Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

VANCOUVER, Oct. 4, 2019 /CNW/ - "Everyone who cares about wild salmon in British Columbia should be worried," said the Canadian Pacific Sustainable Seafood Society's Christina Burridge of its decision to announce self-suspension for BC sockeye, pink and chum from the Marine Stewardship Council's certification of these fisheries as sustainable. "There will now be no independent oversight of how Fisheries and Oceans Canada Pacific Region (DFO) manages these fisheries." The self-suspension will be effective 27 November 2019.

MSC first certified these fisheries, with the exception of North and Central Coast chums in 2010, the year of a massive sockeye return. The fisheries were re-certified in 2017, including North and Central Coast chum, with 22 conditions that require annual reporting through an audit on progress against milestones.

The year one audit in October 2018 found nine of the 22 conditions were behind target.

"Almost all those conditions were about North and Central Coast stock assessment and evaluating the effects of hatcheries on wild populations, and in late 2016 we agreed on a Client Action Plan with Fisheries and Oceans Canada Pacific Region (DFO) to meet the conditions and the annual milestones." Burridge said.

"The year one targets simply required a plan for stock assessment and for evaluating the effect salmon enhancement. We realized early this year that DFO was unable to deliver on those commitments so we hired external help to deliver the plans," she said. "But we see little practical commitment to implement those plans from DFO. We might well pass the 2019 audit but we see little prospect of meeting the 2020 requirements."

The self-suspension reinforces a letter sent by DFO area directors to senior management a year ago expressing concern that "the regional ability to meet well-established core salmon assessment programs is no longer possible with the allocated funding."

"Though we are disappointed, saddened and frustrated to be forced out of the program," Burridge said, "we believe the fishery is sustainable and we are working on a plan to have these difficulties addressed in order to have the fishery evaluated and re-certified by the MSC at a future date."

The Canadian Pacific Sustainable Fisheries Society holds the Marine Stewardship Council certificates for BC sockeye, pink and chum salmon. Its members represent most processors and exporters of wild salmon.

SOURCE Canadian Pacific Sustainable Fisheries Society


For further information: Christina Burridge, 604.377.9213;
So it's a temporary "self-suspension" by the Canadian Pacific Sustainable Fisheries Society as a client of the MSC since DFO yanked funding for core stock assessment programs - not that MSC yanked the certification, then. Ya that could affect some markets for Canadian Processors and fishermen. Thanks for sharing, WMY.
with 3 out of the 4 parties now making election promises to remove fish farms it's going to happen. I believe they did a poll a year ago saying that 75% of canadians supported a ban on fish farms.

What will be interesting is what will happen in areas where some FN make a good revenue off them.

A pledge made by more than 50 federal candidates of various political stripes in B.C. to shut down open-net salmon farming in B.C. by 2025 has made it into the federal Liberal Party’s platform, to shock and dismay of the salmon farming industry and First Nations that depend on it.

"Chief John Smith of Tlowitsis First Nation near Campbell River says he was shocked to learn the federal Liberal Party has targeted B.C.’s fish farming industry.

Smith said his band has an agreement with Grieg Seafood Canada that provides his band with about $1 million in revenue annually – revenue that would be lost if open-net salmon farms are shut down."

“We’ve been working with the fish farms for quite a few years now, and we’re very happy with it because it provides us with a steady source of income,” he said. “It’s not like forestry, which is up and down like a yo-yo. And we don’t have any other industries.”
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with 3 out of the 4 parties now making election promises to remove fish farms it's going to happen. I believe they did a poll a year ago saying that 75% of canadians supported a ban on fish farms.

What will be interesting is what will happen in areas where some FN make a good revenue off them.

A pledge made by more than 50 federal candidates of various political stripes in B.C. to shut down open-net salmon farming in B.C. by 2025 has made it into the federal Liberal Party’s platform, to shock and dismay of the salmon farming industry and First Nations that depend on it.

"Chief John Smith of Tlowitsis First Nation near Campbell River says he was shocked to learn the federal Liberal Party has targeted B.C.’s fish farming industry.

Smith said his band has an agreement with Grieg Seafood Canada that provides his band with about $1 million in revenue annually – revenue that would be lost if open-net salmon farms are shut down."

“We’ve been working with the fish farms for quite a few years now, and we’re very happy with it because it provides us with a steady source of income,” he said. “It’s not like forestry, which is up and down like a yo-yo. And we don’t have any other industries.”
I'm sure the band can make that up easily with tourism and feast on the Wild Salmon that will rebound. $1 million is a drop in the bucket compared to the loss the whole fishing sector suffered through this year due to DFO closures. Glad to hear they are leaving the ocean but will believe it when it happens.Not likely the tourists will want to tour Grizzly's eating each other due to starvation due to no Wild Fish to fatten up on.
Not that any of this has to do with aquaculture improving but the voluntary suspension of MSC certification appears to be the result of DFO inaction. Something the Auditor General concluded in a report to Parliament back in 2016;
“2.94We concluded that Fisheries and Oceans Canada had identified the key elements it needed for fisheries management: Integrated Fisheries Management Plans, scientific surveys, third-party fisheries observer programs, stock assessments, and reference points for establishing stock health. However, the Department had not put these elements in place for all major stocks.

2.95We also concluded that Fisheries and Oceans Canada did not always apply these key planning elements to ensure management decisions for selected fisheries were focused on conservation and sustainable use.”

