Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Ya - because the industry has done such a great job of self-reporting so far...

Locations infected with infectious salmon anaemia
2019 September 11 Newfoundland Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

This must be the post where I say "BOO" to Dave....
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Self-reporting really works, eh?
p. 59

6.All finfish operators shall report to the Aquatic Animal Health Division of the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources, any abnormal mortality event within 24 hours of the event occurring. The operator is required to submit to the Chief Aquaculture Veterinarian, Standard Operating Procedures for abnormal mortality removal for departmental review and approval and must demonstrate that other agencies with jurisdictional responsibilities have approved the Standard Operating Procedures.
Self reporting never works just look at all the fish the natives kill vs report.

just like oil spills and gasoline spills no one ever reports them. The fox guarding the hen house fails time and time again but the government moves to having the industry police themselves because its cheap.
and politically embarrassing if it is reported.

Hey - you're not agreeing now are ya WMY? I thought I was the only one with a bad attitude about corporations. hmmmmm....
The warmer temperatures caused a lack of oxygen that was exacerbated due to how many fish are in a very small area. If there was not as many fish in the pens they would of probably survived.

To many salmon farms in too small of an area with too many fish with insufficient current flushing.

As AA would say trying to make the shareholders to much money and cutting corners rather then following best practices.

Also as AA has pointed out the Regulators are doing a very ****** job.
I learned as a kid if you put too many fish in your tank they die. maybe they thought because they can use the surrounding ocean as a constant sewer flush for free they could defy natural limits and pile on the profits.
If low DO was the main issue, I’ll bet Mowi Canada East now wishes they too had invested in a few of these “volcanos” for their sites in Fortune Bay;
If they had invested in the technology beforehand then I guess it could be said “yes” to Aquaculture; improving? which is the question of this thread. Because the investment was not made, it could be said “no” to the question in this case since the possibility was there and not taken advantage of for whatever reason. Still, the temperature anomaly may also have been an additional confounding issue.
as you said Cuttle - all they had to do is post their DO data to support their thesis - and they didn't.


why not?
This thread is totally insane. Everyone makes an accusation then says if you can't prove it wrong, it means it is now fact. The number of loaded spurious comments basically conform to two thoughts "Fish farms are guilty of everything - including being the second shooter and hiding behind the grassy knoll" and all corporations lie and cheat and are ripping us all off. Good luck with this - maybe a reelected bunch of Liberals can reduce foreign investment by another 75% and drive all Canadian investment out of country to (up by a whopping 50% since JT took office). We can tax everyone remaining until they die and then look around for another source of money. Must be the rich - they are stealing, must be the Chinese - don't let them buy houses, must be Albertan's - don't let them buy a lake cottage in BC. It is everyone else's fault. Yikes, - this isn't gonna work folks but all the rants are sure entertaining - too bad they actually have an effect on some.
ya - because Cooke & the industry have such a great record of telling the truth - we should simply trust them. Ya - ok - good luck w that!
In the wake of recent mortalities of 2.6 million fish (approximately 5,000 tonnes of biomass) on the Coast of Bays, Newfoundland, Canada, Mowi Canada has been informed by the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources of Newfoundland and Labrador that 10 licenses out of Mowi Canada’s 47 licenses in Newfoundland have been temporarily suspended. Mortalities were caused by prolonged high seawater temperatures that created low oxygen conditions. All licenses suspended are related to sites experiencing these mortalities. The suspension will to our knowledge not impact our remaining operations in Newfoundland.

The fish mortalities were insured. Net one-off costs to be recognized in Mowi Canada in the third quarter amounts to approximately EUR 5 million. The impact on Mowi’s harvest volumes for 2019 is expected to be a reduction of approximately 1,000 tonnes GWT.

Mowi Canada holds in total 59 licenses in Canada East, of which 47 in Newfoundland and 12 in New Brunswick.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

This message was distributed by GlobeNewswire. On behalf of Mowi ASA Sandviksboder 77 AB, Bergen, 5835 NO
This thread is totally insane. Everyone makes an accusation then says if you can't prove it wrong, it means it is now fact. The number of loaded spurious comments basically conform to two thoughts "Fish farms are guilty of everything - including being the second shooter and hiding behind the grassy knoll" and all corporations lie and cheat and are ripping us all off. Good luck with this - maybe a reelected bunch of Liberals can reduce foreign investment by another 75% and drive all Canadian investment out of country to (up by a whopping 50% since JT took office). We can tax everyone remaining until they die and then look around for another source of money. Must be the rich - they are stealing, must be the Chinese - don't let them buy houses, must be Albertan's - don't let them buy a lake cottage in BC. It is everyone else's fault. Yikes, - this isn't gonna work folks but all the rants are sure entertaining - too bad they actually have an effect on some.

