Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

And bankroll companies to do it!!

As predicted

If i was voting for the liberals for the sole purpose of removing fish farms i would seriously question if they are going to do it. Considering there could be 2 elections between now and then and also them hinting at the fact they will only move them if they can.

“It’s a question of going through the cost of production needed to make it competitive,” Wilkinson said. “That may involve the government bringing into play some levers to make this happen.”

Election 2019: Liberals' salmon farm pledge could disrupt thousands of jobs in B.C.
The warmer temperatures caused a lack of oxygen that was exacerbated due to how many fish are in a very small area. If there was not as many fish in the pens they would of probably survived.

To many salmon farms in too small of an area with too many fish with insufficient current flushing.

As AA would say trying to make the shareholders to much money and cutting corners rather then following best practices.

Also as AA has pointed out the Regulators are doing a very ****** job.
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Best animated SST anomaly map for the time and area in question I could find is at this link;
And the water temp excuse was yet another bald-faced lie, Cuttle - as you, Terrin and many others suspected. It was like 11-13C see:,time,longitude,latitude,air_temp_avg,surface_temp_avg&time>=2019-09-05T00:00:00Z&time<=2019-10-12T18:53:41Z
Well, if you are hooked on trying to desperately trying to defend the industry and it's lies - 1st -off the die-off happened during the 1st week of September - so June wouldn't matter. And if they made it through those high temps in June (maybe by seeking cooler temps down 30+ feet) - then they would have easily made it through 11-13C.

So if it wasn't water temps - what did cause the die-off? Diseases? ISAv?

Maybe that's the real reason the PR experts that protect the industry wanted to shift the focus and change the narrative... and lie...
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Well, if you are hooked on trying to desperately trying to defend the industry and it's lies - 1st -off the die-off happened during the 1st week of September - so June wouldn't matter. And if they made it through those high temps in June (maybe by seeking cooler temps down 30+ feet) - then they would have easily made it through 11-13C

i'm just looking at what you have posted, They already have said that the salmon were in to tight of conditions and suffocated.
Not sure what that's measure because i went back and there are some high temps like 27C in june

Where do you get your FACTS from Wildman
Surely you do not mean to say the water temperatures at the Fish Farm sites were 27 degrees????
27 degree air temperatures in June are not the problem!!!!
Then the 1st thing the industry should have done is posted their DO data - rather than throw this red herring out...

Oh - did the dead salmon get tested for ISAv?
Where do you get your FACTS from Wildman
Surely you do not mean to say the water temperatures at the Fish Farm sites were 27 degrees????
27 degree air temperatures in June are not the problem!!!!
"water temperatures ranged from 18 C to 21 C"
the cause of the 2.6 million Fish Farm die off was lack of oxygen.

from the same place AA got his 12-13C facts from

the 27C temperature is the measured surface temperature and i got it from the same place as AA. Why not attack him as well?
Then the 1st thing the industry should have done is posted their DO data - rather than throw this red herring out...

The Die off also started before september 3

The company said two million fish died from a prolonged period of high water temperatures that it reported to the government on Sept. 3, though the incident was not disclosed publicly until weeks later.

The company attributes the deaths to a lack of oxygen as the fish clustered together while seeking relief from the warmer-than-usual water temperatures.
and the very 1st thing they should have done is posted their DO data to support that assertion - because as one browses the sea surface temps for early September & even August it is obvious that those temps are NOT warmer-than-usual and nowhere near hot enough to kill salmon.

And if they waiting weeks to admit they had a problem and report the incident - what does that tell you about the effectiveness of self reporting?

What does that tell you about about the effectiveness of having a promoter be an enforcer?

What does that tell you about the trustworthiness of relying upon what the company & industry tell you?
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from the same place AA got his 12-13C facts from
the 27C temperature is the measured surface temperature and i got it from the same place as AA. Why not attack him as well?

Can you please provide my with the source of your post stating the water temperature causing the 2.6 million fish die off was 27C.
I would be interesting on reading it.
Can you please provide my with the source of your post stating the water temperature causing the 2.6 million fish die off was 27C.
I never said the 27C had anything to do with it, Fogged in, I was merely pointing out the data the AA was using was suspect. Its is the measured sea surface temperature, you can look at the data yourself with the link AA posted. Feel free to attack him on the Data it is his source not mine.

Then the 1st thing the industry should have done is posted their DO data - rather than throw this red herring out...

Oh - did the dead salmon get tested for ISAv?

ISAV is possible because ISAV and algae blooms are the only things that have caused mass die offs before. As you have posted before fish weakened by high temperature water are more prone to virus and disease.

I agree the temperature is far fetched unless they were stuffing their pens with so much salmon as possible that they had insufficient current flushing. They were clearing pushing the boundaries to make as much money as possible.
it was the eclipse - ya - that was it!

Cooke PR spokesman describes reasons for latest disaster below:

PS - the wheel was made by a company that: "made changes , fired employees, changed process, trained employees better and did their best to make changes."
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Aquaculture; improving????
The way I see this thread is that many uninformed people do not know what to believe and the reason for this is the Fish Farm PR approach is to use the Donald Trump method of distraction and untruths.
There are Fish Farm problems that are undeniable, LOTS of them, so Fish Farms are now using their Native Partnerships where they can find them and threat of lost jobs as their excuse for their continued existence.
If the die off was caused by ISAv the farmers would be compensated, just like beef and poultry farmers are when animals die of re portable diseases. Just like BC ff's are compensated if their fish die of IHNv.
If ISAv caused the die off it would be front page news, not the hidden conspiracy suggested by our boogey man hunter, aa.