Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Dont ya all just hate "foreign-owned multinational corporations "
....unless your getting $$ from them to argue for or against something...goes both ways
Follow the science instead. PRv transmitted from open net caged farm fish kills Wild Salmon. Wild salmon are in serious decline. Two facts that are not in dispute.
Thank goodness you gave-up defending the open net-pen industry 2 years ago, james. good on you.

Actually the "lane" we are in is that the open net-pen technology has no ability to mitigate or even stop the transmission of parasites and diseases from farmed fish to wild stocks. Always been that way and always will using this technology verses closed containment. The latest news and science on the transmission of PRv is yet but another nail in the coffin of how this industry currently operates.

I understand that since the foreign-owned multinational corporations that control the industry don't currently pay for sewerage removal, pumping and real estate using the outdated open net-pen technology - they wouldn't want to switch to closed containment.

So better ignore all science that proves the fact that there are substantial risks and impacts to wild stocks and narrow the lane on that discussion. Good luck driving in your myopic lane by yourselves, industry. The World has moved on. You are the only ones not understanding that reality.
Same old then, eh agentaqua?

Empty words from someone who won't validate them with an identity, and complete hypocrisy.

I see you are using the Catherine McKenna formula for ideologues:

"If you repeat it, if you say it louder, if that’s your talking point, people will totally believe it!”

My time is better spent elsewhere I guess.
Same old then, eh agentaqua?

Empty words from someone who won't validate them with an identity, and complete hypocrisy.

I see you are using the Catherine McKenna formula for ideologues:

"If you repeat it, if you say it louder, if that’s your talking point, people will totally believe it!”

My time is better spent elsewhere I guess.
You’re right James, nothing has changed … we have a slide on the Fraser that has pretty much wiped out two year classes of sockeye and Chinook but we’re still talking about fish farms. Totally typical.
You’re right James, nothing has changed … we have a slide on the Fraser that has pretty much wiped out two year classes of sockeye and Chinook but we’re still talking about fish farms. Totally typical.
Well his thread is actually titled Aquaculture; Improving????
Are you suggesting we should only talk about the slide or that since it has pretty much wiped out the already low two year classes of sockeye and chinook we should minimize or eliminate all other risks to mitigate this disaster?
Yep -same old from the industry and it's pundits, for sure. Very predictable & very sad:

1/ Deny, deny, deny.
2/ Avoid acknowledging the available science but instead attempt to attack any messenger.
3/ Paint the debate as everyone either brainwashed by evil ENGOs or being one in order to deflect taking accountability & responsibility.

Until someone provides a published critique in the science as the published science - about the most recent science including PRv - it's pretty lame and irresponsible using "it's all the ENGOs" smoke screen. It would be laughable, except for the ongoing cumulative impacts to the wild stocks.

And again - that's why the industry really has no credibility when discussing impacts to wild stocks. The either don't understand wild stocks or don't want to. Maybe both. Either way - they are not forced to - in fact DFO protects and promotes the industry - as do some DFO posters on here:

1/ Cohen noticed this unresolved conflict of interest, as have many other scientists,
2/ The Fisheries Minister made the right call on the Discovery Islands,
3/ The Deputy Minister is also conflicted but that is now out in the open,
4/ UNDRIP is coming @ DFO & the industry will face another new reality - one they can't avoid this time.
5/ The rest of the World has accepted the limitations of open net-pen technology and it's obvious and subtle effects on wild stocks; and have moved on past the propaganda from the industry. Only the industry is still stuck in denial, and that's always been the problem.
And again - that's why the industry really has no credibility when discussing impacts to wild stocks. The either don't understand wild stocks or don't want to. Maybe both. Either way - they are not forced to - in fact DFO protects and promotes the industry - as do some DFO posters on here:
Yep -same old from the industry and it's pundits,

I find your post quits ironic as someone who has tried so hard to be anonymous such as yourself to call out others as being industry pundits and DFO posters.

why is it so important for you to name and shame and label others but remain so anonymous yourself.

