Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Thanks for the vote of confidence, SF - but not I am not a paid shrill. And just because someone disagrees with you and is able to post the appropriate science to support their argument - "no I dislike science when it disagrees with my preconceived and unsupported view altho I use that same science all the time in my everyday life but dont want to acknowledge that either" is not a mature defensible counter argument. Thanks for the chuckles! :)
are they improving? YES - BUT still have enough serious problems as evidenced but the dozens if not hundreds of peer reviewed articles and reports that AA and others have posted on this forum. Why not take some time the read them and one may learn to understand and appreciate why a growing number of people are against net pen fish farms.

No thanks @Whole in the Water ..
you cant see that its OBVIOUS AA is a paid shill to copy and paste for the anti Canadian ff lobby..

Would love to see just 1 pic from "him,her,they" in an actual fishing report!

Yes ,lets trust your, his ,her, their expert peer reviewed studies..

Happy New Year all !
I know AA and he is NOT a paid anti FF shill. Don't know how many times this needs to be said on this forum. He is an unpaid, very knowledgeable, concerned citizen and fisher with a scientific background (and no he is not A. Morton either :rolleyes:).

Yes indeed let's trust the peer reviewed scientific studies - Why - because that's how modern science works!

If you just want to pitch your biased opinions fill your boots - but ya gotta remember that one can display a lot of ignorance when they counter reputable science with simple personal preferences and uninformed opinions. What about looking opening ones mind and looking at the research? Never to late to learn something new.

Happy new year folks!

We'll notify your representative
Joyce Murray (MP), Vancouver Quadra, Liberal
Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister), Federal, Liberal
Patrick Weiler (MP), West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country, Liberal
Hedy Fry (MP), Vancouver Centre, Liberal
Dominic LeBlanc (MP), Beauséjour, Liberal
Steven Guilbeault (MP), Laurier-Sainte-Marie, Liberal
Marc Miller (MP), Ville-Marie-Le Sud-Ouest-Île-des-Soeurs, Liberal
Jonathan Wilkinson (MP), North Vancouver, Liberal
John Aldag (MP), Cloverdale-Langley City, Liberal
Parm Bains (MP), Steveston-Richmond East, Liberal
Terry Beech (MP), Burnaby North-Seymour, Liberal
Sukh Dhaliwal (MP), Surrey-Newton, Liberal
Ken Hardie (MP), Fleetwood-Port Kells, Liberal
Wilson Miao (MP), Richmond Centre, Liberal
Taleeb Noormohamed (MP), Vancouver Granville, Liberal
Carla Qualtrough (MP), Delta, Liberal
Harjit Sajjan (MP), Vancouver South, Liberal
Randeep Sarai (MP), Surrey Centre, Liberal
They set it up

I did a test to see what happened when you press the button. It's a rigged auto response if you don't edit it.

"I want to see an end to all salmon farms in the ocean by 2025. This is what you promised us in 2019. I expect to see you deliver.

I do not believe that wild salmon will survive industrial experiments with technology designed to "progressively reduce interactions". It's too late for that: salmon are declining far too rapidly and many runs are facing extinction.

It is unthinkable to me that this government would stand by and allow wild Pacific salmon to suffer the same fate as the East Coast cod. We've been down this road before and we know where it ends: whole communities and a way of life destroyed; the economy in ruins; the ecology shattered.

Put the transition planning back on track to achieve an orderly removal of the industry from B.C. waters NOW."
Dear Friends of PSF,

Our team at the Pacific Salmon Foundation is dedicated to restoring wild Pacific salmon. For many years now PSF has been leading and collaborating on critical scientific research related to salmon health and open-net pen fish farms. As a result of this science and given the crisis facing wild Pacific salmon, PSF believes that open-net pen farming of salmon must move to closed containment as quickly as possible.

Thanks to our donors and with our partners, we have delivered ground-breaking research, informed regulatory decisions, and influenced the global understanding of how infectious agents are affecting the health of wild Pacific salmon. This body of evidence helped secure the federal government’s commitment to transition away from open-net pen aquaculture in B.C. by 2025.

Right now, Minister Joyce Murray and Fisheries and Oceans Canada are in the final days of public engagement that will inform how and how quickly this transition will occur. PSF has contributed to this consultation encouraging the minister to follow through with the transition by 2025, based on a substantive body of evidence that outlines the risks to wild Pacific salmon.

This is your opportunity as a wild salmon supporter to share your voice in the engagement process and support the minister in this decision. To share your views, you can contact the DFO aquaculture engagement team and/or email the minister directly. The deadline to receive public feedback is imminent.

Thank You,
Michael J. Meneer
President and CEO
Pacific Salmon Foundation


It's interesting that the PSF and the ASF on the East Coast never started as an "anti" ONP ENGO but rather focused on the welfare of wild salmon stocks. But once they did the science that our DFO regulators refused to do - they both have become very critical of the ONP industry, the lack of effective safeguards by the regulators and have become vocal and yes more political about those glaring gaps & impacts. Good on them both I say and thanks for the support...
I am assuming they wrote the letter because of the recent rumours on the direction the minister is leaning.