Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

"Since the passing of Resolution 2022-28, the Discovery Islands licenses were extended until January 2023. This extension must be a temporary measure to allow for meaningful consultation with all Title and Rights holders in BC in the process of removing all fish farms from the ocean, as committed to in Minister Murray’s 2021 Mandate letter. Furthermore, we call for the immediate revision of the Conditions of License to include more substantial oversight and consequences for breaches of the regulations. Time and time again, industry has proven that self-regulation and irregular audits by government are insufficient to identify and address infringements in a timely manner. Combined with the lack of significant penalties for violating the regulations, the Conditions of License are inadequate and do not deter noncompliance, which contributes to the ongoing degradation of pacific wild salmon habitat."

"Since the passing of Resolution 2022-28, the Discovery Islands licenses were extended until January 2023. This extension must be a temporary measure to allow for meaningful consultation with all Title and Rights holders in BC in the process of removing all fish farms from the ocean, as committed to in Minister Murray’s 2021 Mandate letter. Furthermore, we call for the immediate revision of the Conditions of License to include more substantial oversight and consequences for breaches of the regulations. Time and time again, industry has proven that self-regulation and irregular audits by government are insufficient to identify and address infringements in a timely manner. Combined with the lack of significant penalties for violating the regulations, the Conditions of License are inadequate and do not deter noncompliance, which contributes to the ongoing degradation of pacific wild salmon habitat."

Never happen, bet?
Never happen, bet?
Good question, SF. To crib from a PM I sent on this topic when it 1st appeared 3YO (before the political backlash from the industry happenned and things seemed sunnier and more do-able):

maybe. maybe ill live long enough to see a transition. maybe not. Sometimes things happen quicker than one ever thought possible. Sometimes it is all smoke and mirrors. Politics is a funny monster. That's why I see how democracy, or consensus-based governance - as opposed to our current form of corruption that we like to pretend is democracy - is the only sustainable way forward. This clip reminds me of politician decisions:

In other words - "We'll see..."
(look familiar WMY?)
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Wasn't this a Liberal Political promise not a DFO staff promise, Seems like passing the buck to me, Its like blaming the staff at revenue canada for tax increases.
If you get a weak minister - which most are, there are highly influenced by their senior mgmt. staff who "advise" them on what to do. Trust me there are many ways that senior and mid level bureaucrats can slow down or even stop the wishes of the minister or cabinet - happens all the time at Fed and Prov. levels. You only get accountability on what you want in politics as long as people follow up and follow through with consequences for non-compliance - just human nature.
If you get a weak minister - which most are, there are highly influenced by their senior mgmt. staff who "advise" them on what to do. Trust me there are many ways that senior and mid level bureaucrats can slow down or even stop the wishes of the minister or cabinet - happens all the time at Fed and Prov. levels. You only get accountability on what you want in politics as long as people follow up and follow through with consequences for non-compliance - just human nature.

Funny how everyone said it was harpers fault for ripping apart the habitat department.

But when it comes to the liberals not removing fish farms it’s DFO managements fault.

Working as intended by the liberals me thinks

Hook line and sinker
A lot of those old sites from the 1980's the Grieg had were not well suited had had issues especially with plankton blooms. They were also much smaller than most of the newer sites. I'm sure they would have liked to stay and operate a couple but it is good to see that companies are working with First Nations. Now we will get to see what happens when Nations support the industry.
Are Fish Farms improving?
That is up for debate, but what is not debatable is that Open Net Pen Fish Farms do kill wild salmon.
They even admit that their sea lice and disease kill wild salmon.
This quote is far from the claim Fish Farms originally made that they had NO IMPACT on the survival of wild salmon.
"Grieg shares the concern for declining wild salmon populations and is committed to farm with the lowest possible impact and to continuously improve its operations."
I think politicians are always politicians and have as their primary focus keeping their and their party main funders happy verses being anyone's elected representative - irrespective of what party they claim allegiance to and irrespective of what any party says about them being different and/or better than the other so-called choice. Parties are a sham and antidemocratic.

And the Aquaculture Branch within DFO is particularly compromised and untrustworthy - as bad as any branch in "normal" DFO can be. Absolutely no accountability at all IMHO.

Kinda the perfect storm for crooks/lobbyists to operate within - which they do...
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Are Fish Farms improving?
That is up for debate, but what is not debatable is that Open Net Pen Fish Farms do kill wild salmon.
They even admit that their sea lice and disease kill wild salmon.
This quote is far from the claim Fish Farms originally made that they had NO IMPACT on the survival of wild salmon.
"Grieg shares the concern for declining wild salmon populations and is committed to farm with the lowest possible impact and to continuously improve its operations."
shishalh Nation, known as the salmon people, have deep concerns about the impacts of finfish aquaculture on wild salmon. shishalh has raised these concerns with Federal and Provincial governments for more than three decades. These concerns have only increased over the years as we have witnessed the substantial decline in the swiya salmon populations, which has had dramatic impacts on shishalh way of life.


A lot of those old sites from the 1980's the Grieg had were not well suited had had issues especially with plankton blooms. They were also much smaller than most of the newer sites. I'm sure they would have liked to stay and operate a couple but it is good to see that companies are working with First Nations. Now we will get to see what happens when Nations support the industry.
True that. I have often wondered why Grieg acquired those leases from the previous owners since everyone knew they had issues with water quality and neighbors.
True that. I have often wondered why Grieg acquired those leases from the previous owners since everyone knew they had issues with water quality and neighbors.
Sites/foreshore leases are a commodity - even if they aren't Atlantic finfish production sites. Kelp, oysters, etc can instead be grown, but there would need to be an amendment to the aquaculture licence.
Sites/foreshore leases are a commodity - even if they aren't Atlantic finfish production sites. Kelp, oysters, etc can instead be grown, but there would need to be an amendment to the aquaculture licence.

Sooo, other imported and non native seafoods dumped on beaches or raised in trays by the billions are ok? Good to know
So ALMO is happy that a Nation that never wanted the marine finfish farms got them removed (Sechelt), and that is a win for Indigenous rights ............................. will it be a win for indigenous rights when Nations that support them get to keep them ?? I'm guessing not .................. If not is that not hypocritical ??
So ALMO is happy that a Nation that never wanted the marine finfish farms got them removed (Sechelt), and that is a win for Indigenous rights ............................. will it be a win for indigenous rights when Nations that support them get to keep them ?? I'm guessing not .................. If not is that not hypocritical ??
I live on a hill and am ok flushing my toilet discharge down the slope. Not sure why the people below me on the hill are so upset they could do the same and just let those on the bottom worry about it. Wild salmon swim upriver to spawn if the Nation in the straight catches all the fish the Nation living up the river where they spawn get none. If the Nation living up river where they spawn take all the fish that return before they spawn the Nation in the straight get none. A Nation (and there are only one or two) who support open net cage fish farming in the ocean would be effecting alot of others that would rather eat and co-exist with Wild Salmon and want the farms removede from the ocean.
X2 SH.
