Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Two die offs…Will more of this crap be pumped into the ocean?


70,000 die this week due to "severe winter storm events experienced over the past month."

“2,600,000 fish died in September due to what Northern Harvest — a subsidiary of the Norwegian aquaculture giant Mowi — said was warmer than normal water temperatures,”
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"Canada’s aquaculture sector calls for gov’t help as sales dive in coronavirus pandemic"
They can't be serous can they??
More handouts to this industry should not be considered!
I think one of the many problems with global warming is that higher fw temps in the late summer & early fall accelerate the progression of ATUs so that juvie salmon hatch-out early - maybe too early for the estuarine plankton & subsequent zooplankton growth - particularly for items such as harpactacoid copepods that chum juvies need. Not sure why this one is so skinny as you mentioned Dave - but it could be the result of inadequate prey items...
Yup, could be starvation, parasites, pollution but at least it's free of lice :) Most likely because it looks so poorly it was an easy catch for her.
Just wow. The sampling season has barely begun so no little data has been collected and Morton has the knards to make this claim. Theres a reason AM is not a certified biologist.

From what I understand where is the stats for the full sample, where are the salinity levels for the sample, where are the comparison samples from other locations along this rout? Soooo much missing information other than a photo, a general location and a few believers supporting her. This isn't science. Its meaningless.