Just another sorry chapter in the long saga of DFO inaction on implementing things like the Wild Salmon Policy, Cohen Commission Inquiry, etc.
Correct cuttlefish, this has nothing to do with fish farms. DFO needs to get back to the basics, like stock assessment.
This whole thread is just a hijack for anything anti-FF. it is so weird to see how blogs and opinions are linked as facts. If you actually read every post you would swear it is like Frankenstein saying "fire, bad". I should do a blog where Frankenstein says "Fish farm bad". It would get linked as as a leading scientist now opposes FF's and supports Greta.

The strange thing is I think some of the answers are there. When you read through the big issues of habitat loss, over fishing, climate change, pollution, warm blobs, forage fish depletion, and Alaskan Ranching, I am pretty sure FF's have some effect, just not any thing big. This whole anti-ff movement is about as impactful to the salmon as banning plastic straws are to saving the oceans. Lots of virtue signaling, but nothing that addresses the problem. Wait, after I do my Frankenstein blog, I will write an opinion that FF's are putting too much plastic in the that will get linked in to.
Wait, after I do my Frankenstein blog, I will write an opinion that FF's are putting too much plastic in the that will get linked in to.

since you brought up plastic.
"A fish farm is blaming storms for a spill of 2-thousand plastic feed bags that washed up on several of the protected Broken Islands near Tofino."
"A leaked memo said charges might be laid against "an aquaculture company" that they did not identify."
since you brought up plastic.
"A fish farm is blaming storms for a spill of 2-thousand plastic feed bags that washed up on several of the protected Broken Islands near Tofino."
"A leaked memo said charges might be laid against "an aquaculture company" that they did not identify."

Didn't that story end up being the omega hatchery and not a fish farm.
Well Frankenstein now say "Fish Farm cause pine beetle". LOL - my whole point was proved by fogged in. This is an obsessive group of anti farm advocates who will go to any extreme to deflect and not answer basic questions. Again, not a denier of anything but guess what, 70 percent of the plastics in the oceans is fish nets! Of all the remaining plastic, 4 counties account for 80 % of it - surprise all Asian. So, instead of banning straws, take the money and help clean these countries up. Do something good. Instead of insisting that banning FF's will change the course of the wild salmon stocks, you better be right when you shut them all down and nothing happens. Because when we shut down legitimate industries who have permits and invested dollars, we, that is you and me, the taxpayer will pay for it. Just ask the NDP how well it went to fork over $2billion to the coal power plants in Alberta because we decided to break our contracts.

Power costs way up, penalties paid, no one won. Why not take that $2billion and put it into building EV sites across the frickin country and make it easy to transition to other forms of fuel or retrofit every home with high R value insulation? Nope, that makes way too much sense.

So best be careful, when we shut these things down and shell out a $1 billion in taxpayer dollars for breaking the contract, you better hope it fixes the wild stocks. If it doesn't, Joe taxpayer is going to take another one up the rump for nothing but a bunch of virtuous platitudes. Or, we could be smart this time and take that $1.0 Billion to ramp up our hatcheries, fix our spawning streams, move the Fish Farms to sites where impact can be minimized, get rid of the excessive amounts of seals (why don't we capture them and turn them loose in Alaska where they have plenty of salmon) and do something good for the country.
Does this answer your question?
Fish farm takes blame for feed bags on Tofino-area beaches
I might add, a few thousand Feed Bags from a Fish Farm is the least thing we need to worry about when it comes to Fish Farms.

did u even read it? that's not a fish farm company fogged in

Alberni’s Omega Pacific Hatchery releases third batch of chinook salmon

I find it interesting that you feel these kind of operations need to be removed thought u were a supporter of net pen projects.
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Drives you crazy doesn't it? There is a new conspiracy around every corner.....

Sorry if the facts around Fish Farms drive you crazy SK. and WM, yes, I did read it.
"Omega Pacific Sea Farms said in a statement Tuesday that the bags spilled into the water after a series of storms battered the barge connected to its Jane Bay farm in Barkley Sound.”
Can we agree the problem originates with Fish Farms?
Your interpretation of the Fish Farm problem seems to be very narrow.
No need to debate the issue as I said before the plastic bag problem is the very least of the problems Fish Farms face.
I would not have brought it up if it was not for SK saying
"Frankenstein blog, I will write an opinion that FF's are putting too much plastic in the water"
Sorry if the facts around Fish Farms drive you crazy SK. and WM, yes, I did read it.
"Omega Pacific Sea Farms said in a statement Tuesday that the bags spilled into the water after a series of storms battered the barge connected to its Jane Bay farm in Barkley Sound.”
Can we agree the problem originates with Fish Farms?
Your interpretation of the Fish Farm problem seems to be very narrow.
No need to debate the issue as I said before the plastic bag problem is the very least of the problems Fish Farms face.
I would not have brought it up if it was not for SK saying
"Frankenstein blog, I will write an opinion that FF's are putting too much plastic in the water"
There was an ancient wise man who once said "It is hard to see the forest for the tress..." That was my whole point, instead, you went looking for links about FF's and plastic. Did you read any other parts of the comment?

Are you in favor of spending taxpayer money to shut down fish farms based on all the claims laid out here. Don't care about the claims, but will you support the taxpayer cost (whatever that may be) to shut them down?

If yes, then would you consider using that same taxpayer dollars for something that might have a more concrete result? Yes or no to both, that is all we need to establish.
And if we figure it out, the industry would be lost to the USA anyways. Lol. Kinda pointless. Closed containment will be a loss for Canada as that production industry will relocate to population centres generally not in Canada.