Hey Stephen
Do you remember our conversation in Sept. when you posted under "Sockeye fishery breaks all time top 5" thread.
Stephen Kowalski said:
"As well, all the salmon head to the same feeding grounds and compete."
Fogged In said:
“Sockeye’s main diet is zooplankton and your Farmed Atlantic Salmon’s main diet is Fish Meal.
No doubt you know that"
"for a new member you sound an awful lot like some of the old Fish Farm guys who love the debate and defend their industry vehemently.”

Stephen Kowalski said:
"Hmm... didn't take you very long to label me as a fish farm guy"
No doubt my comment was bang on!!
By my count you have made 22 posts in support of Fish Farm since that time.
And then there is your last post which has no basis in Fact whatsoever!
AND you are the one claiming this thread is "totally insane"
Hey Stephen
Do you remember our conversation in Sept. when you posted under "Sockeye fishery breaks all time top 5" thread.
Stephen Kowalski said:
"As well, all the salmon head to the same feeding grounds and compete."
Fogged In said:
“Sockeye’s main diet is zooplankton and your Farmed Atlantic Salmon’s main diet is Fish Meal.
No doubt you know that"
"for a new member you sound an awful lot like some of the old Fish Farm guys who love the debate and defend their industry vehemently.”

Stephen Kowalski said:
"Hmm... didn't take you very long to label me as a fish farm guy"
No doubt my comment was bang on!!
By my count you have made 22 posts in support of Fish Farm since that time.
And then there is your last post which has no basis in Fact whatsoever!
AND you are the one claiming this thread is "totally insane"

Ok - let me help with this one. You, Cuttlefish and AA have all conclusively proven that the FF die off was a lie. You have an anomaly map and your internet detective team has discovered the absolute truth. This had nothing to do with "Mortalities were caused by prolonged high seawater temperatures that created low oxygen conditions", instead it was a virus! Do you folks even read your old posts? Pretty sure what AA posted above is correct.

But Here are the other posts:

"Well, if you are hooked on trying to desperately trying to defend the industry and it's lies - 1st -off the die-off happened during the 1st week of September - so June wouldn't matter. And if they made it through those high temps in June (maybe by seeking cooler temps down 30+ feet) - then they would have easily made it through 11-13C.

So if it wasn't water temps - what did cause the die-off? Diseases? ISAv?

Maybe that's the real reason the PR experts that protect the industry wanted to shift the focus and change the narrative... and lie..." - AA

or how about this:

"Oh - did the dead salmon get tested for ISAv? - AA"

Your group decided that this was a cover up. Pretty sure it was a fish die off and the cause was as reported. Not sure how you get the "Aha moment that I am A Fish Farm guy". I am merely pointing out how there is a rush to judge and accuse without anymore than positive reinforcement from other internet posters. Sometimes, Fogged In, if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and walks like a duck - it is probably a duck.

PS: Support them having licenses suspended until they get it right - I am good with that.

PPS: Everyone keeps warning me that if I debate you gents I will get banned. I hope you are all okay with having a debate about these issues. I, for one, am looking to be educated to all of your concerns but it seems that you gents take this far more personally than I do. My "conspiracy" is that we are being played by a bunch of American non-profits who are creating profits for their citizens at the expense of ours.
Their licences got yanked ("temporarily suspended"). They got that done because of their actions & inactions - not because of us internet detectives. Nor did our team make up the farmed die-off. Again - this was due to Cooke's inactions & actions - like the structure failure in Washington State and the lobster kill in NB.

Somehow, this makes this thread "totally insane", IYHO.Accountability is apparently "insane".

Can't see where that is an effective strategy if you are trying to get people to trust the industry.
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Ok - let me help with this one. You, Cuttlefish and AA have all conclusively proven that the FF die off was a lie. You have an anomaly map and your internet detective team has discovered the absolute truth. This had nothing to do with "Mortalities were caused by prolonged high seawater temperatures that created low oxygen conditions", instead it was a virus! Do you folks even read your old posts? Pretty sure what AA posted above is correct.

But Here are the other posts:

"Well, if you are hooked on trying to desperately trying to defend the industry and it's lies - 1st -off the die-off happened during the 1st week of September - so June wouldn't matter. And if they made it through those high temps in June (maybe by seeking cooler temps down 30+ feet) - then they would have easily made it through 11-13C.

