Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Yep, for sure GF. And no matter what evidence is provided there is a standard blind denial from industry reps, where they attack the messenger - trying to divert the conversation away from impacts and their accountability into their version of miss congeniality contest. It strikes me as a cult of blind belief no matter what facts are put on the table. A cult with serious consequences to wild salmon and the industries that depend upon this resource, and no acceptance of their own culpability and responsibility. Then they want to play the victim when they are questioned on that.
Nothing knows fury like greed denied. An entire civilization raised unaware that a roof over our heads is just an address. Where you live requires a window. My grandkid's kindergarten scribblings are very nature based. Hope it is not too late for them.
Tour operators oppose fish farm company's plans to dump pesticide off B.C. coast | CTV News
Times Colonist E-edition (
And the Fish Farm official response is;

“Our responsibility is to keep the levels of sea lice on farms low so they don’t transfer back to wild fish”

Open Net Pen Atlantic Salmon Fish Farms are killing our wild salmon and we all know it and the owners know it!
They need to be moved to dry land and taken out of our coastal waters NOW.
Our responsibility is to keep the levels of sea lice on farms low so they don’t transfer back to wild fish”. Ya, right.

Proof of how they do the exact opposite of what they claim is buried in the ATIPs where they lobby for relief from the sea lice levels, how they have successfully lobbied so that there are no consequences if they do exceed lice levels, how juvie salmon are purposely not sampled as a condition of licence, how siting fish farms does NOT consider where the plumes of naupilar stages of sea lice from the open net-pen industry interact with juvie salmon, how they have to have industry partnership to get funds to study the impacts of sea lice on juvies and industry blockers sit on those boards purposely to block any such studies, how their PR industry shifts the burden of proof and then shoots the messenger if any outside groups study the impacts of sea lice from farms on wild salmon (and the list goes on)

all because the foreign multinational corporations currently get free real estate and free pumping and they don't have to dispose of their wastes as long as they stay with the open net-pen technology thereby returning more profits to their shareholders which is really what they are there for and wild salmon is both collateral damage and a competitor to them earning profits.

Crooks with a high functioning PR team tho - gotta give them that. But I don't think they want to realize that their lies have caught up with them tho. So circle the wagons and turn the pro-industry lobby into a cult that ignores valid critiques and carry-on and hope for the best. The economist instead of the salmon expert in the Deputy Ministers office will defend them. Sure makes one wonder whom has what shares in the industry in the top end of DFO.

And not so co-incidentally - the rot in the upper end of DFO on the steelhead issue that recently came out thru ATIPs that the BCWF had to fight for was also the Deputy Minister's office, as well. Time to charge that guy with criminal offenses under the Fisheries Act, as far as I am concerned.
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“Farmed fish the source of virus spread among wild salmon”
Industry still in denial! No surprise but it’s on all the major TV and News outlets.
This is one….
Farmed fish the source of virus spread among wild salmon, B.C. study suggests | CBC News
When Science AND public opinion combine to show once more what the real threat of Open Atlantic Net Pens Fish Farms are to our Wild Salmon, the politicians will have no choice but to follow and get these lice and disease riddled Fish Farms out of our ocean!
The "show me the dead fish" arguement won't cut it any more!!
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10 years ago I posted this about ISAv:

and the farm PR people and pundits jumped on it an went to great lengths to deny that possibility of an imported disease being transferred to wild stocks coast-wide and personally attack anyone who has concerns about that risk.

And here we are substituting PRv for ISAv and it has come true despite the denials and lies. And STILL NO ACCOUNTABILITY OR HONESTY BY THE INDUSTRY:

as the BCSFA responds by saying: “We are not importing anything. The Atlantic salmon we farm in B.C. is 100 per cent B.C. grown. Our fish are raised in hatcheries on Vancouver Island, from brood stock born and raised on Vancouver Island.” see:

This is an important finding.
and the industry's PR teams will be burning the midnite oil trying to find a way to discredit the findings to continue business as usual instead of admitting the open net-cage technology is flawed and ineffective as far as separating effects, risks and consequences to the wild stocks.