2012 Vancouver, Howe sound and Sunshine coast reports thread

Had a report from a reliable source today who fished Thrasher today. Very quiet and as of late this afternoon only one spring. I think those strong winds on Thursday may have scattered the fish. Debating between a Hump and Thrasher tomorrow. Did hear of one source that had done well at Hump today. See you on the water tomorrow!
Thrasher was pretty good for me today with 7 springs in 5hrs went 7 for 7 with 4 on green splatter hootch and 3 on CJ Specials had 2 double headers one in the noon bite and another in the evening. topped the night off with a double of 20-22lbers! was the best day ive ever had locally. All fishwere between 9-22lbs. pretty nice and calm to boot. caught the biggest of the morning on a 5 inch CJ pilchard and the two biggest of the evening on the 4 inch CJ Special squid glow. All in all 4 on the green hootch but the 3 biggest on the 4-5 inch CJ Specials, 4 inch glow squid and the 5 inch pilchard. What a great effin day!!!
fished south bowen, west bowen, warlcome island from 6am-3pm only one strike at noonish, southwest bowen...also droped the rods for one pass at the pink appartment building, and nothing...fishing a variety hootchies, spoons...beautiful day though

Went out to Thrasher today. Not Much except we Boxed one 29.6 pounder!!! (So close to a Tyee) Hooked that on a Green Splatter Back at about 7:05am. We also boxed 2 Lings at about 12:30pm. Great Day with CohoChinook!
fished southwest Bowen today 1 mile east of Roger Curtis and 3/4 mile out , bonked a 16lb white ,cop car spoon--80 ft down, wasn't expecting anything so was shocked when the reel went. Had my 3 little grand kids and daughter on-board, their first time seeing a fish caught --lots of screaming --total gong show----it was great.
We fished Thrasher today, had our shot at 4 good ones, 3 fell off and 1 fell in the box,
didnt get a look at the 3 that fell off but they stayed real deep with Massive head shakes, one in the box on a splatter hootchie at 100' the others at 89', 89', 110'on Chovies,
all fish came on an eastbound troll. looks to be some pretty big fish out there already, sure wished we coulda seen one of them three, but still kind of a slow day, pod of transient orca's in the area for the last few days may have something to do with it too tho
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Here's a photo of the Spring today with LachlanS and Eriks at Thrasher. Great job guys! Beautiful day on the water.


  • Erik Thrasher Rock Spring Compressed Med.jpg
    Erik Thrasher Rock Spring Compressed Med.jpg
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Great reports guys! Envious! What a day to be out there
Anybody on here ever fish around Pender Harbour area. Say Halfmoon bay to Nelson Island? I was out yesterday off Francis Point and hooked a couple of sole and one rockfish. Nothing to write home about though. Was using herring.

I have fished the Pender Harbour area a fair bit over the years and had success fishing off of the light marker at Francis Pt. There's a 200' hole infront of the light and trolling in the 90' to 110' range with a chovi, glow Prawn spoon or a green/chart glow spoon has worked for me. Another spot to try is along the Georgia Straight side of Whitestone Island; I like to run a 4" chrome plug on a bright sunny day along here (pull the pin on the plug).

There is a set of Hydro lines that run from Sakanaw Lake across to Nelson Island (Agamennon Channel) and along the Sakanaw side is a good place to try if it's too rough to fish Francis Pt.
We fish (what i was told) the whale bone area on Saturday. Put four in the box and then topped the day off sitting on the deck at Silva Bay pub with beer and fish and chips. C
I dunno what i am doing wrong. I am new to fishing and been following all the advice on here and i been to the hump 6 times and not even a bite . :(
I dunno what i am doing wrong. I am new to fishing and been following all the advice on here and i been to the hump 6 times and not even a bite . :(

you are probably doing nothing wrong Roddy!

Thats fishing man! A lot of people catching fish in recent weeks have caught their only bite of the day! In the last week things have picked up quite a bit, but thats been on the thrasher side of the straight.

Keep working at it...your first fish will make it all worth while...
Roddy 6 times out to the hump and not a bite is a good indication that something is not working ....... although I was out sunday and got skunked... but we did have 1 hit.
I suggest that you go fishing with someone who has some success and learn the ropes... a pro guide or good amateur ....there are lots of variables at play including depth, location, speed, gear, leader length, time of day, tides, lures etc etc etc

I dunno what i am doing wrong. I am new to fishing and been following all the advice on here and i been to the hump 6 times and not even a bite . :(
Do the fishing course at Pacific Angler - it's focused on the Vancouver fishery and they take you out for a day too. You will learn tons, and for the money, it'll be a very good step forward in getting you more successful. I did it, and am very happy that I did. There are a lot of factors at play in fishing this area, but its also not rocket science.
Alternatively, just keep watching this forum - lots of great advice gets posted over time, and it's free.
I have fished the Pender Harbour area a fair bit over the years and had success fishing off of the light marker at Francis Pt. There's a 200' hole infront of the light and trolling in the 90' to 110' range with a chovi, glow Prawn spoon or a green/chart glow spoon has worked for me. Another spot to try is along the Georgia Straight side of Whitestone Island; I like to run a 4" chrome plug on a bright sunny day along here (pull the pin on the plug).

There is a set of Hydro lines that run from Sakanaw Lake across to Nelson Island (Agamennon Channel) and along the Sakanaw side is a good place to try if it's too rough to fish Francis Pt.

Thanks for the info Little Red. Actually on Saturday we ended up at that hole off Francis Point. We saw one salmon jump. A couple of seals followed us around and we took one rockfish, one sole and threw one sole back. After that we tried the south side of White Stone Island and drifted back up to Francis Point.
Sunday we headed the other way and hung out around the west side of the entrance to Agamemnon Channel. Only got one rockfish. Then the wind picked up so we said **** it and went sailing. Life is grand! I'll remember the tip for up the Agamemnon and give it a try one day.
I would sure like to land a decent sized salmon.
