2012 Vancouver, Howe sound and Sunshine coast reports thread

I dunno what i am doing wrong. I am new to fishing and been following all the advice on here and i been to the hump 6 times and not even a bite . :(

Hey Roddy,

FB is absolutley right, I have fished out here for 20 yrs (From Ent Isl to the Freighters) and some times it just happens, Nada but thats fishing !
Dont give it up, its why its called fishing and not catching LOL
Dont be scared to ask questions even if it sounds stupid because we were all newbes one time and most guys will give you the straight goods. I get a ton of great suggestions on this site , some that work and some , well that dont .
Remember Salmon move, move, move so I like to keep moving, Although some may say STAY AND MAKE IT PAY , its a system that works for some and thats what makes it interesting.
If you see me on the water and you have a VHF, give me a shout on 88a and I'll be happy to share the info and only expect the same when you are on fire out there LOL.
It really heats up around here later in the summer and fall so hang in there.

PS: If your in the area of the Charter boats , its probably a hot area LOL
Really lumpy at QA, NO fish yet , 4 hours

Just to add, the winds were wild out there today, all day !
I could have made it to the Hump but it would have hurt a bit so elected to fish around the QA, I knew it wasnt the area but didnt want to head back with out even one bruise.
Going to Thrasher was only a dream and maybe Wednesday (But I doubt if based on the wind reports)
Fished Saturday and Sunday this past weekend at south bowen island. Caught one 14 lb at 140 feet down in 400 feet water.... probably put in 8 hours total for 1 bite.
had friends in the water off south bowen Monday....5 hours, one bite, a shaker at 4lbs on an anchovie 80ft ish deep.

another buddy put in a full day saturday off bowen with no results. fished the usual suspects for gear and depths, no bait though.
My old fishing pal HRN reported outstanding Spring action @ the Hump last Saturday-6 Springs to 20# boated more lost including one taken by a Porpoise!!!
Just wanted to say it's good to finally see the Vancouver/Lower Mainland thread get some purchase on this forum. Long overdue.

Born & raised a North Van boy (Moodyville) I have some of the fondest memories of my entire life of fishing the waterfront in the 60's (when I took time out from hopping-trains and bumming cigarettes off the freighter crews at the grain elevators) then later plying the Howe Sound and up Pender Harbour way.

Giver' guys! Just fookin' giver'!
I hope to get a client of mine out next, pretty windy but supposed to calm down Friday maybe Saturday. Any news from Thrasher?
I'm new to the Vancouver side of fishing. Was living on the Island and now have my boat over here. When they refer to the Hump is that the halibut bank?
I'm new to the Vancouver side of fishing. Was living on the Island and now have my boat over here. When they refer to the Hump is that the halibut bank?

Welcome and what did u do to get here , Just kidding !
The Hump is not halibut bank.
The Hump is south of bowen islands southeast tip where the water rises from about 800 ft to 450
I can send u GPS Coords if u want
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I'll be launching at Brechin ramp,don't believe we want to fish Thrasher.Maybe will run 2-3 miles off the Fingers.NOW.......... to decide on Anchovies OR 6.5 herring in teaser heads......MATCH THE HATCH.The springs are taking.............?
Speaking of speed, what speed is good for salmon? I'm in a sailboat and have been trying for ~2 knots. Trouble is that I motor at an idle at about 3.5 knots and the other day we tried trolling while hove to but only did about 1.5 knots. Never got a bite. It was fun anyway. ;)
I have not heard any good reports, have you? Might save fuel and Hump it in the morning.

Haven't heard much but figured it was due too the winds all week and not many from the mainland have made the trip. Waiting to hear from two boats I know that went today. Will let you know
Speaking of speed, what speed is good for salmon? I'm in a sailboat and have been trying for ~2 knots. Trouble is that I motor at an idle at about 3.5 knots and the other day we tried trolling while hove to but only did about 1.5 knots. Never got a bite. It was fun anyway. ;)

optimum speed is 1.8 to 2mph