Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Not sure about that, WMY.

Don't forget flow-thru is only 1 enhancement strategy - and there also is recirc. And open net-pen FFs and enhancement are 2 different topics. And from Southern BC and South - Global Warming/Climate Change/less water is more critical and will affect all fish irrespective of enhancement techniques.
Not sure about that, WMY.

Don't forget flow-thru is only 1 enhancement strategy - and there also is recirc. And open net-pen FFs and enhancement are 2 different topics. And from Southern BC and South - Global Warming/Climate Change/less water is more critical and will affect all fish irrespective of enhancement techniques.

it seems like using the ocean will be the way forward. Just my opinion of course.

as you say lots of other pressures for wild salmon so increasing their harvest going forward does not look like an option.
Lots of info out there about aquifers.

I recall reading somewhere that the Texas Aquifer would be finished in 30 years at the current rate of usage.

The satellite system known as GRACE measures it regularly.

Interesting stuff but a tad worrisome for those coming along after I'm dead and gone.

Take care.
it seems like using the ocean will be the way forward. Just my opinion of course.

as you say lots of other pressures for wild salmon so increasing their harvest going forward does not look like an option.
Well - if you are talking about salmonid enhancement or fish farms - they all need freshwater to start with. It doesn't have to be an excessive amount of FW flow anymore with recirc and nitrogen treatment in place. If the grow-out includes taking salmonids to a market size in FW - that narrows the options wrt choice of spp to maybe charr or steelhead. Open net-cages are more profitable to industry because they don't have to pay for pumping, sewerage disposal & real estate. But it is challenging to reduce impacts to wild stocks using that technology - saying things that we all know.
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"The project will rely on a deep water table that should not be impacted by drought, a spokesman for West Coast Salmon AS — the Norwegian-based company planning the farm near the Humboldt/Pershing County line — said in a recent interview.

Three pivots that still irrigate alfalfa will disappear when fish farm construction begins, and groundwater rights will change from irrigation to commercial. Construction could begin late this year or early next year, with Phase 1 of the fish farm in production possibly by the end of 2022.

The company is watching irrigation impacts on the aquifer and will monitor the farm’s impacts on groundwater and the nearby Humboldt River, which local farmers depend on for irrigation.

“Our water rights are underground, so the drought doesn’t really impact that,” Project Manager Ralph Runge told The Humboldt Sun in June. “But we’re very sensitive to the fact that it’s one big water balance. The state engineer’s office, and the lawsuit, have been focused on what they call river capture. Are people that are pumping from the aquifer drawing from the river?"

According to previous reports, the project is expected to move through three phases, with an increase in production from 15,000 tons beginning with phase one and total production of 60,000 tons by the end of phase three. If construction went uninterrupted, the first salmon harvest could occur as early as the second half of 2024.

According to the company, the fish farm will be water-efficient because most of the water will be recycled in the Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). However, some water in the system will be purged and treated before reinjection into the aquifer.

“Ninety-nine point nine percent of the water is going in this loop in the facility,” Runge said in June. “You have to purge a little bit of the water out of there because metals and some things like that will build up. That’s what we treat and put back in the aquifer. It will meet drinking water standards.”
Should women be banned from fishing salmon in BC? By your logic GF they should. And she's a poacher.Salmon-fishing-in-Vancouver.jpg
Well, I don't agree with anyone making either false claims - or misleading ones. It's pretty simple to me:
1/ It gives the PR firms hired by the industry real ammunition to downplay any negative effects, and
2/ It is totally unnecessary and anti-productive and detracts from the issues. There's enuff bad stuff out there w/o making stuff up.

Having said thus - it is also interesting to see where Brian Zingzett ended-up and explains quite a bit. Brian was at one time a uneconomic shellfish farmer in San Mateo Bay in Barkley Sound next to an now extinct finfish tenure that got quite large contracts from the provincial government to provide biophysical reports to start-up shellfish on the North and Central Coasts - that never happened. Then he developed a consulting firm in Nanaimo and serviced numerous clients including the industry. Now he's the newest spokesperson for the BCSFA. Well - whatever pays the bills. I've known many consultants over the years - and the ones in this field don't have any professional body overseeing them like other professions. There are many things far more important than $. And the BCSFA must spent quite a bit of $ tracking that photo.

To bad the industry never spent any $ looking @ sea lice levels before they moved in, or on actual environmental assessments. I think that would have better illustrated their commitment to science and being above board and trustworthy - speaking of accountability.
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Well, I don't agree with anyone making either false claims - or misleading ones. It's pretty simple to me:
1/ It gives the PR firms hired by the industry real ammunition to downplay any negative effects, and
2/ It is totally unnecessary and anti-productive and detracts from the issues. There's enuff bad stuff out there w/o making stuff up.

