Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

I can't speak on behalf of AM. But I can tell you that sea lice was looked at on the North Coast before industry was planning on arriving there - despite the lack of interest of either industry or DFO or the Province. And they have a moratorium on open net-pens on the North Coast for years now. Ever wonder why? I'd like to hear from the industry pundits on here why they think it happened.
I can't speak on behalf of AM. But I can tell you that sea lice was looked at on the North Coast before industry was planning on arriving there - despite the lack of interest of either industry or DFO or the Province. And they have a moratorium on open net-pens on the North Coast for years now. Ever wonder why? I'd like to hear from the industry pundits on here why they think it happened.
I suspect the main reason there are not farms on the north coast is because FN did not want/need them. I also suspect that might change when local FN realize what they are missing out on.
Thanks for playing along, Dave. I always appreciate your insights - altho on this topic we may agree to disagree.

Your response: "FN did not want/need them." is perhaps untrue - or somewhat untrue; even tho it is the safe answer that industry might give. Kitkatla signed a 35yr agreement w then Panfish Canada, and Panfish had permits for the 1st 2 sites:

and this was the Province's excuse to bow out of a tight spot before the feds inherited that headache - that the legislative committee recommended a ban on fish farming in all coastal waters north of Vancouver Island:

But here is likely the real reasons: the Gitxsan, Sparrow and DNA:

So is the Skeena the only place on the BC Coast with salmon runs, and FNs?

You can see why the industry would like to pretend this example never existed. And now with C15 and UNDRIP coming onboard - this issue is not going away.
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Kinda an unsung story above about how a group of independent researchers were visionary enuff to do what DFO and the Province still refuse to do - and gather baseline data ahead of an industry's arrival. Yet - the industry will put time and money down to track an online photo instead and then complain about the lack of science.

and what did the researcher's find wrt lice levels up North in an are free of FFs?:

2.7% prevalence of Leps.

How does that compare to other areas?

The median annual prevalence for chum was 30%, ranging from 14% (in 2008 and 2009) to 73% (in 2004), while for pink salmon, the median was 27% and ranged from 10% (in 2011) to 68% (in 2004). Annual abundance varied from 0.2 to 5 sea lice per fish with a median of 0.47 for chum and from 0.1 to 3 lice (median 0.42) for pink salmon.


What does that mean for salmon returns?

must be a utopia of salmon up

If only they had as much sea lice as port alberni they might have a fishery
She’s a fake and nothing more then an shill that found a niche to make money.
Hey Wildman
Hard to understand why you hate Alexandra Morton so much other than she apposes Open Atlantic Salmon Net Pens, has first hand experience and lots of evidence of how these Fish Farms harm our environment and our wild Salmon!
You on the other hand are a supporter of Fish Farms.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and thanks for making your opinion crystal clear.
My opinion favors Alexandra Morton, her research and her dedication!!
Hey Wildman
Hard to understand why you hate Alexandra Morton so much other than she apposes Open Atlantic Salmon Net Pens, has first hand experience and lots of evidence of how these Fish Farms harm our environment and our wild Salmon!
You on the other hand are a supporter of Fish Farms.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and thanks for making your opinion crystal clear.
My opinion favors Alexandra Morton, her research and her dedication!!

you do know who was her biggest Donner was for decades right? I said first hand experience trumps opinions every time
Who finances all the propaganda Fish Farms spew out!

most people with fist hand experience of her think otherwise.

I think there’s a nurse tho at women’s hospital tho that could probably relate.
most people with fist hand experience of her think otherwise.

I think there’s a nurse tho at women’s hospital tho that could probably relate.
Got love these matter how ridiculous they get.
Keep people engaged which is good for the advertising hits..
went to a retirement party for a coworker the other day. Like half the old dudes order the salmon bowl.
Like I said, this is getting ridiculous but good for the ad clicks...and off topic BUT
seeing as you brought it up
I like mine with tuna or wild sockeye
You have posted a report from 2018 and a photo of Alaska Sockeye
Typical of a Fish Farm supporter.
Hey Wildman, I rather doubt you and I will ever agree on Fish Farms you so aggressively support and I so aggressively appose
Maybe we should just let it go at that!!
Fresh Farmed Fish.jpg
You have posted a report from 2018 and a photo of Alaska Sockeye
Typical of a Fish Farm supporter.
Hey Wildman, I rather doubt you and I will ever agree on Fish Farms you so aggressively support and I so aggressively appose
Maybe we should just let it go at that!!
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A good baker. No skin to worry about mmmm. Tasty.
I understand that a person's perception of the intent of a spokesperson can alter the willingness of a person to accept any factual claims from that spokesperson. I suffer from the same challenge from many industry spokespersons - especially those spokespersons whom have demonstrated copious egregious unsupported claims over the years.

But that is why I keep coming back to the point that the industry - due to it's close connections and some would claim collusion/corruption with top-level regulators - have avoided being subjected to an actual environmental assessment over the years. In an actual environmental assessment, data is vetted, inputs and outputs are refereed and tracked and it is ALWAYS up to the proponent (key point here) to prove that they will either have no impact or that impact is minimized and compensated. And scoping (determination of the boundaries of the potential impacts) is the 1st step (also not done for this industry).

Instead we seem to be stuck in this "he said - she said" debate in the media. Any why is that? Whom does repeated, acrimonious debate without resolution nor changes in regulatory oversight really benefit? I think the answer is obvious.