2022 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

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I will add that the @Rain City rig works well to keep the smalls and shakers off. Have been doing smaller herring (5"-6") or so for years especially in Kyuquot when the coho are thick.
Buddy was out Friday evening had lots of action but lots of sox gumming the baits and lots of undersized.

I switched us up to the herring on Sat and all hits were good fish on herring in a chovie teaser head. Hook placement is a bit different to get a nice slow to.

We did put down a herring aid spoon for a bit but I think it kept getting gummed by sox. Would see it bouncing a bit with no shaker or Sox on. Went back to the herring on each side and all good....slower action but fish were all well above legal.
Hi Gang, I'm glad to see you are catching some nice Springs and a few Coho.

Personally I don't give a flying #%&*%$ about those as I just spent 3 months fishing in Nootka and don't want to see another Spring or Coho.

What I wanted to see from my Sports fishing crew was reports on SOCKEYE and it's on FIRE.

I have the boat loaded up and ready to hit the water from Nanaimo and be fishing for Sockeye IFO the Fraser in 1 hour and 20 minutes from my house.

One of my question for you is, I have a buddy that owns Saavedra Island that is going to come out with us. I need to pick him up when he crosses the USA line in my boat and want to know where would be the best to do that. Preferably closest to the Sand Heads where I would start fishing for the elusive Sockeye?

I have fished Sockeye dozens of times there and caught hundreds, so I'm not looking for your hot spots. Just a place to pick my buddy up?

PS: When I have seen hundreds of fish jumping (Springs or Sockeye Jumping), I go down to 90 feet and slay them. The ones that are jumping have Zero interest in biting anything you are offering. They are loosening up there eggs to go up the river.

I hope it picks up for Sockeye in the near future because I love fishing for them as most of you do.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Gang, I'm glad to see you are catching some nice Springs and a few Coho.

Personally I don't give a flying #%&*%$ about those as I just spent 3 months fishing in Nootka and don't want to see another Spring or Coho.

What I wanted to see from my Sports fishing crew was reports on SOCKEYE and it's on FIRE.

I have the boat loaded up and ready to hit the water from Nanaimo and be fishing for Sockeye IFO the Fraser in 1 hour and 20 minutes from my house.

One of my question for you is, I have a buddy that owns Saavedra Island that is going to come out with us. I need to pick him up when he crosses the USA line in my boat and want to know where would be the best to do that. Preferably closest to the Sand Heads where I would start fishing for the elusive Sockeye?

I have fished Sockeye dozens of times there and caught hundreds, so I'm not looking for your hot spots. Just a place to pick my buddy up?

PS: When I have seen hundreds of fish jumping (Springs or Sockeye Jumping), I go down to 90 feet and slay them. The ones that are jumping have Zero interest in biting anything you are offering. They are loosening up there eggs to go up the river.

I hope it picks up for Sockeye in the near future because I love fishing for them as most of you do.

Thanks in advance.

Closest to Sandheads would be Steveston Fisherman’s Wharf. 20 mins from there to Sandheads.
Hi Gang, I'm glad to see you are catching some nice Springs and a few Coho.

Personally I don't give a flying #%&*%$ about those as I just spent 3 months fishing in Nootka and don't want to see another Spring or Coho.

What I wanted to see from my Sports fishing crew was reports on SOCKEYE and it's on FIRE.

I have the boat loaded up and ready to hit the water from Nanaimo and be fishing for Sockeye IFO the Fraser in 1 hour and 20 minutes from my house.

One of my question for you is, I have a buddy that owns Saavedra Island that is going to come out with us. I need to pick him up when he crosses the USA line in my boat and want to know where would be the best to do that. Preferably closest to the Sand Heads where I would start fishing for the elusive Sockeye?

I have fished Sockeye dozens of times there and caught hundreds, so I'm not looking for your hot spots. Just a place to pick my buddy up?

PS: When I have seen hundreds of fish jumping (Springs or Sockeye Jumping), I go down to 90 feet and slay them. The ones that are jumping have Zero interest in biting anything you are offering. They are loosening up there eggs to go up the river.

I hope it picks up for Sockeye in the near future because I love fishing for them as most of you do.

Thanks in advance.

Codfather you do realize that sockeye are closed for recreational fishermen at Sandheads at this point. There may yet be a fishery but no notices yet
Hi Gang, I'm glad to see you are catching some nice Springs and a few Coho.

Personally I don't give a flying #%&*%$ about those as I just spent 3 months fishing in Nootka and don't want to see another Spring or Coho.

What I wanted to see from my Sports fishing crew was reports on SOCKEYE and it's on FIRE.

I have the boat loaded up and ready to hit the water from Nanaimo and be fishing for Sockeye IFO the Fraser in 1 hour and 20 minutes from my house.

