2024 OFFISHALL Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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I called Burrard and the guy said they were full/not taking spots..I am going to call again when I get closer. We have an app here in Washington called, Neighbor...Which Canada might have as well...but you can find parking and storage spots from homeowners that have extra space.
Burrard likely meant spots for yearly storage, not on a trip basis.
Fished the Red bell in Vancouver Harbor yesterday. 10 caught, 5 good hits missed or lost on the way in to the boat. 1 keeper on white hoochie. Stayed at 165 depth and marked lots of bait just past the bell. I even caught a large herring on my white hoochie! Caught a flounder and got a sunburn on my face. Great day for winter spring fishing. Price raise to $30.00 at Vanier Park boat launch.
herring around id try running a bigger spoon on one side like a 4 inch
Fished the Red bell in Vancouver Harbor yesterday. 10 caught, 5 good hits missed or lost on the way in to the boat. 1 keeper on white hoochie. Stayed at 165 depth and marked lots of bait just past the bell. I even caught a large herring on my white hoochie! Caught a flounder and got a sunburn on my face. Great day for winter spring fishing. Price raise to $30.00 at Vanier Park boat launch.
$30 bucks what was it before that? Assume your talking truck and trailer.
Sounds like a good day! Maybe minus the sunburn... Was your keeper just on the mark for size threshold? There is your next cut plug herring! A big King will be looking for it's next free meal!
Sounds like a good day! Maybe minus the sunburn... Was your keeper just on the mark for size threshold? There is your next cut plug herring! A big King will be looking for it's next free meal!
Would dropping a sabiki rig down into the bait ball work? Is it allowed? Would be good to catch a couple dozen and freeze them for chasing large chinook.
-Vanier boat launch was $26 and change last year. $30 this year.
-I run a white hoochie with clipped staggered tentacles on one side and a green n black skinny g on the other both with green flashers.
-The keeper measured in at 63 cm so just legal. 3-4 were between 60-62 and the rest smaller. Yes, next time wear sunscreen but it is February!
-I used to launch in West Van and take my boy shark fishing. Cut a piece of herring and drop her down. We have graduated to salmon.
-Caught lots of crabs (15-20 in two traps) but they were all too small. 3 too small my 1 mm or so. I need a new spot.


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I was able to get a transient slip worked out with Bayshore Marina in downtown VAN, really nice guy working the office there! What will run times look like from that marina to places like: Bell Buoy, Bowen Island, Gibsons, Defence Islands, Waterfall, Tunstall, etc etc? (I understand it can be subject to weather and how fast we decide to/are able to run). Ideally, we will be dropping Spot and Crab Pots in the early AM and then trolling around the rest of the day looking for those unicorn keeper Kings. P.S. It seems almost impossible to find a spot to park my boat trailer up there! I called almost all of the harbors around the downtown corridor and they said because they are within the metro district, there isn't much for parking lots... It looks like there are some pay to park lots on google maps, but I don't know if they allow overnight parking. Does anyone have recommendations on where I can put my Shorelander?
Hey bud you could store your trailer at my place for a couple days, but I’m 45 min from Vanier launch. DM me if you want to. Cheers.
Got out through some snarly water to fish Tunstall yesterday midday, from about 11 to 1 on a pretty flat rising tide.

Two laps at Tunstall at different depths and only 1 fish to show for my efforts. Nice 64 cm chromer at 180'.


Belly jammed full of 4+ large anchovies.


Beautiful winter fish.

Was out in the harbour from 11-2 today. Caught 3 unders and a beauty 71cm just as we called it a day right at 2pm. All on a white hootchie with a black flasher.
Beauty day and had a nice lunch as well.


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Finally a fishing report, thanks for confirming that those are horse herring down there
I make this type of sh*t up just so I can post sttr... LOL.
$30 bucks what was it before that? Assume your talking truck and trailer.
It's called the Vancouver bump...hit every motor vehicle up....
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