2024 Nanaimo Reports

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Fished a few hours late morning and man what a wild time. Wild coho, wild chinook, but not a hatchery to be found! Those wild coho really are robust compared to the clipped fish. Guess I should have gotten out earlier!
Apparently I need to get out to Nanaimo because I've been striking out in 18, 19, 20. Either that or my method/setup stinks.
Got out quickly after work today. Took a buddy who just moved here and has had limited saltwater fishing experience, but plenty of river fishing. Spent some time giving downrigger lessons. Lines in the water off fingers by 5pm, and first hit came pretty much as soon as we set the second line. Hatch Coho. Two more in quick succession both also hatch - last one a decent 4 pounder or so. So 3 hatch in the bag for two guys within the first 30 minutes - never had 3 in a row all be hatch like that. Purple haze with a purple/silver hoochie and sparkle skirt on one side, no bananas flasher and matching spoon on the other. Both were catching about equally. 77 and 88 on the riggers. Slowed down after that, a wild coho released, and couple pin poppers we never got a look at and one nice spring gaff released. Water was dead calm, despite what Windy said and the Environment Canada forecast with the strong wind warning. No hint of that when we were out. Had the place mostly to ourselves until about 7pm - I assume because of the hockey game, then a few more boats showed up. It had slowed right down for us by then, and didn't see any other nets out.
Dumped the boat back in the water Sunday evening and fished around Gabriola for a couple hours before dark. No sign of any coho, but did a have couple good size and strong Chinook to the boat, one I’d guess at or close to 20lbs.
TIL about the gaff release - in case anyone else is learning like me
Good video. I mostly do long-line releases out of the rowboat. 🚣‍♂️ This year I'm upping my game to E-rowing so I'm hoping to need to know this technique. 🎣😎
Fished Entrance this afternoon for high tide and a few hours after. Was slow for us at first, but started hitting them around 4:30-5:30. Mostly wild Coho of not much size, a few shaker Chinooks, then the nice ones started showing. Lost one Coho side of the boat probably 3 or 4 pounds. Didn't get it close enough to see if it was clipped. Gaff released a nice spring that would have been in the slot. Wife brought that one in. And then bonked one decent Coho to end the day. Sounds like I was fishing a lot shallower than most of the previous reports - tried between 44 and 99 on the wires, with best success in the shallower range. Maybe I'll try a little deeper next time. Hoochies outfished spoons by a small margin I'd say, but got hits on both sides.
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My first time fishing in Nanaimo - like @chille51 the wife and I went to Entrance on Sunday and finally had some success this year. All in the 40-60’ range, all on spoons first batch just before high tide and second batch around 5. No keepers but had 3 to the boat and 7 total. One giant guy put on quite a show jumping and twisting out of the water about 20’ from the boat showing his great big fat white belly before throwing the hook. So thrilling!
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