2012 Vancouver, Howe sound and Sunshine coast reports thread

Hey fellow fisherman

Fished Gabriola sat and sun, Started fishing 7:30 until 1600 went 3 for 5 some nice fish chrome as can be,a 23 lb,15 and 10 three nice fish that was sat hit them deep at 150 ft in
1000 ft of water of the grande,sun day fished from 6:30 to 2:30 without a sniff so we called it a day and came home,it wasn't on fire by any means so Ill wait to hear some good reports before I go back over although Iam in the bobcat derby june 2 and 3rd,also I caught them on hootchies,splatter back and white nothing on bait but when I opened up their stomachs loaded with 6 to 7 once herring.

Tight lines
If anyone was working the hump today.. any reports? We saw on boat that was running with a 20'ish explorer with manual downrigger get a barely legal, heard chatter of a 20-25lb off the western end of bowen.

We had 3 fair strikes today. Landed 2, 7lbs (green/gold w glow chovy 89ft) and 11lbs (8" pearl flash w original UV octopus 40" leader @ 79ft). Lost the third when he ran into the top rod and made a mess (red/glow w glowspatter hering @ 117ft)

Larger fish had 5" hering in belly. Smaller was baron.

Shrimping was good, prawning was commy hurtin'! Bout 200 of the little guys and 2 dozen spots. 11 hour soak....
Crabs of Jericho were good. Not in the numbers we've seen in recent weeks but they are 85% hard shell with 10% females.

All and all a pretty pleasurable day at the Hump....well off the hump, we were having out action off the 150' bank 2miles SW of bowen...i think its McCall bank but the name escapes me. All were had 500' of water. Weather was great until 2pm when the wind, waves, and rain picked up. Rods were down from 730-400pm.

FB, I was at the hump yesterday. We started at Thrasher in the morning. It was dead as a doornail. We did hear the odd one being caught at the Grande in about a 1000ft of water, but we thought we'd move to the hump. We got there about 11:30-12ish. We caught 5 Chinook 4 were keepers. The undersized was UNDERSIZED. It was the smallest Chinook I ever caught! At least one record was broken on the day..lol. It was maybe 1-1.5lb. The next fish was our biggest at 20.5lb. Nice red! That was caucht at 107 ft on an anchovie. The last 2 fish were funny. Due to the current, we were only doing down wind trolls. Around 3 pm we pulled up for 1 last drift, moved, and when we dropped in..... first line was rigged, sent down 25 ft to put next line on rigger when it Popped! While we fought that, we quickly sent the other side down to 30ft, and wham! Double header. Both on spoons. Nice size jacks for the BBQ. All the Hump fish were a fair ways SW of Roger Curtis.

FB we saw the guys with the manual rigger. You must have been in our area.

If anyone was working the hump today.. any reports? We saw on boat that was running with a 20'ish explorer with manual downrigger get a barely legal, heard chatter of a 20-25lb off the western end of bowen.

We had 3 fair strikes today. Landed 2, 7lbs (green/gold w glow chovy 89ft) and 11lbs (8" pearl flash w original UV octopus 40" leader @ 79ft). Lost the third when he ran into the top rod and made a mess (red/glow w glowspatter hering @ 117ft)

Larger fish had 5" hering in belly. Smaller was baron.

Shrimping was good, prawning was commy hurtin'! Bout 200 of the little guys and 2 dozen spots. 11 hour soak....
Crabs of Jericho were good. Not in the numbers we've seen in recent weeks but they are 85% hard shell with 10% females.

All and all a pretty pleasurable day at the Hump....well off the hump, we were having out action off the 150' bank 2miles SW of bowen...i think its McCall bank but the name escapes me. All were had 500' of water. Weather was great until 2pm when the wind, waves, and rain picked up. Rods were down from 730-400pm.

