if they escape - and the makadavic river is a good example of what happens over an extended time doing that. So better not to.
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No Sea Lice problems from Fish Farms they say

Another sea lice season threatens out-migrating juvenile salmon. Clayoquot Action was in the field to record sampling work by the Cedar Coast Field Station.
Up to 50 lice have been recorded on one wild salmon just last week!
This is the 3rd season for the lice issue there. They are going for the full cycle. The fish farms will have effectively eliminated wild salmon from Clayoquot.
To make things worse the sites are expanding. Talking with one of the contractors yesterday the sides have reduced the number of pens but are increasing the size of the pens that are left. This industry makes me want to puke.
You can beat this subject up for years to come. Just bite the bullet and move the bloody fish farms to land end of story! Change is never easy but it has to come.
Yes very sad state of affairs. Sickening actually to think this is being allowed. Then a big revelation one day from the powers that be of sudden collapse of our salmon runs as we know them. Disgusting mismanagement by all the agencies.
Awesome story, they deserve a medal for doing something right. Too bad all the others wouldn’t follow suit but they’ll keep on screwing the environment and fish stocks up until someone has the balls to kick them off the water! I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would want to eat the crap they produce, people need to stop buying it then maybe the message gets through. Until such time the on ocean farms keep raping and pillaging and someone makes a **** pot full off money. Disgusting!
Hopefully the FN force them to leave. I realize there’s a job issue here but there’d be jobs if they were land based. Maybe the price slide attributed to bad press and lack of demand will finally force the issue. Lots of industries have to make changes in todays world which they don’t like and cost them money but they either do it or they’re gone. Welcome to the new world fish farms, looks good on ya!
Hopefully the FN force them to leave. I realize there’s a job issue here but there’d be jobs if they were land based. Maybe the price slide attributed to bad press and lack of demand will finally force the issue. Lots of industries have to make changes in todays world which they don’t like and cost them money but they either do it or they’re gone. Welcome to the new world fish farms, looks good on ya!
A potential problem with this is that the Governments are off loading the problems so they aren't held accountable for mismanagement or any management at all. They will be washing their hands of the entire issue.
What if the FF's offer some FN's hundreds of thousands of dollars per pen? If the FN agree then there is nothing anyone can do.

I often wondered, what would happen to me if somehow I infected a FF with a deadly virus that killed most of their fish. Would I be charged with a crime? They aren't.
A potential problem with this is that the Governments are off loading the problems so they aren't held accountable for mismanagement or any management at all. They will be washing their hands of the entire issue.
What if the FF's offer some FN's hundreds of thousands of dollars per pen? If the FN agree then there is nothing anyone can do.

I often wondered, what would happen to me if somehow I infected a FF with a deadly virus that killed most of their fish. Would I be charged with a crime? They aren't.
Its even worse than that, Fishing? Justice Canada and their legions of lawyers are there to protect the government from class action law suits for all departments - including DFO.

Rather than oversee honesty and good governance for our alleged "democracy"; or instead be accountable to the public for their fiduciary trust for the public's resources - they have instead co-opted their purpose and instead provide oversight over the release of any data that would acknowledge & confirm that there has been a breach of fiduciary duty by DFO in it's complicity in the release of ISAv and PRv - among other disease vectors. FF lawyers likely have Justice Canada lawyers on speed dial - as they do the senate committee members since they all well understand the words: "class action law suit". Even Mike Duffy had Vivian Krause prominently on his rollodex - and that was also no mistake.
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Its even worse than that, Fishing? Justice Canada and their legions of lawyers are there to protect the government from class action law suits for all departments - including DFO. They are the oversight over the release of any data that would acknowledge & confirm that there has been a breach of fiduciary duty by DFO in it's complicity in the release of ISAv and PRv - among other disease vectors. FF lawyers likely have Justice Canada lawyers on speed dial - as they do the senate committee members.
Then the answer is to "out lobby" them and keep the truth, which is pretty much covered up or buried in BS, out in the open. MP or MLA by MP or MLA. Get opinions from each one. When they all say there is nothing they can do then they are allowing the general public to create actions because they are confirming there is no policy, rules or legislation regarding somethings.
Possible enough Rec Fishers get together and purchase ALL or most of the FF leases, the are cheap, only a few thousand per year, no one to outbid the current FF's, and then close them down.
Is there any law that states an ordinary person cannot go close to a FF?
What if a FN person, maybe me, hunts down a few pinipeds for traditional reasons? What law is broken?

IMO the trick is to "lobby" and contribute to politicians that will act on things that the province and federal governments can do that have immediate results rather than blaming and waiting for global warming to be reversed to cure ALL the problems. They pretty much blame everything on global warming and nothing they do can correct or help solve the problem. All they do is find a way around negative public relations and baffle the public with BS.