One of my question for you is, I have a buddy that owns Saavedra Island that is going to come out with us. I need to pick him up when he crosses the USA line in my boat and want to know where would be the best to do that. Preferably closest to the Sand Heads where I would start fishing for the elusive Sockeye?

I have fished Sockeye dozens of times there and caught hundreds, so I'm not looking for your hot spots. Just a place to pick my buddy up?

PS: When I have seen hundreds of fish jumping (Springs or Sockeye Jumping), I go down to 90 feet and slay them. The ones that are jumping have Zero interest in biting anything you are offering. They are loosening up there eggs to go up the river.

I hope it picks up for Sockeye in the near future because I love fishing for them as most of you do.

Thanks in advance.

I big surprise today for me was how
Many sockeye were out there jumping. Seemed thicker than some days when we fished for them in 2018 and 2014. I know there are a lot less overall but today they were plentiful. We ran bait and spoons and released 5 sockeye and lost that many as well or more. If we were running sock’ gear it would have been busy. Counted 8 commercial boats at one time this afternoon.
Shano, NO i didn't realize that.

My buddy said they opened Sockeye up and I got all excited and was ready to come over fishing.

I just came back from the Bamfield derby with a pile of Tuna and wanted to go Sockeye fishing.

I wondered why I seen guys saying they released Sockeye????? Dah!!!

I thought the Sockeye were beneath them as they were fishing for Springs!!!

So, I must be WAY out to lunch? Am I reading it right that the Commercial fleet is out in big numbers fishing for Sockeye and it's closed to the Sports fleet?

Sorry for the confusion.

Shano, NO i didn't realize that.

My buddy said they opened Sockeye up and I got all excited and was ready to come over fishing.

I just came back from the Bamfield derby with a pile of Tuna and wanted to go Sockeye fishing.

I wondered why I seen guys saying they released Sockeye????? Dah!!!

I thought the Sockeye were beneath them as they were fishing for Springs!!!

So, I must be WAY out to lunch? Am I reading it right that the Commercial fleet is out in big numbers fishing for Sockeye and it's closed to the Sports fleet?

Sorry for the confusion.

Codfather yes you are right that it is open, or at least there have been openings, to all groups except recreational and commercial gillnetters so far.
OK, thanks for the update. I was coming over in the am to catch some Sockeye. Not now.

So my next question is WTF is going on with this picture????

I have nothing against my Commercial crew catching fish and trying make a living.

BUT how is it possible that the ones that spend 90% of the money spent in the fishing industry not getting the first wack at them????

We are, and will always be trouble until things change with these fisheries ( $%&#@) folks.

Thanks for listening!

OK, thanks for the update. I was coming over in the am to catch some Sockeye. Not now.

So my next question is WTF is going on with this picture????

I have nothing against my Commercial crew catching fish and trying make a living.

BUT how is it possible that the ones that spend 90% of the money spent in the fishing industry not getting the first wack at them????

We are, and will always be trouble until things change with these fisheries ( $%&#@) folks.

Thanks for listening!

It's an honor to have the Codfather grace the Vancouver forum. I have watched you net multiple fish beside me over the years, while my box remained empty up in nootka. Lol. How far did you have to go off shore to get those tuna?
I was about to go to bed at 7:00 to be up at 1:00 to hit Sandheads for chinooks tomorrow till I read the FN about possible sox. I'm gonna wait a few days.
Fished mouth of the cap today 645-1130. Fairly steady action early on, boxed 2 chinook at 25ft and 60 ft; and a hatchery coho. Ran white hooch and chovy. Released a sock and wild coho. Sealed once. A good morning, bite seemed to slow down after 10ish.
Lost a freight train on Sunday that spooled my mono twice, its last run it showed its self with a tail slap and snapped my main line, taking every thig including my favorite flasher.
Will forever haunt me and wanting a rematch

Took today off early to hit the rising tide, didn't even set the second line and hooked a smaller chinook then released. no taps for an hour and a half, and questioned my decision of letting the small legal nookie go
Ya know its ruff when the rigger pullies go under water from the waves
When the tides flattened out it was go time. 52ft on the rigger in 200 ft depth. got a sluggish hit and reeled in like it was following me but as soon as it surfaced, I was shocked of it size. It fought all around the boat with a few runs to the depths. I called fish on with the boats around me and they were obliged to veer away. This fish wrapped around the opposite rigger and line that was still fishing( no time) I managed to free the line by going under the rigger and line
My wife took 2 stabs at this fish and luckily did not hook the net
When it was in the basket, its a satisfying to get the hoots & hollers from your peers that watched the fight
He's a bit colored but will add to the smoke'n pile
The memory will last till I'm 6ft under, nice to get a rematch with its smaller brother


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