Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

You forgot that escaped farmed salmon cannot survive in the Wild
If they escspe they cannot go up into the streams to spawn
When they go up into the streams their spawn will not survive
The spawn will not be able to compete against native fish.
Ask the guys on the east coast how that last one is working.
Yes , there are huge runs of offsprings from escaped Atlantics here on the west coast,so many now there might be in river 1st nation openings for them..
Yes , there are huge runs of offsprings from escaped Atlantics here on the west coast,so many now there might be in river 1st nation openings for them..
"We have found substantial numbers of those [farmed Atlantic] fish in our waters and we have found some of those fish in our freshwater streams."

The number of salmon that escape from BC farms varies widely from year to year. In 2005, only 48 salmon escaped, compared with 44,000 in 2004, says Andy Thompson, sustainable aquaculture director, Pacific region, for the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Thompson oversees the Atlantic Salmon Watch Program, a federal/provincial initiative which tracks escaped salmon and captures them.

Ayranto, along with others in the salmon farming industry and the provincial government, says the number of escaped Atlantic salmon is too low to pose a threat to Pacific stock, but Bedford points out that "there are few invasive species that colonize the first time they're introduced. It usually takes several introductions before they finally stick."
"We have found substantial numbers of those [farmed Atlantic] fish in our waters and we have found some of those fish in our freshwater streams."

The number of salmon that escape from BC farms varies widely from year to year. In 2005, only 48 salmon escaped, compared with 44,000 in 2004, says Andy Thompson, sustainable aquaculture director, Pacific region, for the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Thompson oversees the Atlantic Salmon Watch Program, a federal/provincial initiative which tracks escaped salmon and captures them.

Ayranto, along with others in the salmon farming industry and the provincial government, says the number of escaped Atlantic salmon is too low to pose a threat to Pacific stock, but Bedford points out that "there are few invasive species that colonize the first time they're introduced. It usually takes several introductions before they finally stick."

Is this not relevant to your concerns, and yet you believe the west coast will one day be overwhelmed with spawn from "escaped" Atlantics !?
Did these intentionally released Atlantics not survive because it was a government program?!
Still SMH

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Agent, you’re like a dog on a bone. I have to think if you put as much energy into something that could really benefit salmon they would be far better off. Anyway, hope you have a good Christmas!
Agent, you’re like a dog on a bone. I have to think if you put as much energy into something that could really benefit salmon they would be far better off. Anyway, hope you have a good Christmas!
Thanks for the support, Dave. Stubbornness runs in the family. And who says I am not working on other issues to benefit salmon? This is one issue amongst many - but is more easily resolved (given political will) verses larger issues such as global warming. Hope you have a great Christmas too - long with everyone else on this forum :)
more on transparency in the industry and where they spend their $ verses baseline info:


, he later discovered that a company he’d criticised had hired private detectives to monitor him.

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