Having said thus - it is also interesting to see where Brian Zingzett ended-up and explains quite a bit. Brian was at one time a uneconomic shellfish farmer in San Mateo Bay in Barkley Sound next to an now extinct finfish tenure that got quite large contracts from the provincial government to provide biophysical reports to start-up shellfish on the North and Central Coasts - that never happened. Then he developed a consulting firm in Nanaimo and serviced numerous clients including the industry. Now he's the newest spokesperson for the BCSFA. Well - whatever pays the bills. I've known many consultants over the years - and the ones in this field don't have any professional body overseeing them like other professions. There are many things far more important than $. And the BCSFA must spent quite a bit of $ tracking that photo.

To bad the industry never spent any $ looking @ sea lice levels before they moved in, or on actual environmental assessments. I think that would have better illustrated their commitment to science and being above board and trustworthy - speaking of accountability.

Its also interesting to see where am ended up , being a failed ffarmer from way back, shes just a little jaded those nasty multinationals are still doing what she set out to do, said she came to study a$$ ..
Well, I don't agree with anyone making either false claims - or misleading ones. It's pretty simple to me:
1/ It gives the PR firms hired by the industry real ammunition to downplay any negative effects, and
2/ It is totally unnecessary and anti-productive and detracts from the issues. There's enuff bad stuff out there w/o making stuff up.

Having said thus - it is also interesting to see where Brian Zingzett ended-up and explains quite a bit. Brian was at one time a uneconomic shellfish farmer in San Mateo Bay in Barkley Sound next to an now extinct finfish tenure that got quite large contracts from the provincial government to provide biophysical reports to start-up shellfish on the North and Central Coasts - that never happened. Then he developed a consulting firm in Nanaimo and serviced numerous clients including the industry. Now he's the newest spokesperson for the BCSFA. Well - whatever pays the bills. I've known many consultants over the years - and the ones in this field don't have any professional body overseeing them like other professions. There are many things far more important than $. And the BCSFA must spent quite a bit of $ tracking that photo.

To bad the industry never spent any $ looking @ sea lice levels before they moved in, or on actual environmental assessments. I think that would have better illustrated their commitment to science and being above board and trustworthy - speaking of accountability
Its also interesting to see where am ended up , being a failed ffarmer from way back, shes just a little jaded those nasty multinationals are still doing what she set out to do, said she came to study a$$ ..
Her spouse actually died researching those same whales but continue with your story it might make a good novel.
Should women be banned from fishing salmon in BC? By your logic GF they should. And she's a poacher.View attachment 73079
Since Fish Farms arrived on the BC Coast, claims from those who support them have gone from,
We do no harm to the environment or wild salmon to
Yes, we do have some disease but it does not spread to wild salmon and
Yes we do have Sea lice, but the effect on wild salmon is minimal to
Fishermen and Fisherwomen kill wild salmon, so why can’t we!
It would be funny if it were not so tragic!
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Its also interesting to see where am ended up , being a failed ffarmer from way back, shes just a little jaded those nasty multinationals are still doing what she set out to do, said she came to study a$$ ..
You should really do some fact checking before posting. I think the only one on here that you are fooling with the above misinformation is yourself.

I can’t get though 5 mins of anything that women has to say. She’s a fake and nothing more then an shill that found a niche to make money.

however for some hon here she appears to be gospel but is lacking on the professional backing that some have no problem calling out others for not having.

but hey that’s how the lobby and the antis work.
AM is just another NIMBY

her culturally appropriated title just tops of the donate stream on her Facebook page.

good on her tho for finding a way to support herself out in echo bay.

Real scientist don’t culturally appropriate First Nations
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To bad the industry never spent any $ looking @ sea lice levels before they moved in, or on actual environmental assessments. I think that would have better illustrated their commitment to science and being above board and trustworthy - speaking of accountability.
Well the highly prized biologist Alex Morton was there when they went in and she said nothing either in fact she states she thought it was a good idea. Why didn't she demand the ideas you claim here back then?
Since Fish Farms arrived on the BC Coast, claims from those who support them have gone from,
We do no harm to the environment or wild salmon to
Yes, we do have some disease but it does not spread to wild salmon and
Yes we do have Sea lice, but the effect on wild salmon is minimal to
Fishermen and Fisherwomen kill wild salmon, so why can’t we!
It would be funny if it were not so tragic!
You forgot that escaped farmed salmon cannot survive in the Wild
If they escspe they cannot go up into the streams to spawn
When they go up into the streams their spawn will not survive
The spawn will not be able to compete against native fish.
Ask the guys on the east coast how that last one is working.