So if it wasn't water temps - what did cause the die-off? Diseases? ISAv?

Maybe that's the real reason the PR experts that protect the industry wanted to shift the focus and change the narrative... and lie..." - AA

or how about this:

"Oh - did the dead salmon get tested for ISAv? - AA"

Your group decided that this was a cover up. Pretty sure it was a fish die off and the cause was as reported. Not sure how you get the "Aha moment that I am A Fish Farm guy". I am merely pointing out how there is a rush to judge and accuse without anymore than positive reinforcement from other internet posters. Sometimes, Fogged In, if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and walks like a duck - it is probably a duck.

PS: Support them having licenses suspended until they get it right - I am good with that.

PPS: Everyone keeps warning me that if I debate you gents I will get banned. I hope you are all okay with having a debate about these issues. I, for one, am looking to be educated to all of your concerns but it seems that you gents take this far more personally than I do. My "conspiracy" is that we are being played by a bunch of American non-profits who are creating profits for their citizens at the expense of ours.
Well I sure hope you don't get banned off the site for attempting to reason with these paid engo solicitors. You are up against people who do not play on a level playing field where as they hide like cowards behind an alias and you honestly state who you are. They continuously urge people to believe all Canadian industries are greedy and corrupt yet will never stand by their statements with their name. Yes they are true internet cornholers!! They are the what I call the "AA" or "Activists Anonymous" group.

I would like to personally thank you for your efforts in confronting these engo entities and helping reduce their efficiency in corrupting others. You are doing a great service for all of us Canadians. Please keep up the good work and try not to poke your eye out with a stick. lol!! I am loving your every post.

PS if you are ever in Port Alberni and need any kind of information or favor look me up. If there is any way to return the favor for your efforts I would be glad to help. Ken Myers
Their licences got yanked ("temporarily suspended"). They got that done because of their actions & inactions - not because of us internet detectives. Nor did our team make up the farmed die-off. Again - this was due to Cooke's inactions & actions - like the structure failure in Washington State and the lobster kill in NB.

Somehow, this makes this thread "totally insane", IYHO.Accountability is apparently "insane".

Can't see where that is an effective strategy if you are trying to get people to trust the industry.
Hard to respond as what I was pointing out as being insane is deciding that a reported die off is a cover up. Not that it didn't happen, it was just used a an example of dfo and industry in cahoots to misled joe public. Clearly, you have real evidence from a whistleblower or insider that told you the reported narrative was false and the facts were not as reported. I don't so maybe your info is more accurate. Not sure how temporarily suspended means got their licenses yanked, but fair enough, that is your interpretation.
Well I sure hope you don't get banned off the site for attempting to reason with these paid engo solicitors. You are up against people who do not play on a level playing field where as they hide like cowards behind an alias and you honestly state who you are. They continuously urge people to believe all Canadian industries are greedy and corrupt yet will never stand by their statements with their name. Yes they are true internet cornholers!! They are the what I call the "AA" or "Activists Anonymous" group.

I would like to personally thank you for your efforts in confronting these engo entities and helping reduce their efficiency in corrupting others. You are doing a great service for all of us Canadians. Please keep up the good work and try not to poke your eye out with a stick. lol!! I am loving your every post.

PS if you are ever in Port Alberni and need any kind of information or favor look me up. If there is any way to return the favor for your efforts I would be glad to help. Ken Myers
Thanks for the kind words. Still trying to understand the facts but so much noise! Wouldn't it be great if we all agreed on some starting point? Sadly, any of the industry supporters seem to get creamed with climate denier or ff denier labels. If FF's are as bad as they all say, I would think this would be easy to prove. But, whenever you ask for simple example of two rivers in reasonable proximity, one with a ff, the other without, and what difference was there in the salmon returns, there doesn't seem to be anything. I asked Dave and others for some info but they said none existed. None of this matters. We are supposed to take tiki torches and pitchforks and get rid of these evil things. Not buying it. BC is about to crash its economy. The forestry boys are in big trouble, Oil and gas dead, and real estate crashing - we are killing everything because we know what's best. NDP have us up the creek without a paddle.
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There's been quite a history of lying - esp. w Cooke. Been proven in court, even. So maybe ask the judge for his interpretation - or maybe look it up in the court records.

Self-reporting doesn't work.

Obviously Justice Cohen didn't agree w the promoter being the enforcer, neither. You can read his interpretation, as well.

I can't see where defending these incidents is neither professional nor responsible.