Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

No - not "someone", Stephen. Just you - in your last post trying to say the content presented by Vivian and Alex was the same. Ridiculous post - I agree...

and thanks for keeping this thread up on the notice board...
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WMY - it is clear that FF's have an impact. You have even acknowledged that. So why wouldn't we do something about them if it helps? Its a move that can produce results quickly in regards to farm removal and boosting wild numbers? By how much? Its hard to say, but no one can argue the impact that the farms have had in Clayoquot. So you take a guess, if there were no farms evr in the Clayoquot, would 90% of the outgoing smolts 2 springs in a row, have perished due to sea lice infestations?

Also, anything put out by Seawest is completely irrelevant because Fabian Dawson is simply a candid employee of the BC Salmon Farmers Association. I don't waste my time reading that garbage, and to be honest I'm not sure if anyone does other than farm workers. We've been down this road before.

Stephen - you join this forum, immediately take a pro FF stance and attack AA. It is pretty clear to me exactly who you are. I find your stance and your arguments humerous at times, so thanks for that.
Stephen - you join this forum, immediately take a pro FF stance and attack AA. It is pretty clear to me exactly who you are. I find your stance and your arguments humerous at times, so thanks for that.

AA joined the forums and immediately started talking about Fish farms, as did cuttlefish. So what is your point??

Also, anything put out by Seawest is completely irrelevant because Fabian Dawson is simply a candid employee of the BC Salmon Farmers Association. I don't waste my time reading that garbage, and to be honest I'm not sure if anyone does other than farm workers. We've been down this road before.

What facts in the article do you disagree with? It shows that Fish Farms are important to some First Nations. If the goverment is going to remove fish farms then again we have a situation where the goverment is again dictating to First Nations what they can and cannot do on their territories.

WMY - it is clear that FF's have an impact. You have even acknowledged that. So why wouldn't we do something about them if it helps? Its a move that can produce results quickly in regards to farm removal and boosting wild numbers? By how much? Its hard to say, but no one can argue the impact that the farms have had in Clayoquot. So you take a guess, if there were no farms evr in the Clayoquot, would 90% of the outgoing smolts 2 springs in a row, have perished due to sea lice infestations?

We are doing something, In case you forgot the Liberal goverment has promised to transition FF to land. We have the removal of 17 farm sites in the JS planned also to occur.

would 90% of the outgoing smolts 2 springs in a row, have perished due to sea lice infestations?

IS this factual?
WMY - it is clear that FF's have an impact. You have even acknowledged that. So why wouldn't we do something about them if it helps? Its a move that can produce results quickly in regards to farm removal and boosting wild numbers? By how much? Its hard to say, but no one can argue the impact that the farms have had in Clayoquot. So you take a guess, if there were no farms evr in the Clayoquot, would 90% of the outgoing smolts 2 springs in a row, have perished due to sea lice infestations?

Also, anything put out by Seawest is completely irrelevant because Fabian Dawson is simply a candid employee of the BC Salmon Farmers Association. I don't waste my time reading that garbage, and to be honest I'm not sure if anyone does other than farm workers. We've been down this road before.

Stephen - you join this forum, immediately take a pro FF stance and attack AA. It is pretty clear to me exactly who you are. I find your stance and your arguments humerous at times, so thanks for that.

A brief look at sino's posting history is precisely as he/she has accused Steve of, except of course on the other side of the discussion. Different set of rules I guess for those apposed.

Aquaculture improving, hell yes! Shares are available at Kettura closed containment yet. Any of you Pro CC put your money where your key board warrior spirit cries? Or do you want the government to do it?
It is hard to believe Birdsnest's claim "Aquaculture improving, hell yes! "
2.6 million fish die and that's improvement??
Who took the time to listen to this CBC interview and what our elected officials had to say or not say about the subject?
Did you catch the part about wild fish populations have declined everywhere Open Net Pen Fish Farms have moved in worldwide?
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Well, one can only do so much w the open net-cage technology. It is - after all - "open". Open to water flow and all the diseases and parasites that flow in and out in the water. Also open to escapees.

One could argue w appropriate & effective oversight and enforcement - built on realistic siting criteria that reduces the wild/farmed interactions to the benefit of the wild stocks - one could put up with that.

We really have inappropriate and ineffective oversight and enforcement since the regulator is also the promoter - and we also don't have realistic siting criteria that reduces the wild/farmed interactions to the benefit of the wild stocks.

Nor do we have public, real-time reporting of disease outbreaks with geographic co-ordinates that would allow us to investigate the effectiveness and the damage to wild stocks by the current siting regs - which is why the regulators use the Privacy Act as an excuse to hide that information. The latest ISAv outbreak in NFLD is yet but another example of that.