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Which is better handheld vhf. ? Standard Horizon hx751 vhf or uniden mhs 550 ? Then i can chat :)
I would go with the SH, just my opinion not much of a uniden fan
Had a nice couple days on the water this weekend over on the other side. Went to the marina Friday night and fueled the boat and rigged all the gear in anticipation for an early morning run to Trasher to slay springs for the weekend. The sun was just rising as we left the marina and the water was glass, so the stoke was way up. Problem is, a nice day on the water is just code for slow fishing. We worked the other side for 2 days solid, sun up till sun down and only boated one 10 lbs red spring the entire trip, that was the only bite even. Long days on the water like these with out bites really mess with a guys mind, you start to question your entire set up and technique. This is because there were fish being caught , but over all I would say it was pretty slowed down. The fish were mostly taken down by Entrance out deep and down deep and some of these boats actually slayed it and with some gear that I looked at and said who the hell buys that stuff. The boys from Nikka were one of the boats maybe take a visit . One crew pulled in a nice 28 -30 lbs red to win the derby put on by North Shore Fish and Game club. The derby was a good time , met lots of other salmon slayers face to face and was taught a few things, don't be scared to switch up often and use some of the crazy looking gear sitting in the box that you never run but spent money on for some far fetched idea of it being the next best thing to a teaser head, because it just might be. On Saturday we did stop mid day to bottom fish and this really made the trip for us , it was awesome , got our rock cod and ling cods. It was so fun having 2 and 3 big lings following our rigs up in the clear water to the surface, we hooked into a 32 pound ling, should have seen the ugly head on this one lol. The sun and clam water really made this situation enjoyable so I guess it was just a nice day on the water after all. On another good note sounds like the Pacific Angler boat had a solid slaying closer to home so south Bowen may be lighting up . See everyone out on 88a .
That was me on the Salty Dog, Pacific angler's guide charter. 5 fish from noon to 4:30 at the Hump. See my above report

. On another good note sounds like the Pacific Angler boat had a solid slaying closer to home so south Bowen may be lighting up . See everyone out on 88a .
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That was me on the Salty Dog, Pacific angler's guide charter. 5 fish from noon to 4:30 at the Hump. See my above report

I heard you chime in Stones, at least heard the name salty dog...we are still having problems with the VHF so we stayed quiet and just listened to what was cracking on the water. We were in a 22' North River...grey and black w radar on the arch.

Great report Dmurph, as always. Happy to hear you got into bottom fish to save the slow day. Big Ling too!

On a more...blood boiling note....at 6pm we rolled up to our prawn traps, about 30 yards from our bouy, its a BIG A3 polyform bouy...pretty hard to mistake it if it is not yours, looks a lot like a commi buoy so hard to make that mistake....but some shithead did! Again, we were 30 yards off our bouy, with no boats in the area. We were mounting up our puller and in rolls this big white, 30' cruiser, and sits right ontop of our bouy. COULND"T BELIEVE IT BUT this asshole starts backing his boat up to our bouy, boat hook at the ready, prepared to bring it on board! We nearly lost our minds! In the end we should have let them pick up the bouy and start pulling the traps, to catch them red handed, but our adrenaline wouldn't allow it so we stopped what we were doing, grabbed the wheel...nearly jumped the boat out of the water, and circled these pricks.
With my talking stick raised on high (gaff) I asked, rather coursely....What the F*** do you think you are doing!?!? In the broken english (ya you guessed it) an answer came back "oh we thought it was our trap"....I immidiately called BS, and at 6'4 with a gaff, they were inclinded to agree. (in my defence I was not brandishing the gaff, it just happens to be what we use as a boat hook to collect our bouys...just a matter of coincidence I had it on hand lol)
There was a police boat (the only other boat) in the area dealing with something about 500 yards off which we considered racing over to inform them of this boat, but since we did not let them actually pull the trap, we figured there was no evidence...next time we will let them pull it for sure. After pushing them off our one bouy, they continued on to look at our other bouys, and ended up pulling up one off in the distance...whether it was theres we could not be sure. Our traps soaked for 12 hours so who knows what happens in that time, BUT the trap line we scared them off us, once we pulled it was pretty baron of prawns and shrimps, and SOMEHOW the two bait cups in the lead trap were unscrewed, and the the rubber sinch strap was stretched over the mainline, not how we had rigged it by any means. We suspect they were pulling traps and cleaning out the first on that came up, and tossed it back.

I have pictures of the boat, and those on board, with numbers and names visible. Again, they didn't pull our trap because we jumped the gun, but they were backing up to our bouy, literally a boat hooks length away from the bouy when we confronted them. If you can't see that a 2ft diameter bouy is not yours from a meter away, something is fishy.

Will happily post the culprits if you guys think its warranted. I will leave it up to the jury!
FB, that's brutal! I've lost so many traps over the years to thieves we only ever drop and fish within site now. We use a massive scotsman buoy with big bold sharpie writing with our name on it. Still we've had that happen to us a few times. Spot a boat approaching and circling the buoy, we pull our lines and race over and they take off.

