Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

We affirm the trial court’s order and uphold the steelhead permit

Waiting for DNR to say no go.
Or another way to look at it is more wild salmon and marine ecosystems saved!

That's what the fisheries minister said about herring and sports fishing restrictions too. Lets not forget about hatcheries as well with the wild salmon policy.

so i guess we should not be surprised when we champion more wild salmon to the Minister that sports fishing might end up with more restrictions as well as reduced hatchery production.

got to be be very careful when using the term "wild salmon" That does not include a mark selective salmon last time i checked.
Clayoquot logo.jpg
Cermaq has submitted five applications to expand their fish farm operations near Tofino, in the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region.
This at a time when wild salmon populations are close to collapse in British Columbia, and the federal government has promised to remove open-net pens from BC waters by 2025.

Clayoquot Action <>
Really? How many jobs was that? In what sector? Where? Asking for a friend.
Those who support the Open Net Pen Fish Farms frequently pin their existence on how many jobs they create.
By expanding as quickly as they can in as many areas as they can, in their minds it secures their existence.
AND in their minds the number of wild salmon they kill become irrelevant!
Wild salmon would be better off without having to pass by Open Net Pen Fish Farms and all their
Sea Lice and Disease
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What will the argument be when these evil multinational/1st nations partnered (owned) ff go to in ocean closed containment?

How about all those billions of "ranched wild caught" (great marketing) salmon that will still be released all through the Pacific Ocean? Alaska, Russia, China, Japan...
Why does AM not go north and fight the "good fight" with her good old usa state of Alaska releasing billions of farmed fish every yr?...we all know the answer to that last question
What will the argument be when these evil multinational/1st nations partnered (owned) ff go to in ocean closed containment?

How about all those billions of "ranched wild caught" (great marketing) salmon that will still be released all through the Pacific Ocean? Alaska, Russia, China, Japan...
Why does AM not go north and fight the "good fight" with her good old usa state of Alaska releasing billions of farmed fish every yr?...we all know the answer to that last question
AM has had her hands full in the Broughton’s hopefully some others can take up those other areas.
The amount of hatchery fish in the ocean is an issue - but does not relieve the open net-pen industry of it's responsibility as a proponent to avoid impacts to wild stocks or mitigate them after approval thru an environmental assessment - which they have always avoided doing due to collusion & corruption in the top end of DFO & CFIA. Look at sections 34 & 35 of the Fisheries Act:

The old tired deflection Dave yet again offers about Joe Public having to tell the industry how many jobs it has cost in the commercial and rec fisheries and the eco-tourism industries is called reversing the burden of proof. Typical of the BS spouted by their PR firms.

If the open net-pen industry was forced to do actual environmental assessments we might have the answer to that question and be able to make informed decisions, as a society as to what trade offs we want instead of the Deputy Minister doing it on his own.

More vetted, background science:

The amount of hatchery fish in the ocean is an issue - but does not relieve the open net-pen industry of it's responsibility as a proponent to avoid impacts to wild stocks or mitigate them after approval thru an environmental assessment - which they have always avoided doing due to collusion & corruption in the top end of DFO & CFIA. Look at sections 34 & 35 of the Fisheries Act:

True, but I think people can still be frustrated that while BC is closing its commercial fishing, sports fishing , herring fishing and fish farms.

That north of us we have a full blown herring fishery, commercial fishing and ranching fishery and south of us we have industerly level hatchery production, herring fishing and steelhead farming.
View attachment 74148
Cermaq has submitted five applications to expand their fish farm operations near Tofino, in the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region.
This at a time when wild salmon populations are close to collapse in British Columbia, and the federal government has promised to remove open-net pens from BC waters by 2025.

Clayoquot Action <>
As stated Ahousaht has a strong relationship with Cermaq and it may be getting stronger. It will be interesting if they start going after Clayoquot Action for targeting their interests.
The old tired deflection Dave yet again offers about Joe Public having to tell the industry how many jobs it has cost in the commercial and rec fisheries and the eco-tourism industries is called reversing the burden of proof.
It wasn't a deflection aa ... rockdog posted a statement damning fish farms, I asked him to defend it. He hasn't and neither did you.
Dave - I consider you to be an intelligent and experienced poster - and one whom has posed this question before and had it answered before on this forums and others (albeit maybe not to your satisfaction).

So I consider your question to be disingenuous and unfortunately following the same pattern and wordage of the PR firms employed by the industry. Attempting to reverse the burden of proof yet again as explained above and in other posts/threads. It is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS up to any proponent to prove they are not having an impact or to mitigate it under the relevant sections of the Fisheries Act as I posted above - and not to a member of the public w/o the industry's financial and personnel resources.

If you read Ford's paper above - it gives general reductions in wild salmon stocks over large areas. If you want more details - why aren't you asking the industry this question - since it is their responsibility?
At one point AA said ocean survival would double or ttippple of fish farms were removed but I don’t think he’s willing to die on that hill anymore
It's always interesting how the pro-open net-cage lobby always reverts to deflecting critiques about their industry and calls for more accountability back onto the public questioning their activities rather than taking responsibility for their actions in order to maintain the status quo on their operations.

I cheer-lead for accountability and good governance just like any involved, responsible citizen - thanks for noticing Dave. Too bad you didn't want to answer the question I asked you or comment on Ford's article. And if I every came out with any absolutes on ocean survival increases on the removal of open net-cage FFs - it'd be found under the search button.

I did remark on the lack of our ability to determine accurate escapement numbers on a scale relevant to the localized interactions around FFs. And then there is this graph to discuss:

I'm not sure why industry proponents think that their industry should be exempt from the Fisheries Act - esp. s 34 & 35. Guess it's thru inexperience and expectations of entitlement - esp. w environmental assessments. You don't need my permission to post a quote, WMY. If it's relevant - post it.