Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

NOT a surprise - the Senate states the same thing I and many, many others have been saying for years wrt the open net-pen industry:

FOPO Recommendations

Recommendation 9 That the Government of Canada recognize that the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard cannot both protect wild salmon and promote the aquaculture industry, and remove the promotion of aquaculture from the mandate of the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard.
Recommendation 10 That Fisheries and Oceans Canada improve its data transparency practices, including making information available to the public without needing approval from industry and corporate stakeholders.
Recommendation 11 That Fisheries and Oceans Canada ensure that Phase 3 of the Strategic Salmon Health Initiative is properly funded. In addition, the Initiative should be provided an adequate facility to perform the critical challenge studies required to assess the findings of Phase 2’s molecular studies, which will help inform and streamline the department’s response to the decline of wild salmon populations.
The government is often forced to have duels mandates. But harvest, salmon, agriculture, tourisms promotion should, imo be left up to industry but then you get industry crying and scream at government to help them.

Recommendation 10 ive personal ran into a bunch of road blocks the way DFO handles information with its stakeholders is ridiculous. Also i think the way the stakeholders handle information with there members is also ridiculous.
The government is often forced to have duels mandates. But harvest, salmon, agriculture, tourisms promotion should, imo be left up to industry but then you get industry crying and scream at government to help them.

Recommendation 10 ive personal ran into a bunch of road blocks the way DFO handles information with its stakeholders is ridiculous. Also i think the way the stakeholders handle information with there members is also ridiculous.
Yep - 2 words: "Industry Canada". That was the department set-up to help industries - absolutely NOT DFO until Yves Bastion happened to plunge DFO into a corrupt conflict of interest by largely his one-sizies; and the open net-pen industry is again today crying for a proponent to lead their charge into battle - meanwhile NOT acknowledging what the Deputy Minister has been doing behind the scenes. Criminal, IMHO.

And today DFO & CFIA still hide fish health data. No real-time notification of disease outbreaks with geographic co-ordinates.
So the basis of this court action is
"the company will not be able to carry out “the humane grow out” of a final cycle of fish at each of the farms, as planned"
How do the fish farms feel about the "humane grow out" of wild salmon killed by their Sea Lice and disease?
Heard today they are transferring a lot of the pens from discovery island to port hardy.

don’t know if they got new perpemits for new sites don’t no but the pens are going north nonetheless
So the basis of this court action is
"the company will not be able to carry out “the humane grow out” of a final cycle of fish at each of the farms, as planned"
How do the fish farms feel about the "humane grow out" of wild salmon killed by their Sea Lice and disease?
Well, it's an interesting claim - if nothing else - GF. These Atlantic smolts were planned to be killed as a FF product at the end of their grow-out cycle anyways. So letting them spend more time and grow bigger constrained in pens before killing them is apparently somehow more "human-E" than killing them as smolts. Quite the logic there. The "E" must then stand for effort I am guessing...

and they must've paid some FF lawyers and the PR people big $ to dream this up, as well.
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Heard today they are transferring a lot of the pens from discovery island to port hardy.

don’t know if they got new perpemits for new sites don’t no but the pens are going north nonetheless
Nothing about applications for new sites, permits or expansions in the Port Hardy area on govt. websites.

Mowi is the only company with sites in that area. There were a number of existing sites fallow as of May.
Might be they are changing plans to stock some/all of those ones.
Heard today they are transferring a lot of the pens from discovery island to port hardy.

don’t know if they got new perpemits for new sites don’t no but the pens are going north nonetheless
Said this pages and pages ago, some just around the corner to a fn that wants them in "their" territory, and the fish to, just like cattle or dairy industry, animals get sold and shipped off to other farms
With the undrip being implemented ff are here to stay and NO ONE will tell a fn what to do,
Bet? Any takers?
Big $$$$$ being spent on equipment to continue "in ocean" fn ff,
Open net will be gone in future for the multinationals, with closed containment in ocean ff taking over for them, but fn will do what ever the fk they want in their territory.

Again to answer op, Aquaculture IS improving
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One year from now, in June 2022, the vast majority of fish farm licences in British Columbia will expire. That’s 106 factory fish farm sites out of a total of 109.
Now is the time to make your voice heard to politicians and the media!
Move Open Net Pen Atlantic Salmon Fish Farms to dry land.
It will only happen if these licences are NOT RENEWED!!
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Wow, I started the day looking at fishing reports but wound up reading the posts on this forum. Mostly the same 5-10 people posting but a bunch of guys were active and then quit it looks like. I guess the question I am muddling over in my brain is:

Is this debate even something that can be decided?
Is this debate even worthy of all of your efforts and time?

Kinda seems to me that the positions on both sides have some merits but like all debates today, it depends if you are pro tump or against trump, pro trudeau or against trudeau. It is more about what tribe you belong to then what is actually happening to our fishery. Isn't the fish farms, as bad as they may be, just a small part of a much bigger problem?

Not to get off topic, but I saw an interview with Bill Gates on Climate. He remarked that if we cut fossil fuels in half, switched to solar and wind, etc we still had no chance of reducing CO2 by 50%. The biggest culprit in CO2 emissions were the making of steel and cement. How can we forgo safety in our bridges and buildings - probably not a great idea?

So, isn't fish farms just like one of the smaller CO2 issues? Sure, has problems, but what are the real big ones and can they even be solved? If the biggest issues are global (coming from other countries) what do we hope to accomplish by shutting down the fish farms? Not saying it isnt a good idea, just don't know what we are trying to accomplish. Sorry, don't mean to derail this thread but it is certainly entertaining!

BTW - not in any fishing industry - in the power industry. Cheers.
Wow, I started the day looking at fishing reports but wound up reading the posts on this forum. Mostly the same 5-10 people posting but a bunch of guys were active and then quit it looks like. I guess the question I am muddling over in my brain is:

Is this debate even something that can be decided?
Is this debate even worthy of all of your efforts and time?

Kinda seems to me that the positions on both sides have some merits but like all debates today, it depends if you are pro tump or against trump, pro trudeau or against trudeau. It is more about what tribe you belong to then what is actually happening to our fishery. Isn't the fish farms, as bad as they may be, just a small part of a much bigger problem?

Not to get off topic, but I saw an interview with Bill Gates on Climate. He remarked that if we cut fossil fuels in half, switched to solar and wind, etc we still had no chance of reducing CO2 by 50%. The biggest culprit in CO2 emissions were the making of steel and cement. How can we forgo safety in our bridges and buildings - probably not a great idea?

So, isn't fish farms just like one of the smaller CO2 issues? Sure, has problems, but what are the real big ones and can they even be solved? If the biggest issues are global (coming from other countries) what do we hope to accomplish by shutting down the fish farms? Not saying it isnt a good idea, just don't know what we are trying to accomplish. Sorry, don't mean to derail this thread but it is certainly entertaining!

BTW - not in any fishing industry - in the power industry. Cheers.
An envirornmental concept that is slowly gaining traction and recognition is called "rights of nature" Rights of Nature laws enable people, communities, and ecosystems themselves to defend and enforce such rights. Without the ability to do so, those ecosystems would be destroyed. Today, CELDF is serving as legal counsel for ecosystems, as well as communities, to defend the rights of watersheds to exist and flourish. This may be the only way to save us from the next 6th mass extinction of animals (including people)