I have some company in town and would like to take them on the water. I'm going to stay local. I'm looking for a fishing report for the Red/Green cans or somewhere around there. Thanks
I have some company in town and would like to take them on the water. I'm going to stay local. I'm looking for a fishing report for the Red/Green cans or somewhere around there. Thanks
I have some company in town and would like to take them on the water. I'm going to stay local. I'm looking for a fishing report for the Red/Green cans
I was out this morning and there were some coho around. I jigged up 2 both wild. But sorry to say but it felt dead. Went from the lighthouse to the hump ,red can/green can and on the shoal. Not one scrap of bait-marked a few solitary fish-I am getting a little nervous-I haven't seen any real bait up that way since march. Last year lots showing by this time. Hopefully someone else has seen some as I have been away for a couple of weeks
We fished Toba today, tried first at Dean Point at 8:00 am, it was quiet. We followed the guide boats to Brettel Point where there was maybe 20 boats. We had some hits but didn’t land them. We followed what most seemed to be doing and that is small white plugs fished deep. We saw quite a few keepers landed. Lots of bait around. We then went back to Dean Point and fished some small white plugs deep at 200’ and quickly got one nice in the boat and then had a beauty on the line which we lost at the boat - maybe 15 pounds. Wind picked up on the way back to Cortes.
I was out this morning and there were some coho around. I jigged up 2 both wild. But sorry to say but it felt dead. Went from the lighthouse to the hump ,red can/green can and on the shoal. Not one scrap of bait-marked a few solitary fish-I am getting a little nervous-I haven't seen any real bait up that way since march. Last year lots showing by this time. Hopefully someone else has seen some as I have been away for a couple of weeks
Not sure where you are exactly but when I was out a few days ago there was bait balls 100 feet thick in 250'. Sand lance and herring with some sparser krill clouds as well
We had a great day at Toba, we retained a 74 and a 66 and we released a 99 wild and lost a couple which we think we in the 20 pound plus range. All on green and white hootchies at 150’. All of the fishers there were awesome, gave out info and gave lots of room. The fish were crazy fresh and strong. The big one we released put up a great fight with jumps and surface sumersaults.
I was out this morning and there were some coho around. I jigged up 2 both wild. But sorry to say but it felt dead. Went from the lighthouse to the hump ,red can/green can and on the shoal. Not one scrap of bait-marked a few solitary fish-I am getting a little nervous-I haven't seen any real bait up that way since march. Last year lots showing by this time. Hopefully someone else has seen some as I have been away for a couple of weeks
there was 4 kilometres of bait top to bottom thursday night. just west of the hump. i jigged 12 chinooks off the top trying for coho. ended up with with two hatch cohos. nothing to be concerned about

text me my friend
West out on Monday late afternoon early evening. Trolled around hump, red can and light house. Tried fishing shallow (40-50 feet) but had no action. Dropped lines to 150' and had about 10-12 hits in about 3 hours. I had a rookie on the lines, so most fish never made it to the boat. Released a wild coho and a couple of springs. Never saw any bait on the screen. A handful of other boats out, saw a couple guys playing fish, but nothing crazy.
Left PPlay at 3 with my better half-so not really that serious (book along) -you get the picture. Tide was ripping as we headed north-saw a ton of birds in the tide rips 5 mi south of the hump. Rough- bait was jumping-so were coho--jigs top50 ft--lights out-wife got a beauty hatch by herself . got tired -trolled at 30 feet. Every- 2 minutes-only using 1 rod and rigger-two sporty otherwise. Quit and went to the hump -lots of bait-tons of coho-jigs and trolling-very nice ling on the jig in a bait ball. Best fishing I've had for awhile Pplayground by 630pm