Closed containment would be an improvement.
Well, one can only do so much w the open net-cage technology. It is - after all - "open". Open to water flow and all the diseases and parasites that flow in and out in the water. Also open to escapees.

One could argue w appropriate & effective oversight and enforcement - built on realistic siting criteria that reduces the wild/farmed interactions to the benefit of the wild stocks - one could put up with that.

We really have inappropriate and ineffective oversight and enforcement since the regulator is also the promoter - and we also don't have realistic siting criteria that reduces the wild/farmed interactions to the benefit of the wild stocks.

Nor do we have public, real-time reporting of disease outbreaks with geographic co-ordinates that would allow us to investigate the effectiveness and the damage to wild stocks by the current siting regs - which is why the regulators use the Privacy Act as an excuse to hide that information. The latest ISAv outbreak in NFLD is yet but another example of that.


Closed containment would be an improvement.

Why is no one investing in CC if it so amazing to you?
Why is no one here on this forum investing their hard earned bucks on closed containment?
Why is kuttera, after having so much money from every one,(gov, NGo's and others) stuck in the mud looking for investors now?
Nagmus first nations are getting screwed over this, but they are begging for it at the same time... this is better?

The empowerment of indigenous imputes into industry by activists and government, which I don't appose, will keep salmon farms in the water in bc for some time. Activist really shot themselves in the foot on this front.
Well, one can only do so much w the open net-cage technology. It is - after all - "open". Open to water flow and all the diseases and parasites that flow in and out in the water. Also open to escapees.

One could argue w appropriate & effective oversight and enforcement - built on realistic siting criteria that reduces the wild/farmed interactions to the benefit of the wild stocks - one could put up with that.

We really have inappropriate and ineffective oversight and enforcement since the regulator is also the promoter - and we also don't have realistic siting criteria that reduces the wild/farmed interactions to the benefit of the wild stocks.

Nor do we have public, real-time reporting of disease outbreaks with geographic co-ordinates that would allow us to investigate the effectiveness and the damage to wild stocks by the current siting regs - which is why the regulators use the Privacy Act as an excuse to hide that information. The latest ISAv outbreak in NFLD is yet but another example of that.


Closed containment would be an improvement.

The problem with activist is they will take the oddest thing ie a puffer fish washing up on a beach in canada and use it as solid evidence to their beliefs on climate change. Images are far more informing than facts these days.
[QUOTE="Sino, post: 957471, member: 13891"workers. We've been down this road before.

Stephen - you join this forum, immediately take a pro FF stance and attack AA. It is pretty clear to me exactly who you are. I find your stance and your arguments humerous at times, so thanks for that.[/QUOTE]

Sino, so who exactly is Stephen Kowalski?
What would be amazing to me would be if DFO stopped protecting and promoting FFs and we got public, real time reporting of FF diseases w geographic co-ordinates - apparently far more elusive than a pufferfish.
No - not "someone", Stephen. Just you - in your last post trying to say the content presented by Vivian and Alex was the same. Ridiculous post - I agree...

and thanks for keeping this thread up on the notice board...

Even more silly. Look, you are doubting the veracity of a lot of people including many First Nations Chiefs who have reviewed the information Vivian Krause has produced. Don't believe it if you don't want to, that doesn't make it anymore untrue - you are entitled to your own beliefs, just not your own facts. As you all know, I joined these threads to find out why Alaska had big returns and California had big returns. All the anti-FF advocates can do is blame FF's. They never answer a single other question. Sino, you state that 90% of the smolts were infected by sea lice from a FF. Can you prove any of this? Happy to look at it but whenever I ask the anti crowd for anything that shows these spectacular correlations, I get diddly squat. Another hundred links without answering a single question. Fogged in is counting my posts to see which ones are pro-FF, maybe he and Sino can figure out my address in Lake Country and come for a visit. Hell, if you have a chainsaw, I could use some help cutting down a few trees (I thought they were dying from pine beetle but not so sure now, sending a piece of bark in to see if they are infected with ISAv). And you say I am attacking who? AA - I make an innocuos post about the fact that A. Morton and V. Krause can both be correct and it turns into a hair on fire moment.

What I cant understand is why you all don't want to get to the bottom of what is happening. I asked a bunch of you if you were so certain that FF's are causing all the problems would you support using tax dollars to shut them down. Nope - no way. I asked if you would pay to shut them down, and if your hypothesis is right, maybe you can have your money back. Tumbleweeds. On the Alaskan ranching thread, it is pretty clear that despite record salmon returns, all sorts of wild runs are in severe trouble - hmmm, sounds like us but without the FF variable.

I also want to come clean on Fogged In asserting, that I must be part of the FF's industry. I did lie in saying I have no involvement. My son and I are running a small private FF and hopefully we won't get shut down.