2013 Vancouver, Howe Sound and Sunshine Coast Fishing Reports Thread.

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Wildthing ..... appreciate your comcerns and taking the time to post the map....thanks
however your info re- commie draggers scrapping it clean is uneducated and unfactual. And finger pointing in the wrong direction.
90% of the draggers are shrimpers that work the gulf and they would not get near a rock pile in fear of losing thier pole or doors and net.
plus the shrimp are not there , maybe prawns but they are not allowed to take them.
the other 10% are sole draggers and once again , rock piles are not kind to draggers nets.
and the sole are in sandy bottom.
Divers and hook and line fisheries are what clean out most RCA 's
thanks capt not wanting to cause a big debate
but its strange that neither bank has made a come back of any sort
sporties have not been allowed on the bank for 5-7 years if not longer
so hence why i think we should atleast be allowed to salmon fish troll over them at certain depth's
but hey we follow the rules as best we can ...
would save me lots of gas money running further to the hump or over to the other side of the straight
i am sure some fish(salmon) run down between the two banks ????????
thanks capt not wanting to cause a big debate
but its strange that neither bank has made a come back of any sort
sporties have not been allowed on the bank for 5-7 years if not longer
so hence why i think we should atleast be allowed to salmon fish troll over them at certain depth's
but hey we follow the rules as best we can ...
would save me lots of gas money running further to the hump or over to the other side of the straight
i am sure some fish(salmon) run down between the two banks ????????

So many of the rock fish areas got cleaned out all over the coast .
being a ex-commie i admit to some of the demise as we hit some none gulf areas pretty hard.
Some rockfish , snappers etc. are 75 yrs old , so 5-7 yrs is just a beginning.
Seems to me all RCA have same rules as so hard to police how deep one is fishing.
But they will rebound. This is a good regulation , maybe a bit late , but its done now.
dont hold breath for re-opening. maybe decades.
maybe just fish the sharp edge just out of boundary line?
Personally I think rca's should be closed to prawn fishing also as its a rockfish stable diet.
Ive seen many a snapper puking out yummy prawns when thrown in the box.
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CaptH pretty much covered what I was going to add. Not sure where Wildthing got the statistics that Halibit Bank is not on a 'come back' ?? With it being closed as an RCA how would we know? Unless there's been test fisheries carried out by DFO ??? or reports by divers hitting the few small shallow areas that are reachable with diving gear. With the Rockfish slow growth, I suspect there are a good number of juveniles out there as well as small lingcod.
Agree with CH , you can't have RCA's open to a certain depth. Too hard to regulate and administer. Also not all depths depths out at Halibut are deep - some areas only 60-70 feet
fished the hump yesterday, one jack around 830, one hatchery 10 lb er around 10.
trolling with anchovies between 110 and 70. the 10 lb took the anchovie on the way up after poping the clip to check bait

ive noticed im catching a lot of pacific cod when im catching salmon, perhaps both are chasing bait?
Thanks guys, i was unaware of the restriction, appreciate the info.
View attachment 7322View attachment 7323

Permitted Fishing Within Rockfish Conservation Areas

Recreational fishing

invertebrates by hand picking or dive
crab by trap
shrimp/prawn by trap
smelt by gillnet

Commercial fishing

Photo of quillback rockfishinvertebrates by hand picking or dive
crab by trap
prawn by trap
scallops by trawl
salmon by seine or gillnet
herring by gillnet, seine and spawn-on-kelp
sardine by gillnet, seine, and trap
smelt by gillnet
euphausiid (krill) by mid-water trawl
opal squid by seine
groundfish by mid-water trawl

Fishing activity not listed above is restricted.

John you may find that both banks are closed that means no fishing in or on the banks

so be careful closest you can get is the start of the shelf which puts you in around 350'

stupid really as the banks are scraped clean by commi drags and have not made a come even after being closed for several years
why we cant troll but only to a certain depth is beyond me
and as long as we have a descending method to put back accidental rock fish catch is a more realistic approach ......

and then at least we could report back ?
From the small boat near shore - SBNS

Ambleside to fisheries out through the freighters

Sunday 8-2

Hoochies, ace hi-flies, spoons all the popular choices

Not a bite...crabbing was good, currents were strong, but beauty day on the water

back in town after awhile away, hoping to get out this weekend.. anything happening out there locally or only across at Thrasher/grande etc??
demco, I'll be heading over to the gulf islands for the weekend so hopefully have a report to post in a few days. From what I hear things are going well over there at the moment.
back in town after awhile away, hoping to get out this weekend.. anything happening out there locally or only across at Thrasher/grande etc??

wondering the same thing...been quiet on the thread, pretty slow last week at the hump, will most likely be working the hump again tommorow
I'd love to hit Thrasher (or even Bowen0 but the weather has not been that great and it looks like it's going to be windy again this weekend. Crap.
LOL tons of boats out fishing, but few reports on the forums. A lot of take, not so much give on the reporting end of things...not to mention the amount of "guests" online, usually triples the amount of members using the forum.....bunch of good fer nothings....

Heard thrasher was consistent yesterday with some nice fish, high teeners...
I can go Sunday but it's windy again! Grrrrrr. :)
light winds forecast for Saturday, I'll be making the run over
if you see us give us a wave or a finger whichever you prefer:D
Well as regards the wind we had it pretty good through most of April & May some years I recall hardly more than a handful of days a person could fish off S Bowen.
LOL tons of boats out fishing, but few reports on the forums. A lot of take, not so much give on the reporting end of things...not to mention the amount of "guests" online, usually triples the amount of members using the forum.....bunch of good fer nothings....

Heard thrasher was consistent yesterday with some nice fish, high teeners...

Get out and fish. If you are doing things right, you should have no problem putting a few in the box.

Spoons and Hoochies. 120-170 feet.

It's no secret....Gabriola- Snake- Entrance.

Lurkers, Lookie Lou's....get out and fish!
Leaving the Mesquito Creek tomorrow afternoon for Silva Bay. Staying at Pages Friday and Sat night... Hoping for a repeat of May long... Solid fishing and a little sunshine!

Finger it is Hookin Up!!
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