Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

federal Conservative Party candidate Alana DeLong about the disastrous impact that salmon farms are having on wild salmon.

are you happy with what the liberals have done over the last 4 years with regards to the fish farming industry? apparently during the last two years they have managed to completely wipe out all the salmon in clayoquot sound.

Are you kidding? The sea lice issue, 2 years running in Clayoquot Sound has all but nearly wiped out the wild salmon runs in the last 2 years. There are some very good people/groups doing their best to get the Farms out of there before the Wild Fish are no more. Sorry, but that was a dumb comment, or uninformed.
are you happy with what the liberals have done over the last 4 years with regards to the fish farming industry? apparently during the last two years they have managed to completely wipe out all the salmon in clayoquot sound.
HAPPY? With the Liberals? no - of course not. But... it was even worse under Harper. This pretty much sums up how I feel - maybe how most people feel:

are you happy with what the liberals have done over the last 4 years with regards to the fish farming industry? apparently during the last two years they have managed to completely wipe out all the salmon in clayoquot sound.

Do a little reading how about? This past Spring, 90% of the out migrating smolts were covered in sea lice that originated from the Salmon Farms in the Sound. We can agree, this will kill them. This is why those farms are applying for Paramove 50 treatments, they are trying a different chemical used to kill fleas that is not approved in Norway nor the US but of course no problem here in Canada, and then the Hydro slicer of course. If those 3 different actions don't tell you that something is seriously wrong, you have issues dude. You can spin and defend all you like. But the fact remains, Sea Lice kill.

So, will the runs be lost in 2 years? Very hard to say. But simple math tells me that you can't keep killing 90% of out going Smolts each Spring and wonder why there aren't that many fish 4 years later. I don't really want to wait to find out the answer, because grade 4 math tells me the likely outcome.

It is very difficult as you can appreciate, to follow the smolts around until they die to recover them so we can perform a necropsy. That's not realistic. This is why we rely on science to determine risks.

The farms themselves are fully aware that their Lice issues is a major problem for wild smolts. They acknowledge this through fallowing and through statements that are made. Its really not that hard to figure out.
It is very difficult as you can appreciate, to follow the smolts around until they die to recover them so we can perform a necropsy. That's not realistic. This is why we rely on science to determine risks.

So the current liberal government is ignoring the science? i guess they won't be getting your vote come october...
well, after watching what AA posted, that's a pretty scary thought too. I don't know why she would give a reply like that when clearly she knows nothing on the subject.
She gave the safe, know-nothing - don't disrupt somebody making money Conservative-type reply. Rather telling...
coho are generally 4-5 yo. If it was the past 2 years - they would have been out to sea as subadults - while the past 2 years of outmigrating smolts may have been the impacted cohort. In addition, there may be differences in size, rearing location, timing and water flow patterns between the different species of juvies and how they interact w the effluent from the open net-pens.
So WMY, I guess if I read between the lines in your posts...You don't care that open net aquaculture is killing out migrating smolts. You just think its a big joke and ridicule people who take it seriously? I think you are being quite ignorant to the issues and facts with these farms.
I could make similar claims that run off your your car or truck is suffocating salmon. Do you not care about this??

Or what is coming out of its tail pipe is warming up the planet and reducing a salmon chance to survive.

Or that line you dangle with a hook on the end of it may have a chance at catching an endangered salmon.

Or that the wood your house is made of may of came from logging operations that right though salmon streams.

Or that the water you drink may of be extracted from a source that’s now impacting a salmon chance to spawn or even make it out of its reed alive in the spring.

Naw it’s salmon farms that have totally wiped out the salmon. Maybe if you did not come out and make such a sensational claim I would of just left it,

Even if we get rid of salmon farms were gonna murder salmon back down to the levels they are at now because we’re all greedy humans. We need a a societal change if we want to help salmon into the future.
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I think thats called misdirection, WMY.

The key is to try and determine the worst effects and mitigate and/or stop them if possible.
coho are generally 4-5 yo. If it was the past 2 years - they would have been out to sea as subadults - while the past 2 years of outmigrating smolts may have been the impacted cohort. In addition, there may be differences in size, rearing location, timing and water flow patterns between the different species of juvies and how they interact w the effluent from the open net-pens.
I don't know of any coho stocks comprised of 4 or 5 year olds; they are mainly 3 at maturity.
I could make similar claims that run off your your car or truck is suffocating salmon. Do you not care about this??

Or what is coming out of its tail pipe is warming up the planet and reducing a salmon chance to survive.

Or that line you dangle with a hook on the end of it may have a chance at catching an endangered salmon.

Or that the wood your house is made of may of came from logging operations that right though salmon streams.

Or that the water you drink may of be extracted from a source that’s now impacting a salmon chance to spawn or even make it out of its reed alive in the spring.

Naw it’s salmon farms that have totally wiped out the salmon. Maybe if you did not come out and make such a sensational claim I would of just left it,

Even if we get rid of salmon farms were gonna murder salmon back down to the levels they are at now because we’re all greedy humans. We need a a societal change if we want to help salmon into the future.

Dude, wow. Get a hold of yourself.
Again, please read. There are many different issues at play, some will yield results quicker than others. Some are less important than others to the majority of British Columbians. That's what I said. Do not cherry pick statements..
Back to the topic of this thread, I believe that if there has been no improvement in salmon farming in Canada after all the money the federal government has spent for R&D in that sector over the years, then there is something seriously wrong with continuing that investment. Just like there is something seriously wrong with the feds’ ability to enforce their own conditions of license as has been recently demonstrated in Clayoquot Sound.
I don't know of any coho stocks comprised of 4 or 5 year olds; they are mainly 3 at maturity.
Good "catch", Dave. You are correct - in the more Southern parts of their range in BC (including the area in question) - coho are more likely to be 3YO - with a smaller proportion of 4YO.

THESE ARE MARINE HARVEST’S OWN WORDS from their own internal report for their investors.

Harm to the marine environment:
  • “Salmon farming may have a negative impact on the environment by way of discharge of nutrients and medicaments in the marine environment through overfeeding and faeces from fish, infection of wild species or shedding of sea lice by the caged fish, incidents of fish escapes, use of unsustainable sourced feed and CO2 emissions related to feed production and distribution of end products.”
  • If Marine Harvest is held liable for breaches of environmental laws and regulations it may have a material adverse effect on the business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flow of the Group.”
Diseases and deformed fish:
  • “Salmon farming operations involves a considerable risk with regard to diseases. An outbreak of a significant or severe disease represents a cost for Marine Harvest. The most severe diseases may require culling and disposal of the entire stock, disinfection of the farm and a long subsequent fallow period as preventative measures to stop the disease from spreading.”
  • Intensive farming methods may cause production-related disorders in particular relating to physical deformities and cataracts. These may lead to financial losses in the form of reduced growth and health, reduced quality on harvesting, and damage to the industry or Marine Harvest’s reputation.”