Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

And if we figure it out, the industry would be lost to the USA anyways. Lol. Kinda pointless. Closed containment will be a loss for Canada as that production industry will relocate to population centres generally not in Canada.

We Canadians really should start looking after Canada before we are simply absorbed by the US.
Lol as predicted, the ironic part is I think is potentially more harmful then their Atlantic farms.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) proposal to issue a five-year Marine Aquaculture Permit to Cooke Aquaculture Pacific, LLC to grow rainbow trout (steelhead) in its existing commercial marine net pens in Puget Sound, gives fish farmers a much-needed certainty to continue operating in the state, said an industry association.
[QUOTE="Birdsnest, post: 954115, member: 5446
Fish farms are back in the water in Washington.[/QUOTE]

“The Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe and Cooke Aquaculture Pacific LLC are teaming up to restart a dormant fish farm in Port Angeles Harbor despite Cooke’s lawsuit against the state agency that leases the site.”
“The tribe and Canadian company announced the joint fish-farm venture to rear black cod and sterile all-female rainbow trout-steelhead in a press release issued Thursday.”
“Cooke does not have a lease, and the tribe does not have a lease, and there have been no serious conversations about that with DNR."
“Both those [Port Angeles and Cypress Island] sites are terminated, and they remain terminated, and that is the current state of it”

It's a proposal, no mention of Atlantic Salmon and of no consequence to the Fish Farm problems we have in Canada!
Let us know when and if it gets approved and how it will contribute to improving anything.
This will go ahead in the local FN want it.
So you are in support of spending as much taxpayer money as needed to shut down FF's? Correct? Please don't deflect with a link, just let us know where you stand. Fogged In just ducked out on the question.
As expected, silence.
Interesting that you are parroting (IMHO) the PR response by the industry PR machine, Stephen. Not sure why you would expect the government to have to bail the industry out. All the government has to do is to not renew the leases for open net-pens - and that would not cost any $ for the government to do that. Ya - they could kick-in to help transition too - but I think making the assumption that it is going to costs taxpayers millions of $ is scaremongering - the typical response by the industry.
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Cohen Commission Recommendations:

#18: If at any time between now and September 30,2020, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans determines that net-pen salmon farms in the Discovery Islands pose more than a minimal risk of serious harm to the health of migrating Fraser River sockeye salmon, he or she should promptly order that those salmon farms cease operations.

#19: On September 30, 2020, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans should prohibit net-pen salmon farming in the Discovery Islands unless he or she is satisfied that such farms pose at most a minimal risk of serious harm to the health of migrating Fraser River sockeye salmon. The Minister’s decision should summarize the information relied on and include detailed reasons.
Interesting that you are parroting (IMHO) the PR response by the industry PR machine, Stephen. Not sure why you would expect the government to have to bail the industry out. All the government has to do is to not renew the leases for open net-pens - and that would not cost any $ for the government to do that. Ya - they could kick-in to help transition too - but I think making the assumption that it is going to costs taxpayers millions of $ is scaremongering - the typical response by the industry.

AA - not parroting anyone. All I really care about is that we are as smart as possible. If we spend money on an idea "meaning an un proven hypothesis", I just want to make sure we get the results we expect.

If, you and the anti-ff lobby are correct, shutting down all ff's mean wild salmon stocks will recover. If they don't, what is next? Do u have a plan B? What if plan B should be plan A? why don't we get the anti-ff's lobbyists and NGO's to put up some money? How about if they are right, they get their money back? But, if they aren't, they need to pay. It seems this is what is being asked of the taxpayer.

What if salmon ranching in Alaska is an even bigger problem? What do we do? Help us here, I want what is best, but I am worried the bill of goods isn't what is being delivered.
Correction again, Stephen. I am not ant-ff - I am anti-open net-pen technology due to its risks to adjacent wild stocks. Salmon ranching in Alaska that leads to over-stocking of hatchery fish is also an issue, as well - as are many other impacts both realized and potential. We can dissect each one in order and work on any and all of these impacts. Success on one does not necessarily mean success and/or failure on other fronts. We should be doing what we can where we can - when we can.

Read the science on wild-farmed interactions - and I don't see how any responsible and informed person would come up with any other logical and precautionary approach.

already ate my wild salmon early, WMY.
Correction again, Stephen. I am not ant-ff - I am anti-open net-pen technology due to its risks to adjacent wild stocks. Salmon ranching in Alaska that leads to over-stocking of hatchery fish is also an issue, as well - as are many other impacts both realized and potential. We can dissect each one in order and work on any and all of these impacts. Success on one does not necessarily mean success and/or failure on other fronts. We should be doing what we can where we can - when we can.

Read the science on wild-farmed interactions - and I don't see how any responsible and informed person would come up with any other logical and precautionary approach.

already ate my wild salmon early, WMY.
But you duck and weave. It all boils down to whether or not your assertions are correct? I asked you on another thread if you could provide the facts that a ff will have a measureable effect on salmon compared to a non impacted ff run? You responded that ff's are to blame for them all as you can't measure the overall impact. Why? I actually don't care about ff's but want people who hate them to be willing to put themselves out their personally. The NIMBY culture is so prevalent that it ruins us. You are a smart guy, so why not stick up for the convictions? If you want me as a taxpayer to close up a business, you got to really believe it is true. Not propaganda true, but will put your own money on the line. If you are up for that, I can help see your cause so much better. I am so worried we have this all screwed up...
ducking & weaving? You're not looking in the mirror saying that - are ya? And stating that people whom question the risks posed to wild salmon through the open net-pen technology is because they "hate" the industry (rather than questioning the risks) is both unprofessional and immature.

Realizing that you may be new on here - there's been many dozens - if not hundreds of posted articles on this forum (and on Google Scholar) describing the effects of fish farms on wild stocks, Stephen. I am assuming you are merely trolling - but anyone can follow that conversation on a few threads like:’s-destabilizing-b-c-’s-wild-salmon-stocks.67968/#post-857586

I encourage you to seek the truth yourself. You are a smart guy too.
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Im curious is suffocating a salmon to death in a gillnet unacceptable or is dragging around a chinook for 30 mins on a hook and line acceptable?

yeah that guys is a moron curb stomping a salmon but the morality of how we harvest salmon in the wild is also questionable.

The good part is this company will make changes , fire employees change process, train employees better and do their best to make changes.

Will still be dragging fishing around by the eyes and mouth or suffocating them in gillnets.

meanwhile in BC

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yeah but you dont buy anything that any big corporation says. There all out to screw us
and that's your answer to corporate accountability? Tell me that I have a bad opinion of corporations? Boy - that's a pretty telling perspective/ well as an ineffective & irresponsible response IMHO. I would expect that from someone who's defensive of their industry & wants to avoid accountability at all costs. It's also why promoters should not be regulators...
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