Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread


Salmon News

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Tune in on Facebook TOMORROW (Thursday June 25) at 11:30 am here.

New data confirms that salmon farms in a number of locations are causing lethal sea lice infestations in high numbers of juvenile wild salmon.

The First Nations Leadership Council will host a press conference to discuss immediate action needed to protect wild salmon and the rights of Indigenous peoples in British Columbia.
First Nations call for end to B.C. open-net salmon farms
Leadership council cites high rates of sea lice exceeding provincial limits
First Nations leaders pressure Canadian government to speed up transition to closed-containment salmon farming
First Nations leaders say 'excuses, distractions and delays' have hampered progress on the commitment to transition away from netpens.
What will it take to get these Open Net Pen Fish Farms out of our waters?
"Breaking news! The First Nations Leadership Council joined biologist Alex Morton today to release shocking findings about this year’s wild salmon outmigration: over 90 percent of the fish travelling through the Discovery Islands area near Campbell River were infested with parasitic lice from salmon farms.
This is alarming: Factory fish farms can’t control the parasites on their farms anymore and this epidemic is spreading and killing baby wild salmon as they migrate by.
We’re seeing horrible infections--tiny fish, the size of a finger, with an average of 8-12 lice. These fish won’t survive the journey that nature intended for them.
Factory fish farms knew this was happening and they tried to reassure everyone they had the solution: shiny new boats that would power-wash parasites away! Except they don’t work. In other countries all this technology, and even more pesticides and chemicals did not solve the farmed salmon lice problem [1]. Now it’s happening in B.C. coastal waters and our wild salmon are paying the price!
This is the last straw!"
What will it take to get these Open Net Pen Fish Farms out of our waters?
"Breaking news! The First Nations Leadership Council joined biologist Alex Morton today to release shocking findings about this year’s wild salmon outmigration: over 90 percent of the fish travelling through the Discovery Islands area near Campbell River were infested with parasitic lice from salmon farms.
This is alarming: Factory fish farms can’t control the parasites on their farms anymore and this epidemic is spreading and killing baby wild salmon as they migrate by.
We’re seeing horrible infections--tiny fish, the size of a finger, with an average of 8-12 lice. These fish won’t survive the journey that nature intended for them.
Factory fish farms knew this was happening and they tried to reassure everyone they had the solution: shiny new boats that would power-wash parasites away! Except they don’t work. In other countries all this technology, and even more pesticides and chemicals did not solve the farmed salmon lice problem [1]. Now it’s happening in B.C. coastal waters and our wild salmon are paying the price!
This is the last straw!"
It's actually been happening since the early 1990's when these farms first showed up. Slaughtering run after run of smolts as they pass by the open net cages with sea lice. Now we are facing complete fishing closures to save the last few returning fish. It's just disgusting that this has been allowed to just carry on and even increase as more and more net pens are put into migratory areas. The Cohen Report says Fish Farms to be out by 2020 and it is now 2020 so time to move on land or just pack up and leave.
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A small step, but not really good enough. They need to exit the water entirely and the sooner the better. Our fish can't really handle much more of this crap from the farms as far as sea lice, disease and escapes go. Looking at the data from the latest sea lice impact study shows that the situation is worse than what was thought. Meanwhile the Farms claim little or no impact which we all knew was BS.

I think something like this would be what needs to be done here. If the farms in BC can't or won't transition due to financial or lack of will, then let RAS systems like this squeeze them out, I won't feel bad for a second.
A small step, but not really good enough. They need to exit the water entirely and the sooner the better. Our fish can't really handle much more of this crap from the farms as far as sea lice, disease and escapes go. Looking at the data from the latest sea lice impact study shows that the situation is worse than what was thought. Meanwhile the Farms claim little or no impact which we all knew was BS.

I think something like this would be what needs to be done here. If the farms in BC can't or won't transition due to financial or lack of will, then let RAS systems like this squeeze them out, I won't feel bad for a second.
Agree totally go on land or leave and let Wild salmon heal.
… and the news of how net pen fish farms continue to spread pollution, infestation and diseases that harm the marine environment keeps on coming to light. Yet there are a few that still support it - crazy! Time to move them all onto land where their negative impacts can be better managed.
Lousy Choices
That should be an eye opening report for all the Nay sayers as to the devastating harm on Wild Salmon runs by open net cage Fish Farms throughout the B.C. Coastline. It is time for the Federal Government to take their responsibility serious and remove these farms from the Ocean.
the University of BC will receive approximately $1,829,000 over four years to provide a BC-based solution for growing larger, more physiologically robust Atlantic salmon smolts in freshwater recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). This project will help to improve both the sustainability and productivity of BC’s aquaculture industry by increasing the amount of time farmed salmon are reared in land-based RAS and reducing the amount of time farmed Atlantic salmon spend in marine net-pens;
the University of BC will receive approximately $1,829,000 over four years to provide a BC-based solution for growing larger, more physiologically robust Atlantic salmon smolts in freshwater recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). This project will help to improve both the sustainability and productivity of BC’s aquaculture industry by increasing the amount of time farmed salmon are reared in land-based RAS and reducing the amount of time farmed Atlantic salmon spend in marine net-pens;
Just trying to push back the tide of public expectation. Just move them onto land permanently and let the Ocean grow Wild Salmon. Save that public money and put it into restoration projects.