I think i know why

3/ Paint the debate as everyone either brainwashed by evil ENGOs

surely as a sports fishermen yourself you can see why after what the ENGO's have done to sports fishing and those who participate in it.
I find your post quits ironic as someone who has tried so hard to be anonymous such as yourself to call out others as being industry pundits and DFO posters.

why is it so important for you to name and shame and label others but remain so anonymous yourself.

I think i know why

surely as a sports fishermen yourself you can see why after what the ENGO's have done to sports fishing and those who participate in it.
If you want to label or call out AA as a Wild Salmon anti open net cage Farm Fish activist you can add me to that camp as well and I won’t be ashamed to be labeled as such.
Thank you
For me - I self identify as an experienced right-wing redneck who reads the science - fights with some ENGOs on a semi-regular basis (but NOT the ASF nor the PSF whom I appreciate) - fights with DFO (esp. the Aquaculture branch) & the industry & their PR machine on a regular basis on their lack of accountability, transparency and honesty - knows the risks and consequences of the open net-cage industry current modus operandi and am opposed to it - and supports aquaculture in general.
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I find your post quits ironic as someone who has tried so hard to be anonymous such as yourself to call out others as being industry pundits and DFO posters.

why is it so important for you to name and shame and label others but remain so anonymous yourself.

I think i know why

surely as a sports fishermen yourself you can see why after what the ENGO's have done to sports fishing and those who participate in it.
I think it is disrespectful, paternalistic, misleading and inaccurate to label every critique against the open net-cage industry as illegitimate by painting the messenger as being brainwashed by ENGOs instead of being informed, well-read and engaged. The industry pulls this crap all the time, WMY. And they appear to convince themselves that this is the truth for them, and we should all trust them and believe what they say no matter what their track record is wrt honesty, transparency & accountability. They are only fooling themselves and playing to their own industry - not the larger scientific community.

DFO is OUR public service and whose primary function is to protect wild stocks. They have to be accountable if we are to responsibly manage our resources. They should NEVER have been put into the compromise and conflict of interest being promoters and defenders of this industry. Same can be said of Dr. Gary Marty's office and CFIA. In a democracy, it is our collective responsibility to hold government accountable. DFO - particularly the Deputy Ministers Office needs more accountability.

I have been quite critical of some ENGOs on this forum - and they get to wear their own accountability, as well. But within the science and researchers involved with investigating the impacts form fish farms - they are a minor component. The rest of those researchers gained their knowledge from their efforts - not the ENGOs.

And if the science is published - it deserves to be taken seriously - particularly the science that confirms the release of novel pathogens and increased levels of parasites - which is inevitable using the open net-pen technology. That is irrespective of what organization publishing it. That doesn't mean science is completely unbiased - but there is a scientific way of disagreeing w any study by writing a response into the same publisher:

But since the industry has successfully lobbied and avoided any real environmental assessments to date that normally functions with vetted info and a moderator that tracks responses - we are instead stuck in an never-ending media war - just where they want it. Acrimonious and unresolved so they can continue business as usual.

But even that tactic isn't working anymore. The Minister made the right decision on the Discovery Islands...
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Oh look...the fish farm debate has been derailed AGAIN with the same old debate about how people should identify themselves on a forum. Not required and no longer up for debate. Stay on topic or don't post.
Wild First - Posts | Facebook
Do you think Cermaq has finally got the message??
Do you think there is any chance Fish Farms will get kicked out of Clayoquat Sound any time soon?
Likely received but not accepted, GF - like the Discovery Islands decision.

Instead the industry's PR machine is spewing out nonsense that anyone who has any critiques for the industry must be brainwashed by ENGOs in order to discredit their critics and to deflect the conversation on the industry's own accountability.

One of the big problems w the Clayoquot Sound sites - as far as I understand it - is the remaining, vulnerable WCVI Chinook stocks which are at critical low levels. Their juvies are the quasi-typical Ocean-types that hang out in and around Clayoquot Sound and the fish farms there for extended periods - where they get loaded w sea lice and PRv.

Maybe you have info on that?