2021 Vancouver-Howe Sound-Sechelt Reports Thread

Guides such as Bon Chovy are sponsored by companies like Gibbs who hand over buckets full of lures. Companies like Gibbs benefit everytime guides like Bon Chovy post reports showing success on their lures. Then guys like us run out to our favorite tackle shop to stock up on those “must have” lures. There’s no mention of presentation, tides or location in any of those reports.
I disagree, if you follow their summer reports, they recommend almost exclusively to use bait for the whole opening. Where are the buckets full of lures in that instance? We are talking fishing a specific area here, and if you scroll back a number of pages for fishing this time of year, 90-95% seem to be caught on spoons, lures, hoochies. I have no connection to them, but your comments are a bit misleading.
Guides such as Bon Chovy are sponsored by companies like Gibbs who hand over buckets full of lures. Companies like Gibbs benefit everytime guides like Bon Chovy post reports showing success on their lures. Then guys like us run out to our favorite tackle shop to stock up on those “must have” lures. There’s no mention of presentation, tides or location in any of those reports.

Or depth, can't forget about depth.
Guides such as Bon Chovy are sponsored by companies like Gibbs who hand over buckets full of lures. Companies like Gibbs benefit everytime guides like Bon Chovy post reports showing success on their lures. Then guys like us run out to our favorite tackle shop to stock up on those “must have” lures. There’s no mention of presentation, tides or location in any of those reports.
Bingo! And that folks is how the tackle business works. In all fairness some test fishing/ research is usually involved too. Like when the original Coyotes were getting ready to be introduced in the early 80’s. I was given 3 boxes of assorted colors all 4 of them)
Guides such as Bon Chovy are sponsored by companies like Gibbs who hand over buckets full of lures. Companies like Gibbs benefit everytime guides like Bon Chovy post reports showing success on their lures. Then guys like us run out to our favorite tackle shop to stock up on those “must have” lures. There’s no mention of presentation, tides or location in any of those reports.
If you can get your hands on old bc fishing magazines from the 70’s the articles would get right into the details tides, depth, hook size and any other relevant info like knots used for sliding hook rigs etc.
Guides such as Bon Chovy are sponsored by companies like Gibbs who hand over buckets full of lures. Companies like Gibbs benefit everytime guides like Bon Chovy post reports showing success on their lures. Then guys like us run out to our favorite tackle shop to stock up on those “must have” lures. There’s no mention of presentation, tides or location in any of those reports.
i just run spoons and hootchies with scent during the winter fishing so deep can keep the rods down longer and not having to check your bait every 15 mins the longest more time with lines in the water and i just run two lines as im running 10 feet off the bottom and follow the contour of the bottom adjust lines when needed
Wanting to try out fishing in Vancouver for winter springs. Haven’t fished over here, this will be the first year.
Where are some spots to fish. What depths to fish. Should I use spoons and hoochie’s. Also what is the best tide for fishing.
Wanting to try out fishing in Vancouver for winter springs. Haven’t fished over here, this will be the first year.
Where are some spots to fish. What depths to fish. Should I use spoons and hoochie’s. Also what is the best tide for fishing.
Look at the archived fishing reports from the past few years and you’ll find a lot of good info.
Is Rhys Davis bait not owned by Gibbs now? Maybe that’s why the summer reports are all about bait??
It is not owned by Gibbs..the name is trade marked so premission is given or moneys are given to use the name. :)
For the most part depending on what run of fish you are fishing and time ect bait just kills it period :) ... then there our times when a wee G or skinny G & some of the fine silver horde spoons kill away & the same can be said about yozura & silver Horde hoochies do the damage. :)
It is not owned by Gibbs..the name is trade marked so premission is given or moneys are given to use the name. :)
For the most part depending on what run of fish you are fishing and time ect bait just kills it period :) ... then there our times when a wee G or skinny G & some of the fine silver horde spoons kill away & the same can be said about yozura & silver Horde hoochies do the damage. :)
Adjusting my toolkit to be more successful! ;)

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It is not owned by Gibbs..the name is trade marked so premission is given or moneys are given to use the name. :)
For the most part depending on what run of fish you are fishing and time ect bait just kills it period :) ... then there our times when a wee G or skinny G & some of the fine silver horde spoons kill away & the same can be said about yozura & silver Horde hoochies do the damage. :)
Im pretty sure Gibbs owns Rhys. All 7 of the companies used to make their gear in Canada. Gibbs then buys them out. Then start producing Chinese products. That's why I start looking around and found guys like ap tackle. I will buy the Canadian made Gibbs stuff but avoid the Chinese made big box crap. However I'm guilty of using the skinny g herring aid. I also use krippled teaser heads. Once you try them your never go back. Made in sooke.


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U maybe correct if that has changed the last 4 years... it would have been the other way from my understanding but it wouldnrt be the first time I'm wrong... :) Of course we are talking about the name only? As for the bait they have nothing to do with herring or anchovys.. that im 100 % sure of :)
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