Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Is there any evidence of Farmed Atlantic Salmon showing up in any BC Rivers?
Is there any evidence of Farmed Atlantic Salmon showing up in any BC Rivers?
I don't think the Atlantic Salmon Watch Program has been active snorkel surveying their index streams since 2012-ish. But DFO has been receiving reports and publish those reports at:

and the province's response in 2017 at:

based on this massive breach:
After reading the links post by Agent and Whole in the Water, I checked with a source I know and got this.
"Analysis of escaped Atlantic Salmon reporting from farmers indicates that their reports are greatly underestimated.
We systematically snorkel 41 knowns Pacific Salmon supporting rivers and creeks on Vancouver Island over a span of 3 years and detected Atlantic Salmon in 36.6% of surveyed rivers."
There seems to be conflicting opinions. Nothing unusual when it comes to Open Net Pen Atlantic Salmon farmers and their supporters.
its good to know with the decline of pacific salmon we have these locally rivers just loaded with atlantic salmon that we can target.

What rivers specifically are you guys finding them in?

I'm just curious how creditable you think these members of the MCC are? Personally i don't waste my time sharing links from these groups

On March 18, the MCC submitted the following letter to Minister Jordan describing the potential impacts of mark selective fisheries on endangered Chinook populations, and detailing concerns around DFO’s proposed catch, release, compliance, and stock composition monitoring and evaluation.

While there may be limited opportunities for MSF fisheries in BC recreational Chinook fisheries, most of the fisheries currently proposed by the Sports Fish Advisory Board (SFAB) do not support the conservation and recovery of threatened and endangered south coast Chinook populations and are inconsistent with the 5% total mortality objective for endangered Fraser Chinook.

In addition, the MCC believes that:

  1. Fisheries-independent monitoring of stock composition, catch/releases, and compliance has not been established at the necessary level to approve MSF, nor is it consistent with the National Bycatch Policy. Meaning many proposals may have unintended consequences and be without the necessary monitoring in place to evaluate them;
  2. Ecosystem interactions in current and expanded mixed-stock fisheries have not been evaluated as to their consistency with recovery objectives for endangered Southern Resident killer whales. This includes ecological interactions from fisheries competition, vessel disturbance in key foraging areas, and age-overfishing (also called growth-overfishing) in mixed stock fisheries;
  3. There are outstanding issues with respect to First Nations’ rights and title, in relation to priority access to salmon; and
  4. There remain significant concerns with the impacts of hatcheries on wild Pacific salmon. The establishment of mark-selective fisheries creates an incentive to continue and expand potentially harmful hatchery production.
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There have been Atlantics found in waterways and rivers but no evidence of natural reproduction. Escaped fish can swim but they don't seem to survive to reproduce. Remember that BC tried to introduce AS here in BC rivers and released millions into different systems with no populations taking. How come no one gets upset about Brown Trout in the Cowichan river ??
There have been Atlantics found in waterways and rivers but no evidence of natural reproduction.
Actually, there has been (from WMYs links above):

Perhaps the better description is that there are: limited examples of successful, established, persisting populations of Atlantics in Pacific watersheds, even tho juveniles have been found sporadically. And from Volpe's work we also know that if there are robust populations of steelhead - Atlantic juvies have a hard time establishing themselves as they both occupy similar, if not identical habitats (high velocity). The Atlantic juvies use their pectoral fins as hydrofoils & anchors in order to keep station in the higher gradients - the same places one finds steelhead juvies:

So watersheds that are reasonably close to open net-pen operations and have diminished steelhead numbers would likely be most at risk for invasion potential from Atlantics. Are these watersheds identified and systematically surveyed today?

And I don't advocate for brown trout in Pacific streams any more than I would advocate for carp in the Sproat.
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Cermaq protest their failed court appeal!
Says the decision was politically motivated. Finally something Sport Fishermen and Fish Farms have in common.
Fish farm giant blasts federal minister over Discovery Islands decision | Times Colonist
typical and expected, GF. Their PR teams are burning the midnite oil trying to paint themselves friends of FNs, commercial fishermen, and coastal communities - and also trying to portray themselves as poor corporate victims because the FM doesn't understand them instead of admitting their risks and impacts. No mention of the Cohen Commission and his recommendations or that they have had almost 10 years notice to get out of the Discovery Islands. Total amnesia there. Very typical response. Total lack of responsibility & accountability. Same ol', same ol'
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Its a wonder copy/paste person didnt post what the governments actually tried to do back in the day,
Way before ff, the gov actively tried to introduce atlantics on the west coast of BC... look into it,
we all know how that went
Yes, there are a lot of things governments have screwed up on, but that doesn't mean those thing should not be made right and not done again!
AND there is a big difference between introducing Atlantics to the wild and farming them in net pens. Would you not agree?