Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Just waiting for activist to launch a campaign relating salmon viruses to covid19. So predictable.
Ya - many parallels there - isn't there?

Host density is a major factor in transmission. I'm sure farmed salmon practice "social distancing"...

and species jumping often makes any disease agent more virulent & deadly.

So.. isolation is key to mitigating intra- & inter-species impacts.

Good thing that "open" net-pen technology is so amenable to isolation of farmed stock from wild (sarcasm).


viruses often mutate into more virulent forms.

Good thing all of these real-life epidemiological factors are nothing but stuff made-up by "activists" (more sarcasm).

Thanks for noticing, BN..
Agent, have you ever seen sockeye spawning in the Adams River? Social distancing at it's best ...
Anything to push your agenda, very Trump like actually.
I take it you have seen farmed Atlantics in a pen,. Dave? No social distancing there. And they are there ~1&1/2 years strait - INCLUDING throughout the smolt outmigration AND they pretty much all have PRv and occasionally other introduced disease vectors.

The open net-cage facilities are a disease & parasite nexus - and encourage the development of high virulence diseases:
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Yes, I have seen Atlantic's in a pen, have you? I'm guessing also that you have never been to Hell's Gate when there are nearly a million fish stacked up waiting to get through.

Agent, in spite of our differences I hope you and yours stay safe.
kinda like cities and sports stadiums which we have had for over a hundred years. ya. The C19/salmon farm campaign will be backed by current legit C19 fear levels and will steer fearful eyes to apply fear elsewhere.
Everyone has made their point now. We are not going to start intertwining Covid 19 into this thread and a discussion about physical distancing with fish. Stick to the conversation and facts regarding FF or the post will simply be removed.
If anyone wishes to write to the science journals posted and repudiate the science presented within using data/science - which they are free to do so - unsupported and under-educated "opinions" from bloggers simply have no scientific strength & vigour and are irresponsible if they suggest "nothing to see here folks, move along" or "look over here instead".

People who are irresponsible should be ignored when implementing management decisions on any industry. People who knowingly misdirect and obfuscate their self-serving actions should also be held responsible.

It is responsible however to use science to develop and manage impacts from industry - even if not all of the answers are yet in. It's called the precautionary approach/principle:
I suspect that basic observations by "under-educated" individuals that systems such as the skeena and many others no where near salmon farms suffer the same pour numbers as those systems which have salmon farms on migration routs, will be applied to the precautionary principle.

"People who knowingly misdirect and obfuscate their self-serving actions should also be held responsible." Like they do in China?
"People who knowingly misdirect and obfuscate their self-serving actions should also be held responsible."

Like consistently using the term disease in place of the term virus?
Uh, I think birdie meant you have a penchant for using the words disease and virus interchangeably.

But disease agent works.
Ive learned on this forum, from agent specifically, that its ok to call individuals things like " under-educated" as long as you do not use a specific name. It is for this reason when I commented about the use of the term disease in place of the term virus as dave mentions, I used no specific name however I see that agent claimed it immediately and I could not agree more.
This leaves me wondering how agent should be held responsible for knowingly misdirecting and obfuscating their self-serving actions?
Glad it fits your approval, Dave - it does - and I understand the caveats along with assuming the presence of a disease agent in the environment might not mean the presence of disease in any host.


It might also mean actually that that particular disease agent DID cause disease in an host. Lots of validated and proven studies and cases on that worldwide and one we as humans are currently living through.

The corollary is that one shouldn't dismiss any disease agent offhand - and w/o that disease agent - you don't have that disease neither.

So disease agents are critical in causing disease (duh, eh?).

IF we had real-time notification of outbreaks along with geographic co-ordinates - researchers could figure out things like mortality & morbidity rates in wild stocks and figure out things like epidemiology and all the things that cause both individual and population-levels impacts.


Since DFO and CFIA defend the industry and refuse to provide those simple and critical data - open net-cage aquaculture continues to impact wild stocks with unknown consequences and unresolved epidemiology. The gate-keeping and defensiveness that contributes to this acrimonious debate benefits only 1 thing - the status quo - which is the intention IMHO.
It seems we have two choices when it comes to fish farms.
Close them down or continue to subside them.

" Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Subject: FN0380-Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program Application Deadlines
The Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program (FACTAP) can provide funding of up to 75% of project costs to improve the environmental performance of the industry. The funding can support the industry with the adoption or adaptation of market-ready clean technologies for aquaculture, wild capture harvesting and seafood processing operations."
The subsidies have been numerous over the years, Terrin for sure - but I am not opposed necessarily to funding "new" technologies - if in fact that what this is.


Lets face it - the open net-cage technology is not "new" - and it is still "open" and impossible to separate wild and cultured stocks this way - to the detriment of the wild stocks. What's that saying about lipstick on a pig?
In any event - there are also other aquacultured species & technologies, as well. I think it would be great to promote these options.
Cermaq Canada accidently spills several hundred litres of waste water in Campbell River

Would this seafood processor be included in the Government bailout announced today?
Fish and seafood processors catch $62.5M bailout
Ottawa will provide a $62.5-million aid package to help the country's fish and seafood processors protect workers from COVID-19 and ensure they can continue to keep the seafood market alive