2012 Vancouver, Howe sound and Sunshine coast reports thread

I got one !!!! 82cm off hump 15 mins ago.

Haha way to go roddy! Thanks for the real time report!
What gear are you fishing today? Glad to hear you go off to a good start, hopefully it keeps rollin for you!

Good luck!
I will be at Thrasher tomorrow. Leaving from Westin Bayshore at 6am on the Salty Dawg. We are going to video tape a promo for the boat and store so it better be a reel fishy day!! Good luck to everyone this weekend.

PS. it has been reported to me from up north that the season is late this year which could explain the "patchy" and "inconsistent" fishing at the HUmp so far. Its just a matter of time and it should light up more consistently. I think "Ironnoggin" also had a good report to the same effect.

Cheers, let light er up folks!

I will be heading out to gabriola tomorrow morning around 7 ish leaving from pt moody see you guy over there I have a 24 grady with flags on my antennas you can't miss me then Illl be staying at the silva bay inn and fishing sunday hope it will be good,,good luck everyone cheers

Tight lines
Thrasher report sat am

One last. Nite. 14lb red on white hootchie at 88'. Smaller red this am on green splatter back hootchie at 127'. Fishing in 650' water depth. Water Conditions are good at 9:30

Well done Roddy! How deep ... I have just dropped the lines and am making my way out to the Hump to give it a go for a couple hours ... Lots of birds feeding.

Now it will start to click ......... but when ya think you have it figured out ......... it can get frustrating. Keep doing the basics, lots of good advice and help on here. Don't hesitate to PM me.

You at the Hump or Thrasher?

Thrasher sucked, a few fish taken from what I heard on the radio but I was there for 6 hours and did not see one netted. I had on big one on for a 100ft. line peeling and it was gone, bite was at 125 ft. on chovie near Grande. Stopped at Hump for an hour but no luck, congrats to Roddy on his first fish and hope you get many more. :)
Thrasher was a bust for me!! I saw two boated and that was it. Fantastic day for a boat ride though!

I think water conditions like today cut my fuel bill in half compared to up and down on the throttle. You were in with the hoard and only saw the 2 netted? I really think a guy has a better chance over here untill Thrasher fish turn on again.
Picked up 1 @ thrasher about 10am. 12lb red on chovy at 125'. But that was it. Tried south Bowen on the way in for a hour and nada. Beautiful day though!!!
Fished the hump for a few hours, caught nothing, but sure enjoyed our first fishing trip of the year. Judging by the number of trailers parked at the ramp, there were definitely lots of boats out, but only a handful @ the hump.
fished Thrasher from 9:30ish till 3:00 released 1 undersize, heard of a couple taken but definately not what it should be right now,
Talked to one guy back at the creek marina and he had what looked to be a nice high teens
caught around 10 this morning and that was it for him as well.
I'll leave it to you boys for the next couple weeks, I'll be busy for next 7 and also pulling the boat out to install
a garmin TR-1, by then I hope things are really fired up.
That was all I saw. I think you could say it was pretty slow considering how many boats and how many hooks were in the water.
Interesting to see almost no one at all fishing the QA-you'd think with the afternoon flood someone would have set up and spent some time.

It can be a tough place to figure out but still.