Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Do u think hatcheries should be required to test for the bc strain of PRV??

If PRV which originated with Fish Farms has spread to some of the wild salmon population it is a very different problem then Fish Farm PVR.
Fish Farm PVR is concentrated and regularly spewed into the migratory path of Wild Salmon along with their Sea Lice.
Wild Salmon effected are not spreading their Sea Lice and possible PRV virus in a concentrated manner and therefor less of an issue.
No doubt Wild Man who seems to have become a Fish Farm spokesman will want to debate this opinion!!
Is fogged in an ENGO spokesman? Is that why you like MPA's so much?
you know who I am!
A guy who has fished all his life and has recognized the problems of Open Net Pen Atlantic Fish Farms.
I speak for myself and 10 or so or my fishing buddies who can't be bothered with this forum!
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Oceanographer Calls Die-off Excuse “Smoke and Mirrors”

Oceanographer Calls Die-off Excuse “Smoke and Mirrors”
Remember the Washington State disaster in Aug of 2017 which resulted in Governor Jay Ensley closing them down???
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“Environmental Nightmare' After Thousands Of Atlantic Salmon Escape Fish Farm”
This is the reason given by Cooke for the massive escape.
“The Cooke Aquaculture farm blamed exceptionally high tides and currents coinciding with [Monday’s] solar eclipse” for the net pen failure.”
This was proven to be an outright LIE by Cooke !
“Smoke and Mirrors” some say

If warm water driving the fish to the lower depths of the nets and dyeing due to lack of oxygen was indeed the real reason for the latest big disaster, it is inexcusable that the nets were not deep enough to overcome this problem.
Anyone notice how warm the water was up Kyuquot and Nootka way this year!!
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Cooke would NEVER lie, FI. They are one of those many responsible FF companies - that will: "make changes , fire employees change process, train employees better and do their best to make changes." and meanwhile - your cheque is in the mail...
I just think it is so bizarre that we can't really figure out how to do fish farms such that they keep wild stocks safe.

We are able to get a freaking rover to Mars.... It really boils down to investment.
It boils down to shareholder profit, anyways.

Your argument is too logical and makes too much sense, dradons. That's why getting information out of fish farms as to outbreaks and impacts to wild stocks is so unavailable and protected - protected by the same bunch that is also supposed to regulate the industry.
“No one believes the salmon laden pink water is harmless to the marine environment”

Who you gonna call

Well, one is surely NOT gonna call Gerry Byrne - the NFLD Provincial Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture:

I think Bryne's position and perspective really echos the problems inherent in having government regulators also being promoters of the industry - something Justice Cohen ruled on - the potential conflict of interest in DFO’s dual roles as a promoter and a regulator of the aquaculture industry. This also applies to the Provincial regulator/promoter, in this case.

I think the most galling comment from Bryne is during this interview (Oct. 8, 2019):

The interviewer asks him why he did not tell anyone what was going on - and at first he tries to pass the buck to the company - then when questioned yet again as to why HE did not tell anyone, he actually states: "I had no regulatory authority to do it...". Pregnant pause...

The Minister and the head of the regulatory body HAD NO AUTHORITY to protect the public's interest and is ergo not liable for the impacts by the industry. Astounding. I wish I could say I was surprised...
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NL’s fisheries minister says Northern Harvest lost “no more than 2 million fish
Some say even MORE...WOW
Who does the counting??
Special Meeting of DFO Fish Committee

"it completely omitted that Washington State has banned PRV-infected farm fish and had to destroy 1.8 million infected farm fish, because the industry can’t find PRV-free fish."

"We heard that DFO does not have the authority to empty a fish farm. This is in addition to the statement a couple of months ago that DFO is not allowed to fine the industry for infractions. "

"The top scientists on the subject of diagnosing HSMI and whether PRV is from the Atlantic or the Pacific had made the effort to attend but were not allowed to speak, Emiliano Di Cicco and Gideon Mordecia."
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Gerry Byrne suspends Northern Harvest licences after ‘mass mortalities’ hit more salmon cages
Newfoundland fisheries minister suspends Mowi's Northern Harvest salmon farming licenses over 'mass mortality
Northern Harvest surrenders details about Newfoundland salmon kill; Numbers worse than earlier reported
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"...Washington State has banned PRV-infected farm fish and had to destroy 1.8 million infected farm fish, because the industry can’t find PRV-free fish."

Way back on Dec. 05th Dec. 2011 (post #7) - I posted about "my scary scenario" about the unintentional release of of a novel farm disease (ISAv verses PRv which was largely unknown at the time) onto wild stocks and the likely risks and epidemiology at:

Guess what?

In October 17, 2011 ISAv was found in River's Inlet stocks for the 1st time - and there were other years/sampling results afterwards. However, the lab that 1st produced those results (Fred's lab) got it's OIE certification yanked after "Canada" (CFIA & DFO) gave the OIE $2M - because CFIA was protecting trade - rather than wild stocks.

The proper, responsible response would have been to retest - but *NOT* destroy the samples and deny, deny and deny - and punish Fred - which is what the CFIA actually did. The CFIA NEVER went to River's Inlet to retest the wild salmon population - but these researchers did:

in 2016 - ISAV was reported again:

Charlie, Whole in the Water, GLG substantially added to that 2011 forum conversation - while Charlie even started the thread. Worth a re-read under the context of substituting the focus now on Prv instead of ISAv.

In 2018, PRv was reported found in River's Inlet:
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Gerry Byrne suspends Northern Harvest licences after ‘mass mortalities’ hit more salmon cages
Newfoundland fisheries minister suspends Mowi's Northern Harvest salmon farming licenses over 'mass mortality
Northern Harvest surrenders details about Newfoundland salmon kill; Numbers worse than earlier reported

On Friday "NL’s fisheries minister (Gerry Byrne) says Northern Harvest lost “no more than 2 million fish
On Saturday the number rose to "Northern Harvest Sea Farms lost 2.6 million Atlantic salmon"
According to Jamie Gaskill, managing director of Northern Harvest.
Seems to be a communications breakdown here!
On Friday "NL’s fisheries minister (Gerry Byrne) says Northern Harvest lost “no more than 2 million fish
On Saturday the number rose to "Northern Harvest Sea Farms lost 2.6 million Atlantic salmon"
According to Jamie Gaskill, managing director of Northern Harvest.
Seems to be a communications breakdown here!
Not buying the warm water blame either. Hopefully they can confirm the cause.