Can't stand petty thieves. Last summer lost three 200$ commercial traps. It's a big problem in these waters.
At least you had a great day on the water and looks like a short run to the fishing grounds, did you try any bottom fishing ?

No regretfully we did not...would have takin the edge off for sure. Just desperately trolled lookin for the illusive springs... by the sounds of it we might have been just a bit east of where the fish were being caught.
We dropped the traps and headed over to Thrasher yesterday. Lines in a little after 8, put one in the boat at 11:30 about a 12lb red spring. I had a buddy with me so i was just playing guide. That was it for us but I spent a lot of time cleaning lines. In about 1100 feet of water at 150' on the rigger, green spatterback hootchie. Closer to Entrance Island than Thraser.Ran chovy, hootchies and spoons up and down between 80-170 but just the one hit.

Left at around 2:30. It took about twice as long getting back than the morning run.
I heard you chime in Stones, at least heard the name salty dog...we are still having problems with the VHF so we stayed quiet and just listened to what was cracking on the water. We were in a 22' North River...grey and black w radar on the arch.

Great report Dmurph, as always. Happy to hear you got into bottom fish to save the slow day. Big Ling too!

On a more...blood boiling note....at 6pm we rolled up to our prawn traps, about 30 yards from our bouy, its a BIG A3 polyform bouy...pretty hard to mistake it if it is not yours, looks a lot like a commi buoy so hard to make that mistake....but some shithead did! Again, we were 30 yards off our bouy, with no boats in the area. We were mounting up our puller and in rolls this big white, 30' cruiser, and sits right ontop of our bouy. COULND"T BELIEVE IT BUT this asshole starts backing his boat up to our bouy, boat hook at the ready, prepared to bring it on board! We nearly lost our minds! In the end we should have let them pick up the bouy and start pulling the traps, to catch them red handed, but our adrenaline wouldn't allow it so we stopped what we were doing, grabbed the wheel...nearly jumped the boat out of the water, and circled these pricks.
With my talking stick raised on high (gaff) I asked, rather coursely....What the F*** do you think you are doing!?!? In the broken english (ya you guessed it) an answer came back "oh we thought it was our trap"....I immidiately called BS, and at 6'4 with a gaff, they were inclinded to agree. (in my defence I was not brandishing the gaff, it just happens to be what we use as a boat hook to collect our bouys...just a matter of coincidence I had it on hand lol)
There was a police boat (the only other boat) in the area dealing with something about 500 yards off which we considered racing over to inform them of this boat, but since we did not let them actually pull the trap, we figured there was no evidence...next time we will let them pull it for sure. After pushing them off our one bouy, they continued on to look at our other bouys, and ended up pulling up one off in the distance...whether it was theres we could not be sure. Our traps soaked for 12 hours so who knows what happens in that time, BUT the trap line we scared them off us, once we pulled it was pretty baron of prawns and shrimps, and SOMEHOW the two bait cups in the lead trap were unscrewed, and the the rubber sinch strap was stretched over the mainline, not how we had rigged it by any means. We suspect they were pulling traps and cleaning out the first on that came up, and tossed it back.

I have pictures of the boat, and those on board, with numbers and names visible. Again, they didn't pull our trap because we jumped the gun, but they were backing up to our bouy, literally a boat hooks length away from the bouy when we confronted them. If you can't see that a 2ft diameter bouy is not yours from a meter away, something is fishy.

Will happily post the culprits if you guys think its warranted. I will leave it up to the jury!

Definitely post the pics!
1130-1500 fishing the hump and points northwest of hump, in winds of 13-19 East and major wave action with no keepers. Saw 5-6 other boats but no one touching a net (maybe they were tailing them I thought to myself LOL)
O , I forgot it rained like CRAZY TOO.
Had so much fun going to do it tommorow in the Sun I hope.
Just got handheld vhf. Its has no 88a. Just 88. Will it still pick up the boys at the hump ?

Take it back. Get another one!
If I every catch some one on my trap , it will be a conversation then a good old, China Creek ball game ........ lob the cannon ball as high as you can in the air into the next boat, all 15lbs !

And, I wouldnt even worry about the lost $50 ball.

Damn I hate them fricken Thieves !

Lately I have been lucky they have been taking my Crab & Bait but leaving my gear.
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