Headed out for a solo trip today which I never do. Was a little nervous going alone but that wind report was just too good to pass up and I figured netting fish myself would be ok. Dropped lines half way between the North Arm and T-10. Was into the coho right away went 6 for 8 all on anchovies and the action was non stop for about an hour. Only 1 hatch of the bunch. Had 1 rod at 75 and the other at 120. The deeper rod seemed to do better. Hooked 2 fish on the drop. Couldn’t figure out at first why the rod wouldn’t tighten up on the DR line and then I look up seeing the flasher going from right to left across the surface

. Fun when that happens. Finally got a spring on around the afternoon ebb. A nice 10min battle only to lose the fish at the side of the boat. Had some colour so I was ok with that. Hooked that one on a white hoootchie at 130 heading back towards the North Arm. Started marking a fair bit of bait and some good arches so back down at 135. About 20min later just before packing up hooked this beauty chromer on the white hootchie again. Has that nice purple back so maybe a feeder? Scaled in at 12.8lbs. All in all a great day out there and much better than I expected.
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