If you re-read what i said, yes I beleive there are negative effects from ff, cant think of anything we humans do in any other industries that is GOOD for the environment. -
Not true what about organic farming for instance? Also just because some industries are bad for the environment does not make an excuse for net pen fish farms and their negative impacts - weak argument.
I also believe ocean ff has a place in this world and has seen leaps and bounds in technology and is nothing like its infancy. -
Your biased opinion only.
ff are here to stay,
Yes, but most likely NOT in water if the areas cares about the aquatic environment. Just like most areas don't dump raw sewage into the water because it is cheap and convenient!
were they perfect in the past NO , -
Agree lots of evidence for this!
are they improving? YES -
BUT still have enough serious problems as evidenced but the dozens if not hundreds of peer reviewed articles and reports that AA and others have posted on this forum. Why not take some time the read them and one may learn to understand and appreciate why a growing number of people are against net pen fish farms.
Taking ff out of ocean will NOT save wild salmon -
Really? What makes you so sure? Just another biased opinion that is NOT supported by ever growing research.
In time humans will be extinct and the earth will be better of for it. -
Wow, that is a positive attitude
According to this position since we are going to destroy ourselves it's ok to wreck the environment in the process for selfish, short sighted, profit driven reasons. Can't help but call this out as a hopeless, selfish, shortsighted attitude that screws our children and grandchildren and so on... My 2 bits.